I'm back from hell

Chapter 431 Alien Invasion

Chapter 431 Alien Invasion
"It's you!!!"

Looking at the other party's ferocious smile, he understood everything instantly. The uncontrollable anger made him so angry that his lungs almost exploded. He roared and cursed: "You idiot! You bitch! You know what you are doing." ?"

"You... ah..."

As soon as he made a sound, he was deflated. As soon as his strength decreased, his shoulder blade was bitten by the mutant on him.

A 'click' sound.

The shoulder blade shattered instantly.

The severe pain crazily stimulated Han Qi's pain nerves, causing Han Qi's right arm to lose strength instantly, and his combat power was greatly reduced.

The mutants' offensive also became increasingly fierce.

Han Qize completely collapsed and felt deep despair.

This all happened too suddenly.

in a blink.

There were a lot of scars left on his body, one after another, and in the end he could only protect the vital parts.


At a certain moment, when Han Qi was dying and about to die, Bai Yun suddenly took action and stabbed the sharp blade in his hand directly into the back of the head of the mutant in Han Qi's body.


The mutant fell motionless.

utterly dead.


Han Qi spurted out a mouthful of blood, and he breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little comforted.


When he looked at Bai Yun, whose face was ferocious and looked like a madman, he felt inexplicably afraid.

However, he was seriously injured and was pressed down by a mutant, unable to move at all.

You can only let others slaughter you.

Bai Yun did not pull out the sharp blade from the back of the mutant's head, but picked up the hammer from the side and said playfully to Han Qi: "Weren't you very filial before?"

"Isn't it quite an idea?"

"now what?"

"Ah?! Ah!!!"

"say something!"

"You deserve it! If you hadn't insisted on keeping your parents alive, how could this have happened?"

"You asked for it!"

"If you hadn't beaten me indiscriminately, if your family hadn't looked down on me and made things difficult for me all these years, how could I have let these two monsters go?"

"It's all you!"

"It's all your fault!"

"You and your family are to blame for all this!"

Hearing this, Han Sanguang looked at Bai Yun's swollen face and understood everything.

It's nothing more than a bloody story of someone who has been oppressed for a long time and seizes the opportunity to fight back.

Like an old lady's foot wrap, smelly and long.

Others may find it extremely boring.


Because it happened to someone he knew, Han Sanguang found it extremely exciting.

He loves to watch.


Continue to hide in the dark and watch the show quietly.

He wanted to see how it ended.


Hearing Bai Yun's venting roar, Han Qi burst into endless anger again, stared at Bai Yun, and cursed again and again: "Bai Yun, you... you are so cruel."

"You have to die!"

"Don't die!"


Bai Yun looked at Han Qi's angry and disgusted eyes, and angrily slapped him on the face, once, twice, three times...

While beating him, he cursed: "I'll make you die badly before I die badly!"

"Don't you like to slap me in the face? I want you to experience what it feels like to be slapped!"


Han Qi's face was swollen.

What is more surprising is that Han Qi did not beg for mercy from the beginning to the end, but continued to yell: "Bai Yun, you are trash."

"I wasn't the one who seduced you at all, it was you who seduced me!"

"You are shameless, talking about friends with my cousin, and seducing me!"

"Can I have a little face?"

"Why did I fall in love with such a thing like you!"

"What you were interested in was my family's money! Why am I blind!"

"shut up!"

Bai Yun was like a firecracker that had been set on fire. She immediately jumped into a rage and shouted: "Do you still have the nerve to say it?"

"Facts aside, don't you have any responsibility at all?"

"When you took off your pants, why didn't I see you hesitate at all? Huh?"

"Can you blame me, a woman, for such a thing? Are you a man?"

"You fucked me then. If I didn't dump Han Sanguang and he found out, I would be beaten to death! I risked death to be with you, how did you treat me after that?"


Han Sanguang: "..."

His eyes narrowed slightly, obviously he didn't expect that there was such a hidden secret in the relationship between the two people, it was really unexpected.


Reality is always more dramatic than movies and novels!

Now, his character and mentality are completely different from before, and his thoughts on this matter are also completely different.

Although he reacted after hearing what happened in the past, he didn't care.

The whole person was relatively calm.

He continued to hide, did not show up, and continued to watch the show.

"I'll fuck you!"

Han Qi continued to curse: "You...you...poof..."

