I'm back from hell

Chapter 432 Xia Yu’s enemy

Chapter 432 Xia Yu’s enemy


Ah Xiong, Han Sanguang and Xiaonan nodded.

This allocation was very reasonable and did not make them feel anything inappropriate, so their answers were consistent.


"I'll cook it for you myself."

After receiving a positive reply, Xia Yu stood up.

She was lucky enough to learn the cooking steps, after all...

In the apocalypse, cooking the flesh and blood of foreign races is also a job, and it is quite profitable. She did this job a lot in her previous life.

Foreigners kill, and people kill foreigners.

They eat each other's flesh and blood.

This kind of thing is too common in the last days.

Different from foreign races...

Humans kill aliens and generally don't like to eat their flesh and blood raw, so... they began to study various methods.

The method of maintaining the value of these flesh and blood while enjoying the delicious taste was quickly developed, because it is not difficult in the first place.

Of course, it also has something to do with the fact that humans have done a lot of research on what they eat.

"Sister Xie Yu."

Ah Xiong, Han Sanguang and Xiaonan spoke one after another.

"Charis, come and learn."

"You will do this job from now on."

Xia Yu walked towards the kitchen and gave instructions at the same time.


Charis Damayo nodded immediately, showing joy.

Here's another way to earn points.

Seeing Xia Yu and Charis Damayo enter the kitchen, Su Qian, Hong She and others congratulated Ah Xiong, Han Sanguang and Xiaonan.

"Second sister-in-law."

Ah Xiong looked at Su Qian and said, "I'll give you three portions."

Everyone on the side understood that Ah Xiong was planning to share the resources he got later with Su Qian.

And if you open your mouth, you will get half of your resources.

It can be seen that in his heart...

How important Su Qian is!

Even Hong She on the side couldn't help but feel jealous when she heard this.


Su Qian shook her head decisively after hearing this and rejected Ah Xiong's proposal.

Ah Xiong didn't speak, but his eyes were extremely firm, with no intention of giving in.

"Absolutely not."

Su Qian firmly refused again.

"Is it because of Hong Snake?"

Ah Xiong suddenly asked.


Hearing Ah Xiong ask this, Su Qian and Hong She were stunned for a moment.

They knew that Ah Xiong had misunderstood.

"of course not."

Su Qian shook her head and explained, "He knows very well what happened between you and me."

"If he's still jealous, that's his problem."

"Nothing to do with me."

Hong She: "..."

Others also found the relationship between the couple interesting and watched the scene as if they were watching a show.

"Since it's not, then three copies."

Ah Xiong said.



Su Qian knew what Ah Xiong insisted on and rarely gave in. Today, since he said he wanted to give her resources, she had to ask for them even if she didn't want them. It was the same in the past.

She sighed and said, "Ah Xiong, I saved your life, I saved your life, it's true."

"But you have helped me a lot over the years."

"I've paid it off a long time ago, how can I still want your things again?"

"I can't ask for too much, can I?"

"This makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Two servings, no more."

Ah Xiong's eyes flickered and he took a step back.


Su Qian sighed helplessly and said, "Okay."


"We agreed."

"this is the last time!"

"Otherwise, I'll be really angry!"

"it is good."

Ah Xiong showed a naive smile.

"Wait a moment."

Hong She spoke.

Everyone's eyes turned to Hong She.

Including Su Qian and Ah Xiong, they obviously didn't expect Hong She to speak at this time.


"You took the blood pill before, didn't you owe me and Su Qian some resources?"

Hong She asked.


Ah Xiong nodded and admitted.

"I don't want mine anymore."

Su Qian frowned and said.

Hong She smiled and said, "I know. What I mean is, I don't want mine either."

"Otherwise, you can't agree to Ah Xiong."

"I disagree."

Does it matter whether you agree or not?

Su Qian rolled her eyes, but she felt very happy in her heart. She nodded and said, "I listen to you."

Ah Xiong frowned and finally nodded: "Okay!"

The discussion is over.

Immediately, Su Qian began to allocate the two resources vigorously and resolutely, and said, "I previously owed Sister Yu two natural treasures that are comparable to three lark grasses and resources of the same value as one cordyceps."

"I plan to use the resources you gave me this time to return them to Sister Yu."


Ah Xiong nodded and had no objection.

He had already given the things to Su Qian, so the distribution rights naturally belonged to Su Qian, and he would not interfere again.

