I'm back from hell

Chapter 493 Ah Xiong’s nourishment

Chapter 493 Ah Xiong’s nourishment

The moment Kashiwagi-san came back to life...

The experienced Xia Yu had already put the dagger at the back of Kashiwa Musang's heart, not giving her any chance to move.

Xia Yu said calmly: "If you move again, you will die!"


Kashiwagi Sang, who was about to make a move, was momentarily stagnant.

At this moment, she simply accepted her fate.

"Go ahead."

Grace Johnson said: "My master is happy, and maybe he will let you live."

Xia Yu didn't respond.

Bai Mu Sang hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth to tell what he knew.

A few minutes later.

'The beast god? '

'The ability is animal transformation? '

'Don't know any more news? '

After hearing what Bai Mu Sang said, Xia Yu frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

In the memory of the previous life.

She didn't have any news about the Underworld Beast God, but...

In this life, she seemed to have heard the words "Underworld Beast God".

Remember carefully.

She quickly remembered: Zhao Guohui once gave her a piece of information, which contained statistics on various 'His' information that had appeared around the world collected at the national level.

Although at that time point, the apocalypse had just begun, but...

Never underestimate the power of Daxia.

It gets the news much faster than you personally.

She had seen the words "Underworld Beast God" in that information at that time.

The introduction to the Underworld Beast God in that information immediately came to mind:
Before the apocalypse breaks out.

A dark-skinned woman originally lived at the bottom of society. Country Y where she lived was very chaotic and dirty, with robbery, theft, and obscenity...

Things like this happen endlessly.

There are countless.

The place where I live has a stench, garbage can be seen everywhere, and even... many people defecate everywhere, flies are flying everywhere, and cockroaches are everywhere.

Of course... these only exist in the environment where low-class people like her live.

The real upper class cannot feel dirty, messy or poor.

She had been tortured since she was a child, but she finally grew up and turned eighteen. As a result...

When I went out to look for a job, I was raped by the company's personnel in the interview room.

after that.

Because the movement was a bit loud, it was discovered by a leader of the company, so that leader also got involved.

After that.

She cried and went to call the police, but was picked up by a taxi driver on the way. In the taxi, passers-by didn't care as they passed by. They had already become accustomed to it. After the incident was over, the woman left, and the passer-by just got into the taxi and calmly State your destination.

Finally, the woman finally reached the law enforcement bureau.


Even the law enforcement officers handling the case from the Law Enforcement Bureau have become lustful.

Lying on the table, looking at the badge of the Law Enforcement Bureau above her head, the woman's heart completely died.

I gave up on my homeland.

Before, she was dissatisfied with people who said that the area where she was born and raised was dirty, messy, and bad. She often refuted it, thinking that those people were deliberately smearing her. Now she finally faced the reality.

It's really filthy here!
The environment is dirty!
People are dirty!

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Kill you!"

"Let this place no longer be dirty, messy and bad!"

"Since the law is in vain, then I am the law!"

The woman roared like a beast.


The law enforcer behind her slapped her on the back of the head and cursed: "Shut up, what are you shouting for?"

The woman fainted on the spot.

I don’t know how long it took.

The woman faintly heard a voice: Become my slave, and I will give you the power to help you escape your own destiny and become a master.

"I promise!"

In a daze, although she didn't know who was speaking, the woman immediately chose to agree after hearing that her long-cherished wish would come true.


She became a divine messenger.

The peak level of the fourth-level psychic realm, the immortality characteristic, gives the woman extremely strong destructive power, she can be said to be a humanoid bomber!




Just one day.

A woman kills all those who have bullied her.

All the internal organs were taken out.

It can be said that the death of these people was extremely miserable.


Still feeling resentful, the woman began to clean up the area.

Bad guys were killed one after another.

And it was done at a rate of one person dying every minute.

Whether you are molesting a woman, domestically abusing your wife, or stealing things, as long as you meet a woman, there is only one result: death!
The deaths of these people are all kinds of strange, but they all have one characteristic: they die in a terrible way!

