I'm back from hell

Chapter 494 3 little ones

Chapter 494 Three little ones



Xia Yu and others did not hesitate, and drove away the moment the mist incident ended.

The battle in this fog incident caused extremely serious damage.

Fortunately, most of Xia Yu's battles with 'Guo Shan' and Kashiwa Musang were in the air, otherwise... the entire train station area would have been completely destroyed.

To say it was razed to the ground is an understatement.

after all.

Each of them is comparable to a 'human bomber'. Three 'bombers' are bombing. Who can withstand it?
The car of Xia Yu and others was intact. As for the road being destroyed and the car unable to pass... with Ah Xiong here, it was not a problem at all.

Just a few minutes.

They had just left the area covered by the fog incident...

"Sister Yu."

Ah Xiong, who was driving the car, frowned and said, "There are a large number of soldiers ahead, and there is a long cordon."

Before Xia Yu could speak, Grace Johnson was the first to speak out: "Sister Yu, isn't it those little devils who have expanded their territory again?"

Xia Yu thought the same thing, but just to be sure, she still said: "Stop aside first."

"it is good."

Ah Xiong did as he was told.

Xia Yu contacted Zhao Guohui and asked about the situation here.

In New City No. 9, senior officials such as Zhao Guohui, Ai Cao and Qian Yihao were having a meeting. The content of the meeting was to study how to deal with the ghost clan that appeared in the area in front of Xia Yu and others.

"We have lost 19 soldiers. I suggest that the soldiers be withdrawn immediately."

"You can't evacuate. Zhao Cancan said that as long as you want to leave, you will be attacked by the ghost clan with all their strength, and they will not stop. If you don't want to leave, you can live longer. She suspects that leaving this area will trigger the The killing pattern of a ghost clan."

"Can't Zhao Cancan also defeat him?"

"Can't beat it."

"In other words, if you want to break the situation now, you must find the killing patterns of other ghost clans, and then use them to make them kill each other."


Everyone was discussing.

Zhao Guohui's face has always been ugly, because every time he heard that soldiers died among them, but they could not find a solution, he felt heavy.

Continuing like this is simply not an option.

A feeling of powerlessness lingers.


Qian Yihao really had no choice but to suggest: "Looking for Xia...the person behind Xie Shaokun?"

"Several of the mist incidents she participated in were related to the ghost clan."

"There must be a way to deal with those ghosts."

Everyone was silent, looking at Zhao Guohui, waiting for Zhao Guohui's decision.

Zhao Guohui picked up the phone.

In fact, when Zhao Cancan couldn't deal with the ghosts two days ago, he thought of this solution and called Xia Yu.


Can't get through.

After asking Xie Shaokun, I learned that Xia Yu and others participated in the mist incident.

'I don't know if it's over now. '

Zhao Guohui was about to make a call.


Xia Yu's call came in.


Zhao Guohui's eyes lit up. It seemed that the fog incident was over.

This time, no matter how high the price was, he would still ask Xia Yu to help deal with those ghosts as soon as possible. The longer it was delayed, the greater the loss would be. In the end...

I'm afraid even Xia Yu may not be able to solve it.


After Zhao Guohui got through, he took the lead and asked: "Is the fog incident over?"

Have you been waiting for me?
Xia Yu reacted immediately and asked: "Because of those ghost tribes?"


When Zhao Guohui heard Xia Yu's words, he also knew that Xia Yu had guessed it, so he asked, "Do you know?"


Xia Yu didn't waste time and asked straight to the point: "Have you figured out the killing patterns of these ghosts?"

Zhao Guohui's eyes lit up again and he asked, "Are you going?"

Xia Yu said: "That's right."

Zhao Guohui was ecstatic and asked: "What's the price?"


Xia Yu was stunned for a moment, then understood what Zhao Guohui meant, and said directly: "Ghost clan, leave it to me."


Zhao Guohui asked.

Xia Yu: "No more."

"make a deal!"

Zhao Guohui immediately understood that those ghost tribes were useful to Xia Yu.

The deal between the two parties is: Xia Yu will kill the ghost tribe, and then get the ghost tribe, and he will provide information.

He nodded in agreement without hesitation and said, "Okay."

He was already prepared to pay a big price, but now that he didn't need to pay anything extra, he would naturally agree happily.