In the kitchen.

Xia Yu obviously overheard the conversation between the two and said, "The resources you owe me are worth twice as much."

"Give me all you need."

"no problem."

Su Qian nodded in agreement.

Ah Xiong looked at Xie Shaokun and said, "I'll give you a share, and we'll settle the bill."

"no problem."

Xie Shaokun nodded, also agreed, and said smoothly: "That's it."

"Sister Yu and I are the biggest creditors now."

Everyone did the math...

It really is!
Eleven o'clock at night.

The cooking work is finally over.

The fragrant smell spreads.

Charis Damayo's throat rolled, she swallowed, and asked: "Sister Yu, um... if we endure it like this, won't the energy in it escape?"

"will not."

Xia Yu shook his head and said: "The main nutritional value of this turtle egg is in the flesh, flesh and soup."

"The energy is minimal."

"Of course there is no escape."

Hearing this, Charis Damayo looked stunned and nodded.

"Okay, let's serve it."

Xia Yu said.


So, Charis Damayo went to the living room and distributed the flesh, blood and soup of the cooked water turtle eggs.

Ah Xiong gets a share.

Xie Shaokun got a share.

Xia Yu gets two copies.

Han Sanguang got a share.

The little girl gets one.

"Xie Shaokun, these two portions are for you."

Xia Yu pushed two large bowls of flesh and soup from spirit water turtle eggs in front of Xie Shaokun and said, "I still owe you half of a blue-striped fruit."

"it is good."

Then Ah Xiong also passed his share to Xie Shaokun.

Xie Shaokun looked at the three large bowls of flesh, flesh and soup of spirit water turtle eggs in front of him, with a flash of light in his eyes.

Who wouldn’t want to improve their strength?

Unexpectedly, I got three copies this time!

He actually became the biggest winner of this resource!
For Xie Shaokun, this is undoubtedly an unexpected surprise.

"Gulu gulu."

He didn't talk nonsense, and started drinking it before letting it cool down.

ten minutes later.

He drank it all without leaving a drop.


Start exercising to speed up the digestion of blood, meat and soup in the body.

the other side.

Han Sanguang and others did the same thing.

The flesh, flesh and soup of the Spirit Water Turtle need to be digested before the effects will appear, so if they want to quickly increase their strength, they can only speed up their digestion.


Charis Damayo and others were extremely envious. Although they couldn't drink, they could still fill their stomachs by eating the food cooked by Hong's mother.

the next day.

Xie Shaokun and others had a sleepless night, but they did not feel tired.

On the contrary, they were in good spirits, full of strength and vitality, especially when they noticed that their strength had been further improved, they became even more excited.

among them.

Xie Shaokun's strength has improved greatly, and the progress of the second-level spiritual realm has reached 55%!

He is getting closer and closer to the level of third-grade spiritual energy, which makes everyone feel shocked and envious.

Shocking: The turtle eggs of the Spirit Water Turtle contain so much value.

Envy: Who wouldn’t envy seeing others using resources to improve their strength?

Han Sanguang's strength improvement was average, because the amount he took was relatively small, and the progress of the second-grade spiritual realm reached 16%!

The improvement in Xiaonan's strength does not seem to be large, from 98% of the first-grade spiritual realm to 1% of the progress of the second-grade spiritual realm!

The improvement is only 3%!

In fact, she took it up a whole notch!
The effect is the most obvious! Because her combat power has doubled!
Ah Xiong.

The improvement in his strength was average, and the progress of the second-grade spiritual realm increased from 5% to 12%.


Xie Shaokun is discussing with Ah Xiong.

Most of Ah Xiong's roots and willow branches were blown up, and it can even be said that not much is left. Although some new branches and roots were born last night, these new branches and roots did not grow very fast, so... …

Compared to the Tianzhong battle, his overall combat power has actually declined a lot.

Xie Shaokun didn't know that some new branches and roots were born in Ah Xiong's body. He only knew that many of the roots and willow branches in Ah Xiong's body had been blown up. In order not to bully Ah Xiong, he did not use his powers and asked Hong Snake uses his power to 'weaken' his own combat power.


Xie Shaokun and Ah Xiong had a back-and-forth fight.

"Improved so fast! Faster than me?"

Han Sanguang was shocked when he saw Ah Xiong's speed: "In terms of speed alone, it's almost as good as mine!"