He was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The breath is getting weaker and weaker.

However, he was very angry and refused to die. He continued to hold on, just to curse Bai Yun one more time: "Fuck you! You stinking bitch, I will fight you!"

Before he died, he showed even greater potential, suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Bai Yun's palm that slapped his face, and grabbed the sharp blade on the back of the mutant's head with his other hand, and shouted: "Go to hell! "

Bai Yun was startled.


The sharp blade on the back of his head seemed to have taken root and was not pulled out by Han Qi.



Bai Yun quickly waved the sledgehammer in her hand.

With a 'click', Han Qi's head was smashed open, revealing a large number of red and white things, which looked extremely weird.

Han Qi grabbed Bai Yun's hand and immediately let go.

His whole body was paralyzed on the ground, lifeless, but his eyes were still wide open, staring at Bai Yun.


Seeing this, Bai Yun screamed in fright, trembled all over, and let go of the sledgehammer in her hand.


Later, she found that Han Qi was motionless, obviously dead, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

This damn guy won't live even if he dies.

Scared me!

Angry Bai Yun kicked Han Qi again.


next moment.


A familiar mutant roar suddenly sounded in front of him.

Bai Yun's eyes widened suddenly, and her whole body was as stiff as if frozen. She slowly raised her head and saw another mutant, Han Qi's father, rushing towards her.

Just like that day a year ago.


Screams followed.

Han Sanguang watched silently as Bai Yun was bitten to death and walked out slowly.

His eyes were like daggers, and his murderous intent was overflowing, and he could not let this mutant live.


It threatens those survivors downstairs.

After finally surviving and becoming a psychic, am I going to die now?

It's all your fault that Han Qi was struck by lightning.

Bai Yun cursed in her heart, knowing that her hope of survival was slim.


Her consciousness began to become blurred, and she could not even feel pain.

At this moment, she saw a figure, a familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar figure.

a moment.

Han Sanguang squatted down, and she finally saw the person in front of her clearly.


She opened her mouth desperately to make a sound, but found that it was really difficult to speak.


Han Sanguang took action and killed the mutant lying on Bai Yun's body casually. He glanced at Bai Yun indifferently. He originally had a lot to say, but at this time he discovered...

There seems to be nothing to say.

In Xie Shaokun's words: It's very boring.


Bai Yun looked at Han Sanguang's leaving figure, with a tear flowing from the corner of her eye.

after that.

Close your eyes and your consciousness will completely fall into darkness.

No one knows what she was thinking before she died, but... no one cares about that either.


At this moment, Han Sanguang was standing on the roof of the building. He jumped up, spread his mechanical wings, and quickly flew towards the distance.

The mutants in this area have been basically cleared, and there is no need for him to stay here anymore.

On the way back to Xincheng.

He felt much more relaxed, seeing that ordinary people who were targeted by mutants were willing to help them get out of danger.

When seeing flying mutant beasts attacking vehicles transporting survivors, they would kill the flying mutant beasts without hesitation.


Listening to the grateful voices of the survivors below, watching the soldiers below saluting him with respect.

do not know why.

Han Sanguang, who was originally empty, suddenly felt a sense of fulfillment that he had never felt before.

along the way.


While feeling this new apocalyptic world, he constantly kills the mutants, mutant beasts, and mutant implants he encounters.

By the time we returned to the new city, it was completely dark.

And this moment.

The time is eight o'clock in the evening.

Twelve hours have passed since the end of the world broke out.

During this period, except for small-scale fighting in a few areas in the country, most areas became silent.

When we drove into the new city, the lights were brightly lit, and the scene in front of us was much clearer. There were two completely different worlds inside and outside the city, forming a sharp contrast.

The future prosperity will only appear in the new city.

Everything else has become a thing of the past.

There are countless transport vehicles busily shuttled on the spacious road, some transporting survivors and some transporting supplies.

In the new city, there are also many survivors who are like walking zombies. Their eyes are empty and they have lost their vitality and vitality. Even if they are alive, they seem to have become a part of this apocalypse.

At the same time, there were many people who kept crying, and their tears told the pain and helplessness of losing their loved ones.


Although they were told in advance all the situations that would happen after the end of the world, so that the people could be prepared.

But when faced with it, many people still cannot accept the sudden loss of their loved ones and the cruel reality that everything must start again.