Xia Yu got all the information about these ghosts from Zhao Guohui:
One is the 'Open Door Ghost', with a killing rule: if you open the door and enter any area, people will disappear. Once they disappear, there is no possibility of coming back.

One is a 'territory ghost', and its killing rules are: once you enter its territory, don't even think about getting out. Once you try to get out, you will be attacked.

One is a 'photo ghost' with a killing pattern: once you receive a photo with your portrait on it, you will disappear. Once gone, there is no possibility of coming back. He only appears at night and only kills one person a night.

It is worth mentioning that those who were targeted by the 'photo ghost' received photos with the same background, which showed the gate of the General's Mansion with red walls and green tiles.

People with strong souls will be targeted by ghosts later.

But it's just a little later, and he will still be targeted.

"Three little ones?"

Xia Yu narrowed her eyes and glanced at Ah Xiong, Grace Johnson and Xiao Hua in the car. Finally, she turned her attention to Ah Xiong and said, "Ah Xiong, please don't follow me."

"Take Kashiwagi-san back to the base."


Ah Xiong frowned and opened his mouth to fight for it.

in fact.

He wanted to follow.

Before this fog incident started, he had already thought about it and would increase his experience with Sister Yu.

Xia Yu briefly described the situation and said seriously: "Your willpower is good, but your soul is not strong. If you enter, you will be targeted."

"too dangerous."


Grace Johnson also advised: "You are not only alone, but you also have to keep an eye on Kashiwa Musang."

"It's better to be careful."


"Sister Yu."

"I can protect him."

Kashiwagi-san, who was thrown into the trunk, spoke.

In order to express her respect, she now calls Xia Yu Sister Yu along with Ah Xiong and others.

Xia Yu frowned.

Grace Johnson even asked aloud: "What do you mean? Are you here to protect Ah Xiong? Spiritual magic can indeed hurt the ghost clan, but you must first know where the ghost clan is, right?"

"Sister Yu just said that two of these three ghosts will not show up and kill people invisible."

"Probably possesses a ghost weapon."

"Although there is another one that will show up to kill people, but... it is probably controlling the ghosts! It is very powerful!"

"My soul is powerful." Kashiwagi Sang said: "And, isn't there Xiao Hua here? Xiao Hua's soul is also very powerful."

"What are you afraid of?"


What else does Grace Johnson want to say.

Xia Yu interrupted him.

She was never a one-word leader and would respect the opinions of her subordinates. So she looked at Ah Xiong and asked, "Do you still want to go?"


Ah Xiong nodded and said solemnly: "I can control the explosion of crystal nuclei."

"Not afraid of ghosts."

Xia Yu thought for a while.

Ah Xiong used the crystal core to engage in 'self-destruction' combat. Indeed, few creatures could withstand this move.

The ghost clan is no exception.

Most likely it won't be able to bear it.

"it is good."

Xia Yu stopped trying to persuade and nodded in agreement.



Grace Johnson wanted to say something else.

"In my team, everyone has the right to choose."

Xia Yu said calmly: "I respect their choice."

"not to mention."

"Ah Xiong's role is indeed relatively large."


Grace Johnson paused.

I am also a member of your team, do I have the right to choose?
"You're not part of the team yet."

Although Xia Yu couldn't see into people's hearts, he could see Grace Johnson's inner thoughts, so he said, "You are just a non-staff member, and a controlled non-staff member."


Grace Johnson was stagnant again. He really had no way to refute.

On the side, Bai Mu Sang's eyes flickered. She didn't know what she was thinking, but...she must be happy to see Grace Johnson deflated.


Grace Johnson said: "Let me remind you."

"These three ghost clans have probably joined forces."

"Once they discover the strength of our team, they will probably attract three ghost clans to attack at the same time."

Hearing this, everyone looked stern.

Including cypress mulberry.

Ghosts, even in alien spaces, are extremely difficult to deal with because they come and go without a trace, cannot be harmed by ordinary weapons, and have very strong and strange abilities.

These three ghosts have strange abilities and are not weak in strength. Once they join forces...

Even they will find it difficult.

Is this also the reason why Grace Johnson doesn’t want Ah Xiong and Kashiwa Musang to enter together?
For a while.

Everyone somewhat understood what Grace Johnson meant.

"Act separately."

Ah Xiong suggested.

Hearing this, Xia Yu frowned.

Grace Johnson also frowned, thinking about the feasibility.