Many people vomited immediately after seeing it.

It can be said……

It had a great deterrent effect.

The incident spread quickly, and people who did not do bad things, not to mention those who did bad things, were scared into silence.

The effect is also extremely obvious!

Just one week.

The phenomenon of being dirty, messy, and poor has been significantly improved. To be more precise... the phenomenon of being dirty, messy, and poor no longer exists.

Because no one dares to look for trouble or seek death at this time.

Even if you are in a high position.

There are many bodyguards around.

Don’t dare to be presumptuous!
Later, the woman was encircled and suppressed, but unfortunately... all the encirclement and suppression operations failed.

On the contrary, many soldiers and law enforcers were lost.


The agency immediately compromised.

The woman was safe and sound, and she became a person respected by many local people. For this reason, she gained a large number of followers, and people from all over the area came to her after hearing the news.

Who doesn’t want to live in a place where there is no dirt, mess, or mess?
It doesn't matter if you become a believer.

What do you believe in but don’t believe in?

How can there be any firm belief these days! ! !

Since then.

Instead of becoming 'sparsely populated', this area has become more prosperous, and the local GDP has surged.

Because this matter was quite a big deal, Daxia's intelligence officers easily collected relevant information, and even learned that the 'him' they believed in was none other than the Underworld Beast God!
at the moment.


Grace Johnson was not satisfied with the information given by Kashiwa Musang, thinking she was hiding something, and continued to ask: "Is that all?"

"that's it."

Kashiwa Musang nodded firmly.

Grace Johnson looked at Xia Yu.




This time, Xia Yu did not kill Baimu Sang directly. Instead, he waved the blood butterfly in his hand and severed all of Bai Mu Sang's hand tendons and hamstrings.


No matter how strong Kashiwa Musang was, after his hand tendons and hamstrings were severed, he couldn't stay standing at all. He could only lie on the ground and asked warily: "What do you want to do?"

"I've told you everything I know!"


Grace Johnson looked at Kashiwagi-san, whose hand tendons and hamstrings were severed, and reminded with a smile: "Master, seal her mouth too."

"What if she uses spiritual magic?"

"What do I want you to do?"

Xia Yu asked back.


Grace Johnson shut up and stared at Kashiwa Musang warily.

Once there is any intention to use spiritual magic, he will immediately use spiritual magic to counterattack!
"You are not trustworthy!"

"I told you everything I knew, but you didn't let me go."

Kashiwagi-san shouted.

Although she also knew that she could not be let go, but...

At the moment, besides using this as an argument and hoping that Grace Johnson and others can give some credit, what else can she do?

Grace Johnson directly retorted: "First of all, I didn't explicitly promise to let you go. I just said that if you satisfy my master, maybe my master will let you go."

"And now, my master is not satisfied that you have not told everything you know."

"So naturally it's impossible to let you go."

"I've said it all! There's nothing to hide, what else are you dissatisfied with?" Bomu Sang shouted: "If you ask me, you just don't want to let me go!"

Grace Johnson shrugged, too lazy to talk nonsense to the other party.

The initiative is on your side and you are not afraid at all.

Whatever the other person says.


What else did Kashiwa Musang want to say.

Seeing that Grace Johnson had no way to make Bai Mu Sang surrender, Xia Yu simply stopped hesitating and waved her hand towards Ah Xiong.


"Sister Yu."

Ah Xiong understood instantly, mainly because he had been looking forward to it for a while, and his eyes looking at Kashiwa Musang were shining with excitement.

He approached Kashiwa Musang step by step.


Seeing this, Bai Mu Sang's expression changed, her emotions became extremely excited, and an unknown premonition arose in her heart. She yelled: "What are you doing?"

"How can you be so shameless?"

"do not come!"

"Do not touch me!"

She struggled wildly.


The hand tendons and hamstrings on his body were severed, and no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

It didn't even move more than a foot.

Xia Yu frowned.