This kind of pain and helplessness makes many people even more vulnerable and powerless in this end of the world.

Looking at everything in front of them, Han Sanguang knew that they must be strong and face this apocalypse bravely.

Because no one can help you unconditionally.

Because, only in this way can we survive the next apocalypse and live longer.

When Han Sanguang arrived at the villa.

Charis Damayo and Xiaohua have returned and are waiting there, but Xie Shaokun and others have not returned yet.

"Sister Yu."

Han Sanguang nodded towards Charis Damayo and Xiaohua, and then said hello to Xia Yu.

at the same time.

He also heard the news broadcast on the living room TV:

According to the news we just received, as of now, we have killed at least 7 million mutants and rescued more than million survivors. The rescue work is still in progress in an orderly manner.

The most difficult day is about to pass, and our rescue efficiency has been greatly improved. According to speculation, we will kill 800 million mutants early tomorrow morning!
Saved more than 300 million survivors.

By then, the rescue work will be basically completed, but our rescue work will continue. The large-scale rescue operation will last for at least a week, striving to save all survivors.

After that.

The rescue work will continue for a month, but the intensity will continue to decrease.

We also ask the survivors who have received our reports to persevere and never give up!
"This efficiency is incredible."

"It really opened my eyes," exclaimed Charice Damayo.

"Is this what this country is capable of? No wonder the situation was brought under control so quickly."

"so amazing."

"According to my understanding, in many foreign countries, the survivors rescued in these twelve hours did not even account for 1% of the total population."

"All hell breaks loose."

"The warlords are divided, and forces, big and small, are spread in every corner. Everyone, whether human or ghost, wants to be the boss."

"The gap is really huge!"

Hearing this, Han Sanguang nodded, not surprised at all.

"For the people in the country, this disaster is over."

"Next, you just need to stay in the new city honestly and continue working and living. Regarding the supplies, the soldiers and the adventure teams will help to obtain them."

Charice Damayo expressed her speculation about the future: "In the future, we will open up farmland around the new city and plant something."

“It’s completely self-sufficient.”


"Is this the end of the world not bad?"

Han Sanguang frowned.

He actually agreed with what Charis Damayo said, but... he always felt that the end of the world would not be that simple.


He turned his attention to Xia Yu.

Charis Damayo also looked at Xia Yu.

"If that's the case."

"That's good."

Xia Yu sighed.

Hear the words.

Han Sanguang secretly said, "Sure enough!"
Charis Damayo asked in confusion: "Sister Yu, is there something else going on?"


Xia Yu continued to tell the information he knew: "If the fog incident breaks out again, the rules of the fog will change."

"What changes?"

When they heard the word 'rules', Charis Damayo and Han Sanguang's hearts skipped a beat. They also realized that this was new news that no one outside the world knew, and asked hurriedly.

"If the fog event happens in our world, the aliens who are shrouded in it will not return to their own world."

"If the fog incident occurs in an alien space, the shrouded humans will not return to our world."

Xia Yu said in a surprising tone.


At this moment, even Han Sanguang was not calm anymore, and his mood became even heavier.

Charis Damayo was stunned and murmured to herself: "This...doesn't this mean that we can't participate in the fog incident that happened in another dimension?"

"you need to know……"

Han Sanguang reminded: "Others don't know which fog incident will happen in another dimension!"

"And there is no right to choose at all!"

Charis Damayo was silent, with mixed emotions.

"rest assured."

"A few years before the end of the world, most foggy events will happen in our world."

Xia Yu continued, temporarily giving the two of them a reassurance.


After hearing these words, Charis Damayo breathed a sigh of relief.


However, Han Sanguang's expression did not change at all. He said with a serious face: "Although we will no longer have the threat of mutants and mutant beasts, we will need to face alien races that are more difficult to deal with?"


Xia Yu nodded and said.

Charis Damayo understood, and she added: "But... we can't guarantee that we will kill all the mutants and mutant beasts! Even if we kill them all, won't there still be mutant implants?"

"Those guys are also very powerful, very scary."

Han Sanguang's brows furrowed even more.


After the end of the world, things will only get worse, and they will face more severe challenges and difficulties.

"Fortunately, I still thought that after the apocalypse broke out, the danger would be much less."

Charis Damayo smiled bitterly and said, "No wonder Sister Yu suggested that Zhao Guohui build a new city so that the survivors can gather in the new city as much as possible."