"Sister Yu and Xiaohua are together."

"The three of us together."

Ah Xiong continued.

Grace Johnson: "..."

You really know how to make arrangements, aren't you afraid of internal strife among us?
Before, during the mist incident, he had already figured it out: he would never act with Kashiwagi Sang in all future actions. Even if he acted together, Sister Yu must be by his side.

Otherwise, I will definitely not do it.

and so.

He was the first to say: "No."

Kashiwa Musang also shook his head.

Ah Xiong was silent.

"Let's act together first."

Xia Yu said: "Zhao Guohui said that some soldiers are still trapped inside."

"Let's find them first."

"We will consider how to deal with these ghosts at that time."


Grace Johnson was the first to agree: "Master is right."

"I agree too."

Xiaohua spoke for the second time.

Seeing this, Ah Xiong could only nod in agreement.


After discussing the action plan, Xia Yu opened the car door and led everyone straight over.

not far away.

The soldiers guarding the cordon did not know Xia Yu and others, so they immediately stopped them, but they did not speak yet...

I received the order from my superiors: Let me go!
The soldiers got out of the way one after another, and also warned: "One hundred meters ahead you will enter the area controlled by the ghosts, be careful!"

"Thank you."

Xia Yu nodded and led the people straight in.

Because the area controlled by the ghost tribe has become much larger now, the area controlled by the ghost tribe includes not only towns, but also wheat fields, woods, lakes...

It can be said.

The terrain is quite complex.


Everyone felt cold all over.

"We should have entered the area controlled by the ghost clan."

Grace Johnson reminded.

The area controlled by the ghosts can still communicate with the outside world, so...

Xia Yu can know the location of Zhao Cancan and other soldiers in real time.


"Go find those warriors first."

she spoke.

Everyone follows.



Zhao Cancan.

From the beginning when she entered the area controlled by the ghost clan, she was extremely cautious.


Ghosts, the more you are afraid of them, the more they will target you.

It was fine during the day, but when darkness fell at night... there were ghosts targeting them.

Because they knew in advance that there was a "Opening Ghost", everyone was very careful and never gave the "Opening Ghost" a chance to kill people. However, they didn't have much information about other ghosts.

For example, the first night.

She and a group of people from the Special Incident Investigation Bureau were targeted by the "photo ghost".

at the begining of.

It was a man who was targeted by the 'photo ghost': he was resting, suddenly something happened, he woke up, and then he saw a photo with his own face appeared in front of him.

The background of the photo is in front of the gate of a general's mansion.

There is nothing unnatural about the whole photo, as if he really took a photo in front of the gate of the general's mansion.

Such a strange scene frightened the man because he had never taken such a photo before, so at this moment...

That's when he realized he was being targeted.

Being targeted by a ghost!

He immediately told Zhao Cancan and others, but... Zhao Cancan and others picked up the photo, but only saw the gate of a general's mansion. They did not see anyone in the photo, let alone the man's profile picture.

at this time.

Everyone was so shocked that they dared not rest and protected the man.



ten minutes later.

Without any warning, the man disappeared.

The photo also changed, the background: the gate of the general's mansion, the characters: their colleagues.


Zhao Cancan's face changed wildly, and he subconsciously wanted to tear up the photo.

A colleague on the side quickly stopped him and said, "What if he dies if he rips it apart?"

Zhao Cancan's movements were stagnant.

In the end, I didn’t tear up the photo.

for the rest of the time.

Once it's nighttime.

Everyone began to receive photos one by one.

The situation was exactly the same as that of the missing colleague.

And, only kill one person a night.

Zhao Cancan has never been 'selected' because his soul is powerful and his abilities are related to the soul.

after a few days.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer colleagues around him, Zhao Cancan finally couldn't help but choose to escape. The remaining colleagues who survived were eager to leave now.

Everyone hit it off immediately.

Choose to leave during the day.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left, he encountered another 'realm ghost' possessing ghosts. The result was predictable... Only Zhao Cancan survived with his supernatural powers.

However, she just survived, and there was no way to leave. Once she tried to leave, she would encounter a crazy attack from the 'realm ghosts'.

Never die.


Zhao Cancan could only temporarily put out his thoughts of leaving and asked for support. Zhao Guohui also sent soldiers to support and covered the area with firepower.


It doesn't work.

The soldiers sent also died one after another.