Although she doesn't have a boyfriend, it doesn't mean she doesn't understand anything.

Kashiwagi-san obviously misunderstood.

What was she just about to say...

"Stop struggling."

"Axiong will serve you well."

"Blessed are you."

"Just have some fun."

Grace Johnson felt that this was a good opportunity. Maybe he could find out something. Even if he didn't, it would be nice to show off his rhetoric and anger.

So, he began to add insult to injury and said, "Kashiwagi-san, you haven't been touched by a man yet, have you?"

"If you can enjoy something before you die, your death will be worth it."

Ah Xiong: "..."

Afterwards, he finally understood why Bomu Sang's expression changed drastically, and he couldn't help but glance at Grace Johnson.


He saw Grace Johnson winking at him.

Ah Xiong understood that Grace Johnson said this on purpose, just to stimulate Kashiwa Musang.


Why don't you go by yourself?

Why are you dragging me along?

Now that the matter has come to this, there is no point in talking about or complaining about these things. He still has to cooperate.

Ah Xiong could only glare at Grace Johnson fiercely, without explaining anything. Instead, he showed what he thought was an evil smile at Kashiwa Musang.

Grace Johnson: "..."

Do you call this evil?
I haven’t done this before, haven’t I watched movies or TV shows?

Even my alien race has seen it.

It doesn't have any impact anyway. Whatever Grace Johnson does, Xia Yu simply watches the show.

Fortunately, Bai Mu Sang was completely blank in this regard. She was already frightened and did not realize that Xiong's 'evil' was actually a bit naive. She said, "Kill me if you can!"

"kill me!"


Grace Johnson continued to speak for Ah Xiong, further provoking Kashiwa Musang: "Kill you? How cheap would that be for you! Besides, have you forgotten that you are an envoy of God?"

"It can't kill you."


Hearing this, Kashiwagi Sang instantly despaired.


She is a divine messenger.

He won't die even if he is tortured.


This news was like a bolt from the blue to her.

Originally, she still valued the characteristic of immortality, but now...she just feels that it is redundant.

I wish I didn't!

This thing will not be transferred according to her will.


Immediately afterwards, Bai Mu Sang felt something crawling on his body, and together with Axion's 'weird' smile, Bai Mu Sang thought that he had encountered a pervert.

At this time, she felt that the things crawling on her body looked like various tentacles. Although she could not see them, they...

More disgusting.

More scary.

"I said! I said!"


She was so frightened that she cried.

You know, in the Lamu tribe, she is a cold, pure and talented girl. Other male Lamu tribe only deserve to look up to her. When can they desecrate her like this?
Her pride was destroyed.

Her strong exterior was torn to shreds.

"Say? What did you say?"

Grace Johnson knew how to ravage a person. She was not in a hurry to stop Ah Xiong's movements, but asked.

"I'll tell you everything I know about the Beast God!"

"I admit that I hid something before."

"I was wrong."

Kashiwagi Sang burst into tears.

Ah Xiong: "..."

The willow branches and roots he controlled had just touched Kashiwa Musang's calf, not even 'climbing' up, and were about to pierce into its body and start sucking the flesh.

This step is normal.

The only thing that is different from before is...

The divine messenger in front of me is a female.

That's it.


The other party's reaction was so big.

So much so that his movements came to a standstill.


"Axiong, let her go."

"Suffer your desires."

Grace Johnson said.

Ah Xiong: "..."


"If you keep hiding anything, don't blame my brother."

"At that point, I won't be able to stop him from doing anything."

Grace Johnson looked at Kashiwa Musang and said.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"I said it all!"

Kashiwa Musang felt the 'tentacles' on his body leave, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole body relaxed.


Grace Johnson urged, not giving Kashiwa Musang any time to think. If the other party thought about it for a moment, he would find that Axiong was just bluffing.

Wasn't his effort in vain?

"do not Cry."

"Speak quickly."

Grace Johnson continued to urge.

after that.