"So that's the reason."

Can the human survivors outside the new city survive the attack of mutants and mutant beasts? Can they survive the attack of aliens?
It's hard.

It's really tough!

Even if you are good at hiding, you still have to eat, drink, and defecate, right?
Moreover, some alien races have weird abilities that can capture you even if you know how to hide again.

"Sister Yu, have you told Zhao Guohui this news?"

Charice Damayo asked again.

"not yet."

Xia Yu shook his head and said, "We are trading partners."

"He hasn't come up with a price that satisfies me yet, so why should I tell him the news?"

Charice Damayo: "..."

Han Sanguang nodded silently, feeling that this was very 'Xia Yu' and in line with his three views: "Sister Yu is right! Don't waste resources!"

"Instead of those resources being embezzled by certain people and taken away by certain forces, it is better to give them to Sister Yu!"


"Only in this way can Zhao Guohui receive more attention and respect!"

"The power will be greater!"

"This is a good thing for us and the people."

Hearing this, Charis Damayo nodded in agreement.

No matter which country you are in, the distribution of resources cannot be completely fair and just, and there will always be some tricks.

And there is...

Zhao Guohui is indeed a very good manager.

The survivors of New Town No. 9 are lucky to have him manage it.




In the following time, Xie Shaokun and others returned one after another, which did not bring any relief to the already tense atmosphere.

Xia Yu signaled Sharis Damayor to inform Xie Shaokun and others of the news that had just been discussed.

Not surprisingly.

The lightness of relief that appeared on the faces of Xie Shaokun and others disappeared, and there was a touch of solemnity.

"How many fog events happen every day around the world? A thousand? Or ten thousand? If the aliens in each fog event come out of the fog event, then..."

"You have to stay in an alien space forever. This...even Sister Yu would have a hard time surviving in that alien space where any alien race might encounter her, right?"

"Oh my God, it's scary to think about it."

"Sister Yu, have you told Zhao Guohui?"


They quickly got into a discussion.

Very intense.


Xia Yu shook his head.


What else does Xie Shaokun want to ask.

Charis Damayo informed Han Sanguang of the analysis just now.

Hearing this, Xie Shaokun and others also nodded in agreement.

The little girl said: "I guess Zhao Guohui will contact eldest sister soon."

"He was too busy this day."

"It's hard to find time tonight, but... the eldest sister has been slow to tell him about the future development and information of the apocalypse. He and the leaders above him must be more anxious than anyone else."

"Even if I don't have time, I will still make time."

Everyone nodded.

"Sister Yu."

"What do you want this time?"

Charis Damayo’s question came up.

Everyone's eyes were turned to Xia Yu.

Apparently, they wanted to know too.

"Treasures from heaven and earth."

Xia Yu said without hesitation.

Now, for her, there is nothing that can help her!

In fact.

Xie Shaokun and others guessed correctly that Zhao Guohui was on the phone with his superior at this time.

after the end.

He couldn't help pinching the corners of his eyes and said, "Xia Yu, Xia Yu, you are so calm."

"never mind."

"I'd better bow my head first."

Zhao Guohui was caught in the middle. Logically speaking, it should be very uncomfortable, but he was very happy and enjoying it.


Xia Yu's move not only gained him more respect, but also made the major forces in the country dare not offend him at all.

Very cooperative with his work.

This is good.

Can perfectly execute your own ideas.

at the moment.

A few sets of data can illustrate the problem:

First, the number of survivors in New City No. 9 has reached million, ranking third in the country.

Second, the manpower of the Special Incident Investigation Bureau here in New City No. 9 ranks third in the country in terms of the number of psionic users and the number of second-level psionic realm masters.

Third, the reserves of various resources in No. 9 New City, including but not limited to weapons, ammunition, food and oil, are all ranked third in the country.


In short.

No. 9 New Town ranks among the top in the country in all aspects of data and performs quite well.

The gap between the first and second place is very small, but there is a big gap between the fourth place and the first place.

This undoubtedly satisfied him.


After dialing Xia Yu's number, Zhao Guohui joked with a rare humor: "Xia Yu, you don't have to say that I dialed the wrong number now, do you?"


"Hello? Hello?"

"Uh...hang up?"


When the call was hung up, he couldn't help but laugh, shook his head, and said speechlessly: "When did I become so indebted?"