You know, what Ah Xiong is not good at is speed!

If he had another fight with Ah Xiong, I'm afraid...

He will lose faster!

His training speed was faster than that of the entire team, but he was still caught up by Ah Xiong. This was obviously related to the fact that Ah Xiong was always absorbing the flesh and blood nutrients of the cowboy man.

"What a perverted guy."

Han Sanguang suddenly felt more pressure when he thought about his current situation in the team.

You know, he prides himself on being the most talented, and he still has arrogance in his heart. He has also set a goal in his heart to surpass most people in the team within a year.

Only Xia Yu is allowed to be stronger than him!

But now...


He took a deep breath, returned to his room, and began to practice with all his strength.

Although it is easier to improve his strength in battle, it requires all-out effort, even risk-taking, and he prefers roaming and sneak attack-style battles.

different styles.

It is better to practice the ancient guidance technique.

In this way, he can always maintain his peak condition and not become weak due to fighting.

after all.

Now is the end of the world. Even if we are not in a fog event, some unknown dangers and challenges may arise at any time. It is obviously more important to maintain our status.

Xia Yu took a look at everyone's choices and didn't say anything. After all, everyone has different ideas and pursuits.

Casting her gaze into the distance, she was thinking about her next action plan:

Before the new fog incident occurs, should I continue to stay here and practice, or...


Hatred is naturally not forged in this life.

She had already avenged the revenge she had suffered in this life.

It's a grudge from the previous life.

In the last life, when she lived in the apocalypse for ten years, there were many people who bullied her and her brother. Some people... were killed by the two siblings in the previous life. It was considered revenge. There was no need to continue to cause trouble for each other in this life.

Some people... were guilty enough to die, and she didn't bother to find the other person specifically to take revenge.

Some people did not harm themselves or their younger brother, but could only be regarded as harassment, so they were not included in the must-kill list.

There are other people...

There is no need to take revenge on these.

Of course, if she meets these people, she will still give them some eye drops.

Apart from them, there are less than ten people who really need revenge.

One of them was a foreigner and had been killed by Xia Yu.

The remaining six people are all from China.

Four of them cannot be found for the time being, because in the previous life...

These four people changed their names or only used their own nicknames shortly after the apocalypse broke out. She did not know their real names for the time being, let alone their basic information before the apocalypse broke out.

She only remembered the physical features of these four people.

This is enough for her. As long as she finds them in the future, she can make them pay the price they deserve.

Two others.

Ye Xun, male, three years after the apocalypse broke out in the previous world, he was 38 years old and served as the deputy director of the Law Enforcement Bureau of New City No. 4. He fell in love with Xia Yu and insisted on using force. If Xia Yu hadn't been astute and planned to escape, I'm afraid She has become the other person's plaything, especially when she thinks that the other person likes to 'swap wives' with others, Xia Yu is even more disgusted.

Therefore, Xia Yu vowed to kill the other party without mercy.

Just now...

Xia Yu still doesn't know where he is or what position he holds.

Ma Fangfang, female, one year after the apocalypse broke out in the previous life, this 22-year-old became the captain of Xia Yu. During a battle with a foreign race, she left the injured Xia Yu and several other teammates behind and ran away alone.

If it were just like this, Xia Yu wouldn't put it on the must-kill list.

after all.

In the last days, this situation is all too common.

Everyone only cares about their own lives and interests. Others are just partners. If there is danger, they will give up immediately.

This is the law of the last days.

However, Ma Fangfang then did something even more outrageous, which was chilling:
She didn't expect that Xia Yu was still alive and had a breakthrough. His strength was not even close to hers. In order not to affect her reputation or recruit new team members, she tried to assassinate Xia Yu, but failed.

Then, once, when Xia Yu was searching for supplies with his new teammates, Ma Fangfang deliberately attracted aliens, causing Xia Yu to almost die again, and also killed Xia Yu's new teammates.

And then.

Although Xia Yu survived, her foundation was damaged.

This incident left Xia Yu with lingering fears, and made her even more disgusted and wary of Ma Fangfang, and even had murderous intentions.

Ma Fangfang, worried about Xia Yu's revenge, ran away.

Xia Yu never heard from her again and found no trace of her.

After rebirth.

Xia Yu has been busy with various things. When she has free time, she still wants to exercise, experience life in peaceful times, be with Xiaotian, and enjoy the affection between siblings.