Kashiwagi Sang was still frightened. As expected, he had no time to think. Being urged by Grace Johnson, he was so frightened that he trembled all over. Then he said everything he knew in one go:
The Dark Beast God is the leader of the Dark Snake God.

When she just merged with the mysterious wood carving, the Underworld Beast God also gave her a clear order: kill Xia Yu!

Grace Johnson's face darkened, scaring Kashiwa Musang.

Baimu Sang suddenly became excited, nodded quickly and said: "No, it's really gone. I really didn't lie to you."

Grace Johnson turned his attention to Xia Yu and nodded.

This time he felt that Kashiwagi-san had told everything he knew.


Xia Yu narrowed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Grace Johnson said: "Master, do you still keep her?"

The master had offended the Dark Snake God and hated the Dark Snake God. He knew this...

and so.

When he heard Bai Mu Sang say that the Underworld Beast God was the leader of the Underworld Snake God, he sentenced Bai Mu Sang to death.

not to mention……

The Underworld Beast God also asked Bai Mu Sang to kill Xia Yu. This... He couldn't let Bai Mu Sang go.


"Use her to improve your strength first."

Xia Yu said lightly, not in a hurry to reply to Grace Johnson.

"it is good."

Ah Xiong hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Although there was a misunderstanding between him and Kashiwa Musang because of Grace Johnson,... this did not prevent him from continuing to have physical contact with Kashiwa Musang in order to improve his strength.



Bai Mu Sang was desperate: "How can you be so unfaithful? I have told you everything I know, how can you still...ah!"

What else did she want to say.

Ah Xiong controlled the roots and willow branches and came to her side again. This time... Ah Xiong no longer controlled the willow branches and roots to crawl onto her legs, but let them be broken along the cypress trees. The wounds on her hand tendons and hamstrings penetrated into her body.

Pain and shyness made Kashiwagi-san scream.

Xia Yu and Grace Johnson did not care about Baimusang and Ah Xiong. They were still thinking about how to deal with Baimusang.


"Keep her first."

Xia Yu said.


Grace Johnson nodded and said: "It's okay, you can help Ah Xiong improve her strength, and then kill her after it has no effect in this regard."

Xia Yu didn't nod or shake his head and said, "Let's talk about it later."

With Ah Xiong here, there is no need to worry about these divine envoys escaping.

Therefore, she was actually not in a hurry to kill Kashiwagi-san.


Kashiwagi-san was 'abandoned by God'.

As for the purpose of keeping Baimu Sang... one is to lure more disciples and envoys of the Underworld Beast God over.

Didn't the Underworld Beast God want to kill her?


Moreover, the Underworld Snake God is the leader of the Underworld Snake God. Killing the Underworld Beast God's men is equivalent to weakening the strength of the Underworld Snake God's camp.

Grace Johnson didn't know what Xia Yu meant. He just saw that Xia Yu had other ideas, so he didn't ask again.

after one day.

Kashiwa Musang has died countless times.

This is not the point.

The point is...

She already understood why Xiong wanted to enter her body, and she also knew that she couldn't avoid it at all, but... she was 'humiliated' one after another, which made it difficult for her to accept.


After being 'humiliated' so many times, Kashiwagi Sang has become a little numb.

Do you even think this is good?
after all.

First, Ah Xiong didn't really humiliate her. Second, the roots and willow branches controlled by Ah Xiong did not even reach above Kashiwa Musang's thighs and below his shoulders.

What is absorbed is the flesh and blood of the limbs, neck and face.

In this case, it can also weaken Kashiwagi-san's combat power, reducing its combat power to 30% of its previous level, or even lower. Moreover, because the flesh and blood in his neck was sucked dry, his voice was also affected, and he was unable to perform spiritual arts.

and so……

Kashiwagi-san cannot perform spiritual arts, and his combat effectiveness will also be affected.

Kashiwa Musang is not a ungrateful person. She also knows that Axiong can do this and already takes care of her feelings.

In addition, she also realized that Grace Johnson was scaring her before.

a moment.

"Do I have a chance to survive?"