"Why are you saying this when you have nothing to do?"

"I guess he was infected by Qian Yihao."

Not far away, Qian Yihao sneezed and muttered strangely: "It's not cold today, why am I sneezing?" Zhao Guohui typed slowly, and was too lazy to waste time typing, so he dialed directly He picked up Xie Shaokun's phone and said, "Shaokun, give the phone to Xia Yu."

"I have something to talk to her about."

"Sister Yu is asleep."

Xie Shaokun said: "Zhao Group, if you have anything to do, please wait until tomorrow."


Zhao Guohui didn't know that Xia Yu did this on purpose, and said in an urgent tone: "Shaokun, the matter is quite urgent and involves the safety of hundreds of millions of people."

"There is no time to delay."

Xie Shaokun knew what Zhao Guohui was thinking.

Before, because Zhao Guohui could read minds, Zhao Guohui knew his thoughts every time, which made him very unhappy.

But now...

Over the phone.

Zhao Guohui couldn't read his mind, but he knew Zhao Guohui's mind. This feeling was really cool.

"What do you want to ask? Maybe I know too."

Xie Shaokun said.


Zhao Guohui hesitated for a moment and then said, "That's fine."

"The apocalypse has been going on for twelve hours. How will it develop next?"

"We are at a loss now."

"I'm waiting for Xia Yu to help solve my doubts."

"Ever since you told me that the fog events in the future will not be divided into batches and may break out anytime and anywhere, I have been on tenterhooks."

Everyone: "???"

"Cough cough."

Xie Shaokun coughed dryly, especially when Xia Yu looked at him, he immediately shrank his neck in fright, and promised: "Yu...I...I didn't say when the post-apocalyptic fog incident would break out!"

Xia Yu looked back.

Xie Shaokun was not stupid and did not tell the most crucial information.

On the contrary, what he said made Zhao Guohui and the leaders above even more anxious.

Xie Shaokun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xia Yu retracting his gaze.


"Your cell phone should be turned on right now, right?"

"I won't beat around the bush now."

Zhao Guohui had naturally guessed what was going on with Xie Shaokun, and he got straight to the point and said, "As long as you can tell us the information we want, you can set any conditions you want."

Everyone's eyes were all turned to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu stretched out three fingers.

"Then let's not go around in circles."

Xie Shaokun understood instantly and said: "Thirty treasures of heaven and earth."

Everyone: "???"

Xia Yu: "..."

Zhao Guohui on the other end of the phone was also silenced by Xie Shaokun.

The natural treasure is Chinese cabbage?

Even the post-apocalyptic Chinese cabbage would not dare to buy it like this.

A few seconds later.

"Are you referring to the level of natural treasures like lark grass?"

Zhao Guohui asked again.

"of course not."

Xie Shaokun said: "It must be of the level of the Blue Pattern Fruit."


Zhao Guohui refused directly without hesitation: "I will give you three at most."

"And, as far as I know... the current treasures of heaven and earth are only of the level of a blue-striped fruit."

"Everything else has to be paid on credit."

"Three? You are so good at bargaining."

"And chop it directly at the ankle?"

Xie Shaokun asked, his tone rising a bit.

"Every second of delay will result in the death of a survivor. Shaokun, I must hurry up."

"How about this."

"Set a minimum price."

"Let's stop talking nonsense."

Zhao Guohui said.

"You know Sister Yu's strength, right?"

Xie Shaokun asked.

"Probably know."

Zhao Guohui said: "Third-level psychic realm. And...this time I got the heavenly and earthly treasure that appeared in Kyoto. I guess my strength is close to that of the fourth-level, right?"

Recalling the scene of countless mutant beasts and mutants flocking to Xia Yu, he knew...

The value of that heavenly and earthly treasure must be very high!
Very high!

It may even help Xia Yu improve his strength to the fourth level of spiritual energy!

"Three heavenly and earthly treasures that can help Sister Yu."

Xie Shaokun continued: "The level of the Blue Pattern Fruit is too low, and it will have little effect on Sister Yu."


Zhao Guohui refused again, but the price Xie Shaokun said this time was not so exaggerated. He continued: "I can only get you a resource that can help Xia Yu."

"The other two can only be resources of the level of Blue Stripe Fruit."

"Furthermore, resources that are one level higher than the Blue Striped Fruit... we can't guarantee when we can get them."