How can I deal with these people?
just now……

Finally got around to it.


Xia Yu took out her mobile phone and looked at the restored network. She logged on to a familiar website, contacted 'customer service' and asked Ma Fangfang and Ye Xun.

Customer service: You know my rules. If you don’t need money, you can either give me resources or do something for me.

Xia Yu: I also lack resources. Let me tell you what I need to help you with.

If the matter is difficult to handle, then she might as well use her relationship with Zhao Guohui, or instruct the alliance martial arts school to help find someone.

Customer Service: Solve a problem.

The details were then sent over:
In Zhaoyang City, a large number of ghouls appeared with amazing combat power and were active throughout the entire Zhaoyang City, making the rescue work in the entire Zhaoyang City extremely difficult.

So far, 78 warriors have died here, including two warriors with first-level psychic realm strength!
According to incomplete statistics, there are still at least tens of thousands of survivors alive in Zhaoyang City.

It is precisely because so many survivors survived and were distributed in every corner of Zhaoyang City that the soldiers did not dare to carry out large-scale bombing operations.

Even less dare to use weapons of mass destruction.

If we engage in street fighting, the fighting power of those ghouls is too terrifying and will inevitably cause great losses.

The 78 soldiers who died are the best example.


The bosses are very busy right now, and they simply cannot spare so many top experts to come to Zhaoyang City.

Xia Yu: You want me to rescue these people?

Customer Service: Kill these ghouls and find out who secretly created these ghouls.

Apparently, customer service also saw something was wrong.

In general.

It is difficult for ghouls to appear, but the fact that so many of them appeared in Zhaoyang City at the same time means that there must be someone behind the scenes.

Xia Yu hesitated.

According to her inference, this customer service person didn't look like an official, but he cared so much about the people and soldiers, so he was probably a warm-hearted 'hacker'.

Although this matter is nothing to her, but...

But she felt that the price offered by customer service was not enough.

Before she could ask, the customer service sent another message: By the way, I just got the news that one of the ghouls in Zhaoyang City has reached the level of third-grade spiritual energy.

'Third grade? '

Xia Yu's eyes lit up and she immediately decided to go to Zhaoyang City: Okay!

The main reason why I agreed so readily is:

A ghoul whose strength has reached the level of the third-level spiritual realm has not only undergone earth-shaking changes in its combat power, but more importantly...if it has a crystal core in its mind, then...

That is a third-grade crystal core!
Its destructive power is self-evident.

So far, Xia Yu has not obtained a third-grade crystal core.

This third-grade crystal core is very attractive to Xia Yu.


Judging from this, there is definitely more than one third-grade psychic ghoul in Zhaoyang City. If a large number of third-grade psychic ghouls can be born, then there will definitely be a third-grade crystal core, or even multiple ones!
This makes a trip necessary.


After explaining to Xie Shaokun and others, Xia Yu left in a flash.

Extremely fast.

Xia Yu was different from Han Sanguang. She was too lazy to think about those messy things and just flew into the sky.


She possesses the peak level of third-grade combat power and can break through at any time. She is equipped with the latest standard equipment researched by Xia Tian. She also possesses superpowers, which makes her overall combat power invincible at the same level.

There are probably very few people in this world who can rival her.

Even if she encounters a fourth-level divine envoy with peak combat power, she is confident enough to deal with it.

As for higher-level divine envoys, how can they be so easy to encounter?

Even if you encounter someone, if you can't beat him, can you still run away?

not to mention.

It is very likely that there is no such thing as a divine envoy whose strength reaches the level of the fifth-grade spiritual realm.


Based on Xia Yu's research these days and the few words he heard in his previous life, it can be deduced that when He gives power to his disciples and envoys, he will be restricted by the rules of this world.

In other words, He cannot do whatever He wants. If divine envoys with the strength of the fifth-level spiritual realm can really be born at this stage, then these divine envoys can completely rely on force to do whatever they want, and they will not be as 'low-key' as they are now.

If the country in this life has extremely strong control over the country, what about the previous life?

The higher-ups had been busy rebuilding the team in the early stage, and did not have the ability or energy to control the country at all, but... why in the first year of the outbreak of the apocalypse in the previous life, he did not see a strong man with the strength to reach the level of the fifth-grade spiritual realm? Never even heard of it.

In short, that is.

When the end of the world breaks out and the combat power is almost at its peak...