After the flesh and blood on Bai Mu Sang's neck was repaired, she was able to speak. She couldn't help but look at Ah Xiong and asked expectantly.

Kashiwa Musang no longer wants to communicate with Grace Johnson, and she can also see that Ah Xiong's status is very high, not lower than Grace Johnson.

So I chose to communicate with Ah Xiong.


Ah Xiong frowned.

You are a divine envoy, and you cannot die at all.


Kashiwa Musang opened his mouth and spoke again.

"From the moment you surrendered to the Underworld Beast God, you were destined to have no freedom."

Ah Xiong said: "Unless the Underworld Beast God personally rescues you."

Kashiwagi Sang was silent.

She asked: "Underworld Snake God, when did I offend you?"

Ah Xiong didn't hide anything about this, and briefly described the battle between them and the Underworld Snake God.

A few minutes later.

Bomu Sang's eyes flashed with shock, and he said: "A group of the disciples and envoys of the Snake God were killed? And a group of other disciples and envoys of 'His' were also killed?"

Ah Xiong emphasized: "It's several rounds."

Kashiwa Musang: "..."

Thinking of the explosion of so many crystal nuclei, thinking of Xia Yu's strength.

Bai Mu Sang knew that Ah Xiong was not lying.

long silence.

Ah Xiong saw Kashiwa Musang's injuries repaired and began to suck the flesh and blood from his body again.

Kashiwa Musang said: "Stop sucking my legs, I want to stand up and walk around."

Ah Xiong frowned.

Without sucking the legs, Kashiwagi-san's fighting power cannot be suppressed too much.

Bai Mu Sang knew what Ah Xiong meant, blushed and said, "Suck my upper body."

"Don't suck too hard."

"I want to stay sane."


Ah Xiong was stunned, are you not shy anymore?

He still sucked Kashiwagi-san’s upper body.

Soon, Kashiwa Musang's upper body lost weight twice.

The combat power was severely damaged.

Seeing Ah Xiong who was "obedient" to him, Bai Mu Sang hesitated to speak.

Another day passed.


"If I marry you, will I be free?"

Kashiwa Musang finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked.

Ah Xiong frowned.


Before Ah Xiong could speak, Grace Johnson's voice sounded: "It's just... your freedom is relative freedom under Ah Xiong's control."

Ah Xiong: "..."


Just as he was about to say something, Bai Mu Sang blushed, lowered his head and said, "Then I am willing."

Ah Xiong: "..."

Grace Johnson raised her eyebrows, obviously not expecting Kashiwa Musang to be really willing.

He was dumbfounded.

Xia Yu obviously didn't expect that Bai Mu Sang would choose to marry Ah Xiong. She didn't believe in love at first sight, and she believed that Bai Mu Sang just wanted to be free.

Although it is freedom under Ah Xiong's control, it is still freedom.

It's better than being a 'tool' to be sucked, right?
Grace Johnson coughed dryly, looking a little embarrassed. He just made a joke. Who would have thought that Kashiwa Musang would be serious!
He spoke again: "It doesn't matter if you are willing. The key is that Ah Xiong is willing."

"And you are willing just because you want to be free."

"Isn't it?"

Unexpectedly, Kashiwa Musang nodded without any secret.

Grace Johnson: "???"

Bai Mu Sang continued: "I want to be free, and I didn't fall in love with Ah Xiong at first sight, but... you should know that if a woman from the Lamu tribe is touched by a man, she wants to marry him."

"This is a rule left by our ancestors."

Grace Johnson: "..."

Ah Xiong: "..."

Xia Yu: "..."


Grace Johnson continued: "Don't bluff me. Your ancestors had many rules, but there are still a few of you Ram tribe who abide by the rules."

"What you are talking about is indeed the rule of your Lamu tribe, but many of your Lamu tribe no longer abide by this marriage rule."

"Isn't it?"

Kashiwa Musang nodded, and then retorted: "I'm guarding."

Grace Johnson: "..."

He had nothing to say.