Most of them were killed by 'field ghosts', and a few were killed by 'photo ghosts'.

at the moment.

Only Zhao Cancan and two other soldiers were left.

"Captain Zhao."

"We won't all die here, right?"

One of the female warriors was not afraid at this time. She just felt aggrieved that she had not even seen the enemy and had not fought a single battle. She died here like this.

feeling bad.

In her imagination, she was willing to fight those aliens and beat them to a bloody head, even if they were scarred and died of exhaustion in the end.

The only thing I don’t want to be like now is to die without knowing how.

Extremely frustrating.

"Will not."

Zhao Cancan said.

The female warrior laughed miserably, thinking that Zhao Cancan was comforting her.

"I didn't comfort you."

Zhao Cancan knew what the female warrior was worried about and said directly: "Team Zhao has already told me."

"Xie Shaokun's team will be here."


Hearing this, the female warrior's eyes lit up.

On the side, the male soldier who was guarding the surroundings also had hope.

No one wants to die.

If they can survive, everyone will want to survive.

"Is Xie Shaokun coming? Or is Xiaonan coming?"

"If you don't have a strong soul, it's useless to come here, right?"

"Although they have psychic weapons."

The female warrior obviously knew a lot and spoke.

"Not them."

"The guy behind their team."

Zhao Cancan said: "A person with strong strength, strong soul, rich experience, and the ability to predict the future."


Hearing this, the pupils of the female warrior and the male warrior shrank, and the hope in their eyes became brighter.

Although I don’t know who is behind Xie Shaokun...

However, everyone has heard of this person's name.

If it weren't for this person, Xie Shaokun wouldn't be where he is now!


Zhao Cancan encouraged: "Hold on!"

"Do you still remember what Team Zhao told you before coming here?"

"These 'ghosts' are actually afraid of people."

"If we get scared, if we give up, then... that's their chance."


The female warriors and male warriors nodded.

Zhao Cancan looked around. Her soul was powerful and she could sense the changes in the surrounding situation more clearly: the yin energy was getting heavier and heavier.

I am afraid.

Before Xia Yu and others arrive, the 'ghost' in the dark will take action.

As for what I just said to comfort the female warriors and male warriors...

That was for the weak ghost tribe, but now these three ghost tribes are stronger than each other, and they may even possess ghost weapons.

In this case, if you are targeted by them, you will die!


Who will die?

Zhao Cancan glanced at the female warrior and the male warrior, and couldn't help but grit his teeth and clenched his fists.

She didn't want to see these warriors die, but her powers hadn't developed to the second stage yet, and she didn't know any soul skills. She couldn't help these warriors, so she could only barely protect herself when fighting the ghosts.

Or fight hard.

Hard consumption.

'Xia Yu, I hope you can come quickly. '

'Um? Coming in? '

While Zhao Cancan was thinking, he received the news from Zhao Guohui. He immediately stood up and said, "Let's go!"

"When they come, let's go and greet them."

The female warriors and male warriors immediately followed.


Just now.

In front of the female warrior, to be precise, there was a picture floating down from the female warrior's head.


Everyone froze.

Looking carefully, it was the female warrior printed on the photo, and the background was still the gate of the general's mansion.

Female warrior, marked! "Walk!"

Zhao Cancan grabbed the female warrior's arm and shouted: "Quick! As long as you meet them within ten minutes, you will be fine!"

Hearing this, the female warrior recovered from her daze and quickly followed.

The male soldier followed closely behind him, holding his gun.

As for the mechanical wings...

When they tried to escape from this area a few days ago, they were destroyed by the 'realm ghost', so they had to run on foot.

The three of them were extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, a distance of tens of feet was covered.

In order to save the female soldier, Zhao Cancan ran with all his strength, not even caring whether the male soldier behind him could keep up.

As a result, after running for four or five minutes, the male warrior behind him had been thrown away dozens of feet.

And because the distance was too far, and there were many buildings, abandoned cars and ruins in between, the male warriors could no longer be seen.

of course.

Zhao Cancan and the female warrior did not look back and continued to rush forward.


While running, Zhao Cancan shouted at the female warrior: "Contact Team Zhao! Tell Team Zhao the situation and ask him to contact Xia Yu! Hurry!"

At this moment, she didn't care whether the information about 'Xia Yu' would be exposed.

It's important to save people!