Xia Yu didn't want to live so cautiously.

Of course, I still have to be cautious, but I don’t want to be so restrained in these matters.


Xia Yu's speed was as fast as lightning, and she flew directly over the new city.

Because she flew high enough and fast enough, very few people could actually see her figure.

Even if they saw it, many people thought it was a bird.

On the contrary, the military quickly became aware of her presence and used some kind of detection equipment to instantly detect the chip in the mechanical wings used by Xia Yu.

The chip feedback information shows: This mechanical wing is numbered 001 and has obtained a flight license.

When they saw this piece of information, especially the number '001', the soldiers were shocked, and then they looked solemn and saluted respectfully.

As far as they know, only those who have made great contributions can get the mechanical wings with the first 001 numbers. The number '' must be obtained by those who have made significant contributions to the country.

They deserve their salute!


Xia Yu just disappeared and moved quickly towards Zhaoyang City.

The speed soared to 188m/s.

At this speed, even Xia Yu needs to wear goggles to fly, otherwise it will be difficult to open her eyes.

Speechless all the way.

The main reason is that there is nothing to say. With her speed, even if many flying mutant beasts want to attack her, they will not be able to catch up with her. Those who can catch up... she has not met them.

During the whole process, there was not even a fight.

Zhaoyang City.

In the early days of the apocalypse, everything was just like other cities in the country.

The people obeyed the orders obediently and tied themselves up at home.

The soldiers began to harvest the mutants and rescue the people.


About an hour after the apocalypse broke out, a soldier came to a community called Sunshine New City and found that something was wrong here.

There are no mutants here!
To be precise, these mutants are all dead!
Some of them were killed by people in the community, which is normal.

However, some of them were killed by a powerful girl in her twenties, and this girl took away all the crystal nuclei and left.

A powerful girl?
The soldier frowned and reported the matter to his superiors.

After all, this kind of talent is exactly what the team needs, and we must try our best to recruit it into the team.

As for the other party taking away the crystal core...

He didn't think much about it.

After all, crystal cores are hard currency in the apocalypse, more valuable than money, and they are the kind that the state recognizes and encourages circulation.


He also specifically observed the people in the community. All of them had expressions of fear, anxiety and suspicion, just like normal people.

It's just that what these people say is a bit strange, and from time to time they will mention words like 'God Ammu' and 'Fearless'.

Because he had a mission, when he saw that these survivors were not threatened by mutants, the soldier didn't think much. After checking, he immediately rushed to the next community.


As soon as he walked out of the community, he was attacked by a mutant with a bandage on his head.

Before death.

He fired several shots, one of which hit the 'bandage' on the mutant's head, but failed to penetrate the 'bandage', let alone shoot the mutant.


He hugged the mutant tightly and activated the explosives on his body.


Every soldier had explosives strapped to his body in order to be able to drag these monsters with him before dying.

At this moment, he knew that he had to do this, because he discovered that it was not the mutant who killed him.

But a ghoul!

Ghouls are bloodthirsty and manic, and are more terrifying than mutants. Once they are allowed to enter the community, they will definitely go on a killing spree.

Moreover, this ghoul actually has the means to protect the fatal position of his head.

Making it much more difficult to kill.

If you don't kill it now, it will kill more of your comrades.


There was an explosion.

The mutant died, and so did the warrior.

Many people in the community saw this scene. While respecting this soldier, they said 'God Amu' more often, and every time they mentioned the word 'God Amu', their He looked extremely pious.

In their opinion, this soldier must not believe in the 'God Amu', so he was attacked by the ghoul. They believe in the 'God Amu', so the ghoul has been wandering in the community for so long without attacking them.

After that.

More and more ghouls appear in Zhaoyang City.

Almost all the bodies of these ghouls have mutated. Some ghouls have a white bone hand growing on their belly, some have white bone wings, and some have longer arms and legs than before. More than doubled, some ghouls can spit out bone spurs. These bone spurs are like hidden weapons, extremely fast and difficult to guard against...

Soldiers were dying in increasing numbers.


The noise got bigger and bigger.

Ning Guoqiang, the person in charge of No. 8 New Town, was alarmed.

Ning Guoqiang secretly said that he was unlucky and could only send more soldiers and more advanced weapons. However, both manpower and weapons were extremely scarce, especially manpower.

After more than ten hours, only most of the survivors were rescued, and more than ten thousand survivors could not be rescued.