Because Kashiwa Musang might have done it on purpose, or he might actually be abiding by the rules of his ancestors. After all, this is his own choice.

"Feel sorry."

Ah Xiong took a deep breath and refused ruthlessly.

"It doesn't matter."

Kashiwa Musang said: "I can wait."

Ah Xiong: "..."

Grace Johnson didn’t know what to say.

Kashiwa Musang did not look at Grace Johnson, but turned his attention to Ah Xiong and continued: "I admit that I want freedom, but I also abide by the rules of my ancestors."

"I hope you give me a chance."

Ah Xiong was silent.

Kashiwa Musang continued: "It is indeed my own choice to merge with the mysterious wood carving and become 'His' envoy, but if I had not chosen that way at the time."

"Death is certain."

"It's not like you don't understand 'His' situation. Once I become his divine envoy, I will have to be abandoned by God, otherwise I will not be able to get rid of him on my own initiative."


"I hope you will continue to suck my flesh and blood to strengthen yourself."

"But, don't kill me."

"If one day I am abandoned by God, there will be no way to resurrect me."

Grace Johnson raised his eyebrows. Bai Mu Sang's appeal was normal. If he changed to another divine envoy, he felt that he could satisfy it, but... the other party was from the Ram tribe.

He hoped that Ah Xiong would not agree.

Ah Xiong looked at Xia Yu.

"it's up to you."

Feeling Ah Xiong's gaze, Xia Yu said lightly.

Ah Xiong nodded and said, "I can promise you."

"Thank you."

Kashiwagi-san is very happy.


Because Kashiwa Musang finished saying the words that he had been holding in his heart for a long time,... although he still blushed from time to time, he was much better than before.

Become relaxed and generous.

Very proactive.

This actually made Ah Xiong a little embarrassed, and the pace of the chat was completely controlled by Kashiwagi Sang.

Grace Johnson: "..."

He said to Xia Yu: "Master, are these two really getting married?"

Xia Yu didn't speak.

Fate is wonderful beyond words.

How could she know?
If her ability can be developed to the second stage, she may be able to predict what others will do in the next few seconds, but... she wants to predict others' futures in days, months, or even years.

Basically impossible.

Unless it is developed to the fifth stage or even higher.


In her previous life, she had never heard of anyone being able to develop abilities to the fifth stage.

There is only one person who has reached the fourth stage of development.


Grace Johnson lowered her voice and used spiritual magic to transmit the message: "I think Kashiwa Musang deliberately hooked up with Ah Xiong and waited for Ah Xiong to be moved and willingly let her go."

"Then it will be time for her to escape."

This Kashiwagi-san is very eloquent, I can't help but think so.

Xia Yu shook her head.

"What do you mean?"

Grace Johnson was puzzled.

"Ah Xiong is a straight man, not a bitch."

Xia Yu said it very straightforwardly.

Lick the dog?

Grace Johnson obviously hasn't learned this word yet and is a little confused.

Xia Yu did not explain.

Grace Johnson didn't ask again, but...since the master was so confident in Ah Xiong, what else could he say?

I thought I could wipe out the entire Lamu tribe, but I didn't expect that it ended up in this situation.

This was obviously something he didn't expect.


"What are you thinking about?"

Xia Yu said calmly: "If Baimu Sang is abandoned by God in the end, and she does not die, then I will most likely find a way to control her."

"Or if you have any spiritual skills to control her, you can use them."

"I do not need."

Grace Johnson shook her head decisively.

Xia Yu glanced at him, then reacted and nodded.

No need to.

It is indeed the best choice.

Because once you use the spiritual technique to control Kashiwa Musang, a situation will easily occur: one day, Kashiwa Musang said that Grace Johnson used the spiritual technique to control her to force her to do something.

Like, being insulted by Grace Johnson.

For example, being driven by Grace Johnson to betray the team.

Grace Johnson may not have done these things, but...

If Kashiwa Musang acts like a character, what will Ah Xiong think?
Even if Ah Xiong believed in Grace Johnson, it would be easy to feel uncomfortable, right?