"it is good!"

The female warrior was moved and immediately responded.

Since Zhao Cancan worked so hard to get her, she couldn't give up, right?


The female warrior followed what Zhao Cancan said and settled the matter.

Next, it’s time to leave it to fate!
At this moment, three minutes have passed since I saw the photo.

the other side.


After Xia Yu and others learned about the situation on Zhao Cancan's side, they immediately spread their mechanical wings, determined the direction, and quickly approached.

Three minutes later.

Xia Yu and others finally found Zhao Cancan and the female warrior with their extremely fast speed and amazing eyesight.

"Save her!"

Zhao Cancan didn't even have time to say hello to Xia Yu, he pointed directly at the female warrior and said.

Xia Yu didn't waste any time, and directly said an idea that came to her mind on the way: "Next, I will disguise myself as her, with her aura."

What she didn't say was that she would also use ghosts to shroud the female warrior.

Double protection!


Hearing this, Zhao Cancan and the female warrior were stunned for a moment, unable to understand for a while.


Pretending to be someone else's appearance and breath sounds very 'magical'.

"it is good!"

Zhao Cancan was the first to react, but she was not a female warrior and needed the consent of a female warrior.

"it is good!"

The female warrior also nodded without hesitation, mainly because she had no better way.

The two of them calmed down, thought for a moment, and guessed that Xia Yu must have a 'prop' that can disguise the appearance and breath of others. This 'prop'...

It was probably obtained from some foggy event.

Or it was obtained from foreigners.

After all, this is the end of the world, and anything can happen in the end of the world.

"Thank you."

The female warrior thanked her.

"It doesn't matter."

Xia Yu said lightly.

"Good work."

Zhao Cancan reminded solemnly: "Xia Yu, you have to be careful."


Xia Yu glanced at Zhao Cancan and was a little surprised, mainly because he didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to come here.

"I've awakened my powers."

Zhao Cancan knew what Xia Yu meant, so he no longer concealed it and spoke.


Xia Yu was stunned and asked, "Did you wake up later?"

It’s not that this situation doesn’t exist, it’s just...

Very few!

Under normal circumstances, the supernatural power will be awakened at the moment of first contact with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Of course, there are special circumstances.


Zhao Cancan said: "It was the fog incident you told me about. I participated in it, and the resources I received helped me awaken my powers."


"I didn't want to tell anyone about my powers at the time, so I kept it secret."

Xia Yu suddenly realized.

She didn't care. She also got resources from Zhao Cancan at that time, and she didn't have time to go abroad to participate in this fog incident, so...

That's why this deal happened.

As for whether Zhao Cancan tells him or not...that is Zhao Cancan's own choice.

She couldn't say anything and had no right to interfere.

"It doesn't matter."

Xia Yu signaled the other party not to care, took the initiative to change the topic, glanced at the female warrior, then looked around, and asked: "It's just the two of you?"

"Yes, why are there only two of you? Didn't you say there were three of us?"

Grace Johnson also asked.

"The vice-captain is behind... isn't he following behind? Where are the people?"

Only then did the female warrior remember another comrade and looked back... Where was the vice-captain?
"Look for it."

Xia Yu looked at Grace Johnson.


Grace Johnson doesn’t waste any time and just goes straight to spiritual magic.

Found nothing!


Grace Johnson noticed a ghost appearing not far away.


Xia Yu's pupils shrank and he immediately guessed that the male warrior was probably killed by the 'realm ghost' because he was alone! ! !
She just wanted to do something.

"The ghosts are gone!"

Grace Johnson's voice sounded.

Xia Yu: "..."

"Blame me!"

The female warrior obviously guessed something, she collapsed instantly and cried loudly.


Her spirit was very tense, and her mentality was already on the verge of collapse. At this moment, she was not able to collapse.


On the side, Zhao Cancan obviously did not expect such a result.

She was speechless for a moment.


Grace Johnson spoke again and said: "Right now, it is not the time to be sad. What we should be thinking about is how to save people."

"cheer up."

"The more negative the attitude, the better it will be for the ghost clan."


The female warrior shook her head.

"Don't be stupid."

After getting along with each other, Zhao Cancan obviously understood the character of this female warrior. He immediately frowned and said, "The vice-captain died, I don't blame you!"

"You have to live."

"no no!"