Xie Shaokun felt that the counteroffer was almost enough, so he looked at Xia Yu tentatively.

Xia Yu nodded, very satisfied with this condition.


Xie Shaokun said decisively: "By the time you get it, Sister Yu will probably have entered the fourth level."

"At that time, resources one level higher than the Blue Pattern Fruit will be useless."

"How about this."

"Before Sister Yu breaks through to the fourth level, if you can provide a resource one level higher than the Blue Stripe Fruit, that's no problem. After Sister Yu breaks through to the Fourth Level, you must provide a resource that is two levels higher than the Blue Stripe Fruit H."


Zhao Guohui frowned and hesitated.

A heavenly material and earthly treasure of one level higher can rival several heavenly materials and earthly treasures of a lower level.

"Team Zhao."

"The news I'm going to tell you next is definitely worth the price."

Xie Shaokun said: "Moreover, I can convince Sister Yu to tell you more about the time and place of the fog incident and other information."

There was silence for a few more seconds.

"I need to apply."

Zhao Guohui replied.

"it is good."

Xie Shaokun hung up the phone.

"He will definitely agree."

Charice Damayo said affirmatively.

"should say……"

"The people above will definitely agree."

Su Qian on the side corrected.


Charis Damayo continued: "After all, the information Sister Yu gave me before is of great value."

"It can be said that Sister Yu accounts for half of the credit for the country being able to reach this stage."

Everyone nodded.

"Do not."

Xia Yu shook her head and refused: "It has nothing to do with me, and you can't think like that in the future."


Charis Damayo and others were puzzled.

Su Qian, Hong She and Han Sanguang's eyes flickered, vaguely guessing what Sister Yu meant.

"We made a deal."

"The so-called transaction means that each other pays the resources recognized by the other party, and after that...it has nothing to do with it."

Xia Yu said lightly.

Charice Damayo understood it instantly.

Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan looked at each other, obviously confused or not understanding, especially Xiaonan.

after all.

She is still young.

Xia Yu had no intention of continuing to explain, but he still said the same thing...

Everything needs to be experienced by oneself, slowly learned, and finally recognized.

What others say is, after all, just what others say, and it is difficult to take it into your heart.

People will still subconsciously act according to their previous habits and values.

of course.

Unless you admire someone extremely, imitate everything about the other person, and recognize everything about the other person.

In this regard, except for Xiaohua...

No one can do it.

Not even the little girl.

Because Xiaonan also has her own thoughts, she feels that Sister Yu is a little too indifferent. Although she thinks that Sister Yu is right to do this, she has her own values ​​and cognition, so when she does things, she will not act like Xia Yu was so indifferent.

Small flowers are different.

Strictly speaking, Xiaohua was originally just a ghost weapon with almost zero intelligence. Later, following Xia Yu, its intelligence began to increase, which is equivalent to saying...

Xiaohua was raised by Xia Yu!
The way of thinking, cognitive cultivation...every aspect will affect Xiaohua.

not to mention.

Xiaohua followed Xia Yu and participated in the mist incident more times than Xie Shaokun.

and so.

Xiaohua is the one who can best accept Xia Yu's behavior and opinions.

"Sister Yu."

"Are you really close to breaking through the fourth level now?"

Charice Damayo asked suddenly curiously.

Su Qian, Hong She and others did not follow Xia Yu to snatch the Heavenly Seed, but... they did feel the power of the Heavenly Seed!

The moment Tianzhong appeared, New City No. 9 was not far or close to Tianzhong, within ten thousand miles, so they could feel the temptation of Tianzhong.


They don't know the specific effects of Tianzhong.

"more or less."

Xia Yu felt that his strength was constantly improving, and he could step into the fourth-level spiritual realm at any time.

As long as she is willing.


But she deliberately suppressed her own strength.

the reason is simple.

She wanted to wait until she entered the foggy incident before completing the breakthrough.

In this case.

When the Mist rules make a 'balance', they will deliberately suppress the alien levels that enter the Mist event, so as to achieve a balance between both parties.

When the time comes, she breaks through in the battle and can directly achieve the effect of perfectly suppressing the alien race.

This behavior is about exploiting loopholes in the 'rules'.

But it's reasonable.



Why not drill?
There's nothing to do now anyway, so why rush to make a breakthrough?