The entire top management of New City No. 8 gathered together and discussed for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion: Ask for help!

The problems in Zhaoyang City are not something they can solve.

It is worth mentioning here that each new city is operated independently and has the same level. As the person in charge, he has great power and is only subject to the control of the central government.

For example, at this moment, the question of asking for help...

Ning Guoqiang could directly ask Z for help, but he didn't know how long it would take for the superiors to discuss a plan, send reinforcements, and wait for the reinforcements to arrive. No matter how efficient it was, it would still take time.

At this moment, Ning Guoqiang knew the seriousness of the problem and knew that it could not be delayed and must be resolved as soon as possible.

and so.

The best option is to ask for help from the new city next door.

Ning Guoqiang has this power, and the person in charge of each new city also has the power to mobilize troops.

"I suggest asking for help from New City No. 9!"

"I think so too! The rescue work in New City No. 9 has been basically completed. There are only a few thousand survivors in the entire jurisdiction. They will definitely be able to spare manpower to help us."

"I heard that Xie Shaokun's team also helped Team Zhao? I'm so envious! If Xie Shaokun and his people could come to our place, how could we be as passive as we are now!"


After hearing the discussion among the senior officials, Ning Guoqiang also understood everyone's thoughts. This coincided with his own thoughts, so there was no need to drag it out.

"I will contact Zhao Guohui personally!"

He took out his cell phone.

All this happened early this morning.

Ai Cao, Qian Yihao and Chen Xiao were the vanguard sent by Zhao Guohui to support No. 8 New City and help it solve the problems in Zhaoyang City.

Later, Zhao Guohui will send more forces there.


The deployment of more power will take time.

On the way to Zhaoyang City, Xia Yu set out.

Ai Cao, Qian Yihao and Chen Xiao have already taken a helicopter to the sky above Zhaoyang City and learned about the overall situation of Zhaoyang City.

"That girl probably has the strength of the second-level psychic realm."

Ai Cao frowned and glanced at Zhaoyang City below, watching the ghouls shuttle through the streets, with an unusually solemn expression on his face: "Such powerful skills are rare."

"He didn't even join us."

Qian Yihao said: "Everyone has their own choice, which is not surprising. The key question now is, what is the identity of the other party?"

"I seriously suspect that the other party is a violent person and has a tendency to retaliate against society."

Once such a person has powerful power and a violent temperament, it is easy for him to do things that are harmful to others and not beneficial to himself.


Chen Xiao was the first to shake his head and said, "Didn't you read the report? That girl saved many survivors and killed many mutants."

"Her purpose in killing the mutants was to get the crystal core! Not to save the survivors."

"If she really wanted to save those survivors, why didn't she cooperate with the soldiers to kill the ghouls?" Qian Yihao insisted on his judgment and said, "I suspect that she created the ghouls."

"You know, it would take hundreds or even thousands of crystal nuclei to create so many ghouls."

The killing speed of the warriors is not slow, and there are more warriors. After they kill the mutants, they will collect the crystal core. Once the warriors take away the crystal core, they want to get it...

It’s not simple!
You must know that these warriors have complete combat suits and are not afraid of death. They can easily kill a master of the second-level spiritual realm.

At worst, I will die with you!
And if you do this, there is a high chance that your identity will be exposed.

Might as well kill it yourself!

"If he and she were just seeking revenge against society, why did they leave these survivors behind?"

Chen Xiao raised objections.


Qian Yihao couldn't give an explanation either.

Ai Cao also shook her head, disagreeing with Qian Yihao's speculation, or not completely agreeing with it. She pointed to a community not far away and said, "Look!"

Qian Yihao and Chen Xiao looked away.

"What do you mean? What are you looking at?"

Qian Yihao asked with a frown, his tone slightly impatient.

This operation was directed by Ai Cao, but Ai Cao analyzed and analyzed on the helicopter but refused to fight, which made Qian Yihao very unhappy.

"That community has at least three hundred people."

"And these three hundred people are still eating and chatting, making quite a noise."


Ai Cao said: "There were at least three ghouls who just passed through this community. None of them found anything unusual and did not enter this community. Don't you think this is abnormal?"

Hearing this, Qian Yihao and Chen Xiao both looked at each other and observed carefully.

Wormwood continued: "Of course, it could also be accidental."

"So, instead of being anxious, we need to take a closer look to see what is going on."