The female warrior shook her head and said: "It's all my fault! I killed him! If it weren't for me, he wouldn't have died. I can't harm others anymore."

What else did Zhao Cancan want to say.


Xia Yu looked at the female warrior and said coldly: "If you want to die, go now."

Zhao Cancan: "..."

The female warrior did not expect Xia Yu to say this, and was stunned for a moment.

Grace Johnson instantly understood what Xia Yu meant and said, "It's really stupid!"

"Let's not talk about whether it's your fault or not."

"Even if it's your fault, your vice-captain died trying to save you. What is the most important thing to you at this time?"

"The most important thing is to survive!"

"We can't let him down!"

"Do you want his death to be in vain?"

"Do you want him to die with his eyes open under the Nine Springs?"

The female warrior paused for a moment.


Grace Johnson drank suddenly.

The female warrior trembled, came to her senses, shook her head and said, "No! No!"

See this.


Zhao Cancan sighed. She knew that this female warrior's mentality had completely collapsed, otherwise she would not be like this.

You know, this female warrior was a heroine before.

Very strong!
Very cool!
She said: "Cheer up, you will survive."

"Let's avenge him together."


The female warrior nodded heavily, quickly adjusted her emotions, and her collapsed will returned to normal.


Seeing this scene, Grace Johnson was a little surprised, mainly because he didn't expect that a collapsed person could adjust in such a short period of time and maintain a high fighting spirit.

This is what he admires most.

"The time is almost up."

Ah Xiong reminded.

Everyone's expressions became grim, and their bodies tensed up.

"Ten minutes, is that accurate?"

Grace Johnson asked.


"Very accurate!"

Before Zhao Cancan could speak, the female warrior was the first to speak: "We have calculated it."

Xia Yu nodded and asked, "How long will it take?"

The female warrior didn't know.

"The last fifteen seconds."

Fortunately, Zhao Cancan remembered it, and remembered it relatively clearly.

"You guys get ready."

Xia Yu reminded me.

Zhao Cancan nodded.

Grace Johnson and others also gathered together with their expressions condensed.




Time passed by minute by minute, until the time came to the last three seconds.

Xia Yu put a little flower on it.


Xia Yu used Guixiao.

In order to prevent the 'realm ghost' from staring at her secretly, she did not rush to change her appearance, but took the lead in using ghost ghost.

A spherical ghost with a radius of only one meter appeared.

Just enough to cover Xia Yu and the female warrior.

this moment.

Grace Johnson, Zhao Cancan and others could not see Xia Yu and the female warrior at all, as if the two people had disappeared out of thin air.

It's just weird.

Not even the 'realm ghost' can be seen.

Even though the domain of 'Domain Ghost' is larger and stronger.

within the field.


The female warrior watched helplessly as Xia Yu turned into her own appearance, and even her breath changed.

"No matter what happens for a while, don't make a sound."

Xia Yu reminded.


The female warrior nodded quickly and was extremely cooperative.

At this time, she realized that her body shape was very similar to Xia Yu's.



the female warrior asked.

"It doesn't matter."

Xia Yu said calmly: "In my ghost world, the 'realm ghost' can't see clearly what's going on inside. They can only distinguish you and me by their breath."

"But your and my breath are exactly the same now."

The female warrior showed a look of surprise.

Then he thought of the 'ghost' mentioned by Xia Yu, and his expression changed again.


Before she could ask, Xia Yu reminded him: "It's time."

The female warrior shut up immediately.

outside the realm.


Grace Johnson, Zhao Cancan and others instantly felt that the temperature around them dropped several degrees, and a sense of coolness spread throughout their bodies. They knew...

The 'Photo Ghost' is here!
"and many more."

Grace Johnson frowned and asked: "Don't the 'photo ghosts' have ghost weapons? They don't need to show up, right?"


Zhao Cancan nodded and said: "Before, the 'photo ghost' did not show up when he killed the soldiers who received the photos."

"Appearing this time..."

Grace Johnson's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "The master's ghost cave worked! The 'photo ghost' couldn't tell which one was the master!"

"That's why it showed up in person."

Everyone nodded.

This is indeed the most reasonable explanation.


Zhao Cancan shook his head again, frowned, and said, "This is a 'field ghost'! Not a 'photo ghost'!"


Ah Xiong and others were puzzled.

Grace Johnson was the first to react and said, "You mean... you can see 'ghosts'?"