Take Tiancai Dibao many times and take this opportunity to lay a solid foundation. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

and so……

She was in no rush to complete her breakthrough.


"It's just...Sister Yu, your strength has improved so fast, we can't keep up at all."

Charice Damayo said subconsciously.

It was quiet inside the villa.

Everyone knows this, it's just...

After being told by Charis Damayo, I felt even more uncomfortable.

after all.

They want to follow Sister Yu's footsteps and be able to act together with Sister Yu in the future.

Everyone knows that it is safer and has more opportunities to act with Sister Yu.

In the end of the world, it is undoubtedly a very happy thing to have a strong person like Sister Yu to rely on.


If they fail to keep up with Sister Yu, and the gap becomes wider, then... will they be abandoned?
"rest assured."

Xia Yu saw everyone's worries at a glance and said: "In this apocalyptic world, opportunities are unlimited, and if you want to keep up with me, you need to work hard for it."

"I only provide you with the opportunity to enter the fog event."

"The rest is up to you."


"The base needs people to guard it, and the deal needs people to negotiate."

“These require people.”

Everyone nodded.

What Sister Yu said was very clear and straightforward: Everyone has the opportunity to become stronger, but they need to seize this opportunity themselves. If they can't seize it...

Then transform!

Doing other things in the team will also give you the opportunity to improve your abilities, but the speed of improvement will be much slower.

For a while.

After everyone figured this out, they had different expressions.

among them.

Xie Shaokun, Han Sanguang and Ah Xiong all showed fighting spirit and enthusiasm.

The little girl is more confused and has a slightly complicated expression.

Charis Damayo's eyes flickered and she looked thoughtful, obviously she still hadn't figured out what she wanted.

On the contrary, the couple Hong She and Su Qian looked relatively calm. Among them...

Hong She was even more cheerful.

As if heartless.


"From now on, I will be doing intelligence work and conducting interrogations."

He took the initiative and said: "Oh, by the way, let me do it in the future to contact other forces and negotiate deals."

"Sister Yu, you know, I am very professional in this area."

"You are not as good as Su Qian."

Xia Yu said sharply.


Hong She laughed dryly.

Su Qian nodded and said, "If Sister Yu needs it, I'm willing to do it."

"Sister Yu."

Charis Damayo suggested: "Should our team learn from the practices of organizations such as martial arts schools, martial arts schools, and martial arts academies?"


Xia Yu had never understood it before and was a little confused.

Charice Damayo then explained the points (credits) related system, which roughly means: everyone does things for the team based on their own abilities.

Earn points.

Then use the points to exchange for resources.

This is also more reasonable.

after all……

Some people participate in the mist event where there are heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and some people do not participate and choose to trade with others, but they cannot get the heavenly materials and earthly treasures. If the former always get the heavenly materials and earthly treasures, the latter never get them.

That's definitely not possible.

The latter is definitely not willing.


Xia Yu pondered for a moment before agreeing.

Things like who owes whom how much heavenly material and earthly treasure often happen in the team. To be honest...it's a bit chaotic.

If quantified using integrals.

That would be more reasonable.

Naturally, the others had no objections and gave strong support, and the previous worries slowly dissipated.

"Hong Snake."

"Su Qian."

"Charice Damayo."

"The three of you have discussed a points system that is suitable for our team."

"Then there will be a meeting and everyone will discuss it together. If everyone agrees, let me take a look."

Xia Yu said.


Hong She, Su Qian and Charis Damayo nodded.

This job can be said to be more important.

They all take it seriously.

"Let me make a suggestion first."

Charice Damayo spoke first.

Obviously, she has been studying the so-called points mechanism for a long time and has many thoughts and opinions of her own.

Xia Yu didn't listen because...

A text message from Zhao Guohui was sent: The superiors agreed. The first treasure of heaven and earth has been sent and will be delivered to you soon. Other needs will wait. But I hope you can tell me the news first.

Xia Yu no longer hid it, and typed directly to tell the news.

There is still some trust between her and Zhao Guohui:

First, the ten days before the outbreak of the apocalypse are the rules of silence, and no fog events will occur.

Second, after ten days, the outbreak of fog events will become chaotic and may occur anytime and anywhere.

Third, in the foggy event after the outbreak of the apocalypse, the creatures in it appear in the alien space and will stay in the alien space forever. The creatures in it appear in our world and will stay in our world forever.