"Otherwise, if we take action rashly, we may be able to save a very small number of them, but the three of us may be injured, or even..."


Chen Xiao nodded in agreement.

Qian Yihao was no longer anxious.

He was not stupid, he was just a little anxious when he saw so many comrades died and so many survivors were killed.

five minutes later.

"Ai group."

"you're right."

Chen Xiao's expression became more solemn and he said, "The situation here is indeed a bit strange."

"Then what do we do now?"

After observation, they found that many communities with survivors had the situation mentioned by Wormwood. Although not all communities, this already showed that things this time may not be that simple.

"Split into two groups."

Ai Cao said: "A group fights the ghouls, rescuing the survivors and at the same time attracting the attention of the man behind the secret creation of the ghouls."

"A group quietly sneaked into these communities to check the situation."

Chen Xiao nodded in agreement.

"Chen Xiao and I will fight the ghouls."

"I'll leave it to you to infiltrate it, Aizu."

Qian Yihao volunteered.

"it is good."

Wormwood also has this meaning.

The three quickly reached an agreement.

after that.

Wormwood jumped down, displayed its mechanical wings, and after gliding several thousand meters, landed on the rooftop of a building in the Sunshine New City Community.

There are two reasons why I chose this place:
1. Sunshine New City is the first community in Zhaoyang City where ghouls killed soldiers. This is probably where the mastermind first appeared.

Second, there is a Sunshine Lake in Sunshine New City. It is not big, but it is spread throughout the entire Sunshine New City community, which is suitable for her to use her supernatural powers to fight.

For her, no, it should be said that for most psykers, there is a huge difference in combat effectiveness between fighting with supernatural powers and fighting without using supernatural powers.

and so……

Keeping yourself in a state where you can use your powers at any time is a lesson that all psykers must learn.

Therefore, they will subconsciously regard this as a necessary condition for action.

For example, right now.

Wormwood will consider this subconsciously and regard this as a necessary condition for choosing a community.

She put away her mechanical wings and went downstairs from the rooftop to the eighteenth floor, which was the top floor. She relied on her first-grade psychic realm physique to listen carefully to the movements on the eighteenth floor.

Determine whether there is anyone among them.

The buildings in Sunshine New City are very similar to the buildings in most residential communities in China, and the sound insulation effect is extremely poor.

If the surroundings are relatively quiet, normal people can hear if there is anyone in the house, let alone mugwort?

"There are people in every house?"

Wormwood was surprised.

Just when she was about to get closer, someone from one of the houses opened the door.


Ai Cao dodged and hid.

Just see.

This family knocked on the door of the next room, House 1803, and the other two families also walked out of the house and came to House 1803's home.


As the door closed, Ai Cao also walked out of his hiding place, his eyes narrowed slightly, with excitement shining in his eyes.

Did you discover the situation as soon as you arrived?

My luck seems to be very good.

Holding a military dagger in her left hand and a pistol in her right hand, she quietly approached the door of 1803 households.


The conversation inside came out: "What do you think about the existence of God Amu?"

"How else can you look at it! Those who don't believe in the god Amu have been killed by those ghouls. Don't you still believe in the existence of the god Amu?"

"That's right! Those ghouls have passed by the door of our community several times and have never come in. Isn't it because the people who are alive now are devout believers of the god Ammu?"

"Alas! Do you think gods really exist?"

"This is the end of the world, what is impossible? Let me tell you, we should change our thinking. Whoever can let us live, we will support him! After finally becoming a psychic, becoming a new human being, who doesn't want to live? ? We can also be those masters who can kill a cow with one punch!"

"Have you seen the group of owners? The girl who saved us is said to be a disciple sent by God Ammu to save the world!"

"No wonder I feel that that woman is unreal. She is so holy and beautiful that people can't bear to blaspheme her."

"As long as we are pious enough, we also have the opportunity to become the disciples of God Ammu!"


Hearing this, Ai Cao's face suddenly condensed.

Eminem God!
It’s Him again!
As a member of the Special Incident Investigation Bureau, and her status is not low, she has access to far more information than the average person. She even witnessed the process of Jiang Yitao's resurrection after being killed. That thrilling scene made her have a crush on him. Deeply worried.

Is there really a divine power in the world?
Is there really anyone who can never be killed?

These questions have been lingering in Wormwood's mind.

Also since then.

She will pay extra attention to information about Him.