"You can't see it, but you can accurately sense its location."

Zhao Cancan nodded and said: "The 'photo ghost' does not have a domain. If it comes, I can accurately see its location. However, the 'domain ghost' has a domain. I can only roughly judge that it is coming and cannot find it at all." s position."

"Everyone, be careful!"

Grace Johnson reminded: "I suspect that this is the 'photo ghost' and the 'field ghost' teaming up to attack us! If you sense the 'field ghost' approaching, attack immediately!"

"Let it have a taste of our power!"

"It also helps the master share the pressure!"

Ah Xiong and others nodded.

among them.

Ah Xiong deliberately held the dark red military dagger in his hand.

This was given to him by Su Qian a few days ago.

Ever since she took over the job of negotiating deals in New City No. 9, Su Qian rarely left. She didn't even go to the base often, let alone participate in the fog incident.

Moreover, she is always surrounded by Hong She or other people in the team, plus Tan Xiaotong, it can be said that... the safety factor is extremely high.

Basically, she's not in danger.

and so.

Su Qian lent his psychic weapon, a military dagger, to Ah Xiong.

Ah Xiong was not being pretentious.


Has not been used.

Mainly because there is no chance.

This time, there is a chance!
Kashiwa Musang glanced at Grace Johnson, but he didn't expect that the other party took control of the situation easily and asked everyone to follow his orders.

But when I think about it, it makes sense.

Grace Johnson has lived for hundreds of years, and is better than him in all aspects such as majesty, experience, ability and speaking skills.

She still has a lot to learn.

On second thought.

The temperature of the whole body drops further!

Zhao Cancan and Grace Johnson spoke out almost at the same time.

"call out."



Everyone took action together.

Ah Xiong rolled a military dagger in a willow branch and stabbed wildly at the place beside him.

Grace Johnson used spiritual skills to control the arrows made from the Heavenly Spirit Wood to 'fly' around him at extremely fast speeds.

Zhao Cancan quickly waved the psychic weapon in his hand and used his supernatural powers to protect himself.


For a time, everyone used their own methods.

Attack the 'field ghosts' that come to you!

next moment.

The temperature around everyone suddenly increased.

The cold feeling dissipated.


Ah Xiong asked.


Grace Johnson nodded and said: "The 'Field Ghost' must have been hit by our means."

"Is it dead?"

Ah Xiong asked.

"Probably not."

Grace Johnson shook his head and said: "The other party has ghosts, and they are not easy to kill."

"The best we can do is hurt it."

"What should we do now?"

Ah Xiong asked again.


Grace Johnson said: "I'm worried that the 'realm ghosts' will become angry and take revenge on us."

Everyone nodded.

This is also what they are afraid of.

However, no matter what, their goal was achieved: to protect the female warrior!

next moment.



Zhao Cancan's pupils shrank and he saw photos appearing in front of him and Grace Johnson! ! !


She didn't know what to say for a moment.

"We're the only two being targeted?"

Grace Johnson also frowned and asked.

"It should be said... the attack between the two of us hurt the 'Field Ghost', and the 'Photo Ghost' wants to take revenge on us."

Zhao Cancan said.

"Ten minutes?"

Grace Johnson asked.


Zhao Cancan nodded.


Hearing this, Grace Johnson didn't waste any time and shouted directly: "What should we do next?"

Xia Yu did not show up, but said: "My ghost can only protect one person."

"You two are on your own."

Grace Johnson's expression changed. He took a deep breath, looked at Zhao Cancan, and asked: "That 'realm ghost' will come again. Are we going to sit back and wait for death?"

"What do you want?"

Zhao Cancan asked.

"I have an idea."

Grace Johnson used spiritual skills to secretly transmit messages to Zhao Cancan and Xia Yu.

"It's too much of a gamble."

Xia Yu spoke first.


Zhao Cancan gritted his teeth and said, "Delaying it is not an option."


"I have the means to self-destruct, don't worry."

"As long as you act quickly enough, Zhao Cancan and I will be fine."

Grace Johnson said.

"Be careful."

Xia Yu finally agreed.


Grace Johnson and Zhao Cancan nodded.

Ah Xiong didn't know how they discussed it, and he didn't ask any questions. He knew that the reason why Grace Johnson chose spiritual sound transmission was not to prevent him, but to prevent those 'ghosts' from hearing it. .

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