In short.

Because Grace Johnson is from the dark elf clan and has a deep hatred for the Ram clan, it is the best choice not to get involved in this matter.

"Then I'll take control."

Xia Yu added: "Control Baimu Sang's resources and deduct them from Ah Xiong's points."

Grace Johnson nodded.

If this is the case, then there is no need to worry about Kashiwagi-san's betrayal.


Having a member of a hostile race as a teammate makes you feel uncomfortable no matter how you think about it.

Xia Yu didn't say anything else. Even though she knew Grace Johnson's thoughts, she didn't persuade or explain anything.

Grace Johnson is hundreds of years old and can figure it out.

after an hour.

Grace Johnson just figured it out.

If that's really the case...

The first possibility: Kashiwagi-san hates him.

That doesn't matter, I don't care about her, as long as we don't go on missions together. After all, there are so many people in the team, and the possibility of acting together is almost zero.

Even if they act together, Xia Yu must be there. When the time comes, Xia Yu will be there, and Bai Mu Sang will not dare to cause trouble behind his back.

The second possibility: Kashiwagi-san doesn’t bear any grudge against him.

This situation is of course the best.

Even if he is not at ease with Kashiwa Musang, at least it seems to be okay on the surface, and it is completely possible to not go on a mission with him, or to have Xia Yu with him when they go on a mission together, like in the previous situation.

Perfect solution.

Xia Yu glanced at Bai Mu Sang, who was still trying to get close to Ah Xiong, and thought in her heart: If Bai Mu Sang is using tricks, that would be the stupidest behavior.

Because there will definitely be backlash.

will die.

and so……

For Kashiwa Musang, the path she is currently planning is her only means to survive and gain freedom.

As long as she can get Ah Xiong to marry her and is willing to use points to buy the resources to control her, then... she will be free.


If Kashiwa Musang really gets together with Ah Xiong and gets married, it will definitely be a good thing for Kashiwa Musang...

Because Ah Xiong has a good talent, and has the unique ability to control invisible willow branches and roots, and his combat power is amazing. Even though he is only in the second-level spiritual realm, even if he encounters creatures at the third-level spiritual realm, he will still be able to fight. Kill one by one.

If you have enough crystal nuclei on hand...

Creatures at the fourth level of the spiritual realm can also touch it!
More importantly, Ah Xiong is a member of her team. With her... Ah Xiong has a very high starting point and will definitely have a good future.

Being able to follow Ah Xiong is a blessing.

of course.

Who knows what Kashiwagi-san will choose in the end?
She doesn't care.

It will not interfere with the other party's decision.

Withdrawing his gaze, Xia Yu glanced at the formation flag in his hand. No matter what... In this operation, nothing was lost and the formation flag was obtained. After all, the goal was achieved.

This is enough.


Xia Yu continued to practice.

Grace Johnson also started practicing.

Ah Xiong also started practicing.

Seeing this, Bai Mu Sang wisely did not continue chatting with Ah Xiong, but stared blankly into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

As time goes by.

The soldiers and members of the pioneer team also came out of the fog.

After coming out, when they saw Xia Yu and others, and when they saw Bai Mu Sang being captured, they all felt relieved and no longer stayed in the fog.

This time the fog incident.

One soldier and one member of the pioneer team died.

Although this loss is extremely small, but...

Watching your comrades die in battle.

No one will be in a good mood.

It’s not a matter of numbers, but it’s hard to accept the loss of teammates and companions.

After half an hour.

Everyone set up a tombstone on the spot.

In front of the tombstone, the captain of the pioneer team finally couldn't hold back his inner anger and rushed towards Kashiwagi Sang, shouting: "It's all your fault! It was you who killed my team members!"

"I am going to kill you!"

He drew his sword and wanted to cut.

Xia Yu glanced at it and then looked away, continuing to practice.

Grace Johnson also looked like she was watching a show.