As her understanding deepened, she learned more and more, and her heart became more and more shocked.

at the moment.

Wormwood subconsciously wants to withdraw!
Immediately, this thought was erased.

Although after experiencing Gao Zhengting's incident, she is no longer the simple and holy person she was before, and has become a bit smoother, but she still has a passion for serving the country and the people deep in her heart.

How can you retreat at this time?

What's more, what she is facing is not Him!
But His disciples!

The lowest level of fans!
What's so scary?


Haven’t you met the disciple of God Amu yet? She was just asking for information!

Thinking of Xia Yu and others who had fought him head-on, she became more determined to stay and fight: "Xia Yu can do it, so can I!"

Take a deep breath.

She listened for a few more minutes, but there was nothing nutritious, just words on how to worship God Amu devoutly.



"Da da da."


In the distance, there was the sound of fierce fighting.

Obviously, it was Qian Yihao and others who took action.

The battle made a lot of noise, especially in this place that was like a dead city.

inside the house.

The survivors of 1803 households who were worshiping the god Ammu devoutly came to the windows one after another, and the topic naturally changed: "It's the soldiers again!"

"Alas! Our country's warriors are so admirable!"

"I agree! I look down on those leaders. None of them are clean, but... I only admire the soldiers! Without them, we would not have a harmonious, stable and happy society."

"Yes, it's the end of the world now, and their presence makes us feel more at ease."

"I hope they can kill those ghouls as soon as possible and save us to the new city! It's so scary to be on tenterhooks here. Besides, my food is almost gone. If we don't deal with these ghouls, I will go out to look for food." "



Wormwood did not stay, and walked away, continuing to listen to what people in other rooms were saying.

After half an hour.

Her brow furrowed.

Because in this half hour, she never heard any additional news, it was still the same news she heard at House 1803 before.

'It seems that what these ordinary people know is limited, and through the spread of the proprietor groups, everyone knows about the same content. The only difference is that everyone makes different assumptions based on the known information. '

'What should I do next? '

'Change a neighborhood? '

Wormwood decided to leave.


What she didn't expect was that when she "quietly" left the community, a pair of eyes were already staring at her.

the other side.

Qian Yihao and Chen Xiao teamed up with experts from No. 8 New City to prepare for the cleanup of area after area.

The first choice was a commercial area. There were not many people living here. It was very depressed before the apocalypse broke out, and there were quite a few ghouls here.

There are three of them that have been discovered, all of which are at the first-level spiritual realm.

How much is hidden remains unknown.

Seeing that these three ghouls were about to leave, Qian Yihao and others took action decisively.


The rocket flew out, instantly killing a ghoul with thick bone armor on its body.

The reason why I chose it...

It's because it looks hard to kill.

The battle began.

Qian Yihao fights another ghoul alone.

The masters of New City No. 8 teamed up to encircle and suppress another ghoul.

Chen Xiao and some soldiers stayed in the air, observing the situation in this commercial district and the situation outside the commercial district, and being ready for battle at any time.

In just two seconds, Qian Yihao and others had not yet decided the winner.


White lights shot out from the darkness.

high speed.


Even Chen Xiao, a master of the first-level spiritual realm, couldn't see clearly what these things were.


Chen Xiao looked anxious and shouted loudly.

When Qian Yihao didn't hear Chen Xiao's voice, he sensed the threat of death. He immediately activated a mechanism on his legs. Suddenly... two springs popped out of the seemingly ordinary shoes on his feet.

Become a bouncing shoe!

The huge reaction force caused Qian Yihao to fly up from where he was.

Extremely fast acceleration.




Even so, his legs were still hit by those bone spurs six times.


Qian Yihao is wearing a 'combat suit'.

The 'combat suits' on the legs are made of a special material and can easily block these bone spurs.


Qian Yihao was worthy of being the king of special forces, with extremely rich combat experience. He did not give the opponent a chance to attack in the second wave. At this moment when he was avoiding the attack, he actually took the opportunity to attack the ghoul in front of him.

Because the whole process was so sudden, not only Chen Xiao and others were extremely surprised, but even the ghoul who fought Qian Yihao didn't expect it, so...

Qian Yihao suddenly accelerated and flew up, and then suddenly attacked. This scene also caught the ghoul by surprise.


The sharp dagger in his hand sank into the ghoul's head.

The ghoul fell to the ground instantly.


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