Unless it is shrouded in fog again.

In other words, alien races will survive in our world!

Fourth, in the years before the end of the world, most of the places where fog events will occur will appear in our world.

the other side.

After Zhao Guohui received the messages from Xia Yu, he looked at them one by one, his face suddenly changed, and his mood became heavy.

He didn't hesitate to contact his superiors' superiors.

the other side.

Ai Cao, Qian Yihao and Chen Xiao personally escorted Tiancai Dibao to the villa where Xia Yu and others were staying.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.

Xie Shaokun and others subconsciously tensed up and prepared for battle.


Charis Damayo even gathered her clones to open the door.

Seeing that it was Ai Cao, Qian Yihao and Chen Xiao, and then seeing the treasures of heaven and earth in Ai Cao's hand, everyone showed a look of surprise.


Xie Shaokun and others greeted him.


Ai Cao shook his head and said: "We still have a mission, and we have to leave immediately after delivering this treasure of heaven and earth."

As she said that, she glanced at Xia Yu, who was sitting motionless in the room, with a slightly complicated look in her eyes.


Xie Shaokun nodded and was no longer polite.

Both parties took the jade box.

After it was over, the three of Ai Cao obviously relaxed.


This 'job' is not easy.

Too easy to be targeted.

The moment they got this mission, they were always on high alert, ready to fight at any time.

Now, it's finally over.


Wormwood turned and left.

Xie Shaokun and others closed the door, returned immediately, and handed the jade box to Xia Yu.

"The egg of the spirit water turtle."

Xia Yu took the jade box and recognized what this 'treasure of heaven and earth' was at a glance.

"Turtle egg?"

Xie Shaokun frowned and said doubtfully: "Didn't I say that I was going to give away treasures of heaven and earth? Why did you give me an egg?"

"The effect is the same."

Xia Yu said: "Strictly speaking, the value of this egg is better than the effect of the blue-striped fruit."

"It's a pity that this egg cannot breed a spiritual water turtle."

"Otherwise, we could have a pet."

"A pet from another dimension."


Everyone was shocked.

"big sister."

"Can we still raise aliens? Aren't we afraid that we won't be able to raise them properly?"

Xiaonan asked everyone’s doubts.

"What are you afraid of?"

Xia Yu shook his head and said: "Many times, these aliens are more reliable than so-called 'friends' or even 'relatives'."

"When they crawl out of the egg, who do they see..."

"I will think of her as my mother."

"Never betray me for the rest of your life."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

If there can be a powerful alien race as a spiritual beast, then...

That’s so cool!
"Sister Yu."

Charis Damayo was the first to speak: "If we can get similar 'eggs' in the future that can be cultivated, I hope Sister Yu can win them."

"When the time comes, I want to help our team raise these aliens."

Everyone was immediately envious.

I regret not being as quick-tongued as Charice Damayo.

"it is good."

Xia Yu nodded in agreement: "Your powers are indeed suitable for doing this kind of thing, and you are not afraid of being hurt by aliens."

When these little guys grow up, sometimes they accidentally injure humans because their strength or other attributes are very different from humans.

But Charis Damayo, who has a clone, has no such scruples.

"Thank you, Sister Yu."

Charice Damayo was overjoyed.

Raising an alien is considered a job that contributes to the team, and you will definitely get points, and... whoever raises an alien will be recognized as 'mother' by the alien.

Although these aliens will play for the team, they are definitely different from their 'mothers'!

All fools know!
"Let's talk about this turtle egg."

Xia Yu knew Charis Damayo's little thoughts and didn't care. After all, there was no one more suitable than her in the team: "Cook it."

"Ah Xiong, Han Sanguang and Xiaonan, you three should split up."

"Its value just offsets the resources I owe you."


Ah Xiong, Han Sanguang and Xiaonan's eyes lit up and they nodded in agreement.

Especially Han Sanguang.

"Sister Yu also set a deadline of one month, but we didn't expect that the resources would be returned to us in less than a day."

Xiaonan said happily.

Han Sanguang also nodded, but he also didn't expect it to be so fast.

Su Qian, Charis Damayo and others all showed envious expressions.

"With soup and meat, divide it into six portions."

Xia Yu continued to distribute: "Axiong gets four, Han Sanguang and Xiaonan each get one."


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