Only Ah Xiong frowned and secretly used willow branches and roots to grab the leader of the pioneer team and said: "She is our trophy and should be dealt with by us."

"I hope you can calm down."

"I'm going to kill her!"

The captain of the pioneer team was so angry that his reason was eroded at this moment, and he could no longer listen to Ah Xiong's words.

Ah Xiong frowned.

"team leader!"

Seeing their captain struggling desperately, but always standing in place, unable to move, the key is that they still don't know what method Ah Xiong used, this...

It's very scary.

and so.

The members of the Pioneer Team stepped forward one after another, and for fear of offending Ah Xiong, they pulled their captain back.

Ah Xiong withdrew his restraints on the leader of the Pioneer Squad.

"let me go!"

The leader of the Pioneers squad struggled.

But he was held down tightly by his teammates.

Ah Xiong did not pay attention to the leader of the pioneer team, but stood up and came to the tombstone of the dead soldier, bowed, and then continued to practice.

Kashiwa Musang asked in confusion: "What does this mean? Is the person who died your friend?"

Ah Xiong shook his head and said, "He is a warrior, a warrior who protects our safety."

Kashiwa Musang suddenly understood and said, "I'm sorry."

Ah Xiong shook his head and said nothing.

When fighting, both sides are enemies and must kill each other.

not to mention.

The death of that soldier was not caused by Kashiwagi Sang.

He is still very clear about this and will not vent his anger indiscriminately.

"In the future, if I encounter people from the Ram tribe again, I will take action against them."

Kashiwa Musang took the initiative and seemed to have made up his mind.

The husband and wife sing along.

This principle also applies to the Lamu people.


Ah Xiong couldn't believe her easily.

Kashiwa Musang didn't care about Xiong's attitude. He stood up, bowed to the leader of the pioneer team, and said, "I'm sorry."


The members of the Pioneer Team were stunned.

Aliens, will you apologize to them?


The leader of the pioneer team had calmed down and said coldly.

After saying that, he turned around and left.

The members of the pioneer team glanced at Kashiwagi Sang, then turned and left.

See this.

Bai Mu Sang didn't say anything else. She sat next to Ah Xiong and observed everyone.


It is very likely that she lives in the world where Ah Xiong lives, and she needs to observe and adapt to this place.

Time passes minute by minute.

Because of Kashiwagi-san's previous apology, everyone fell silent.

Apart from looking for food, everyone spent the rest of the time practicing, and the entire area covered by the fog incident became extremely quiet.

On Kashiwa Musang's side, whenever her body repairs, Ah Xiong will suck out most of Kashiwa Musang's flesh and blood, keeping her condition at a very low level.

and so.

Kashiwa Musang has never died, but he is always consuming 'His' power.

Behind her, the power of the Underworld Beast God was powerful. This consumption was not taken lightly at first, but...it couldn't be resisted so many times!

not to mention.

Because of the great changes in the world, for 'him', every point of power consumed needs to be replenished by the power of faith, and this process is difficult.

and so……

All 'Hes' are extremely sensitive to loss.

Even if the loss is not big, you can still feel it keenly.

Over time.

The Underworld Beast God will definitely notice the situation on Kashiwagi Sang's side.

It will definitely be discarded.


What Baimusang was worried about was that the Underworld Beast God would control her, seize control of her body, and even search for her soul. Once the Underworld Beast God knew her thoughts, he would definitely not let her go.

By the time.

She was trying to fetch water from a bamboo basket but in vain.

However, it was useless to think about this in the current situation. She had no way out.

Two more days passed.

It's afternoon.

The captain of the pioneer team took his team members to the place where Xia Yu and Kashiwa Musang had fought before: beside the train. They were shocked when they looked at the completely destroyed train.

The look in Xia Yu's eyes became more and more awe-inspiring.

It was at this time.

The fog cleared.

Xia Yu opened his eyes immediately, followed by Ah Xiong and others.

Then there are the soldiers and members of the pioneer team.


The fog has completely dissipated, and this fog incident has officially ended.

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