The strongest patriarch

Chapter 1130 Heroic Deeds

Jiang Lanjie.Youlan Mansion.

Since the Qingtian clan wiped out the four major families and successfully rose.This Youlan Mansion became more and more prosperous.It seems that there is already a tendency to become the largest mansion in Jiang Lan's world.

this day.A huge warship suddenly loomed over the bustling Youlan Mansion.This warship is as huge as a huge castle.The whole body is made of an unknown rare ore.It exudes an amazing black luster under the scorching sun.He looked very handsome.

"Look at the sky. What is that?"

"My God. Is that a castle? It's too scary. If it falls down accidentally, more than half of our Youlan Mansion will be smashed to pieces."

"Hehe. This is not a castle. Take a closer look. It is a flying warship that is only qualified to be owned by the main god level. It seems that the powerhouse who is not the main god level does not have such a mount. As far as I know, even Our palace lord has never owned such a magnificent spaceship. Could it be that some world lord is powerful enough to come to our Youlan Mansion."

"What. A master-class warship."

"That's right. Presumably this passing power should belong to the relatively top power. Even the adults in the Qingtian clan don't have such a luxurious mount. This kind of warship is extremely rare at first glance. .Only those super-big clans have it."

"Hiss. Why is this world lord coming to this mansion? I think it flew towards the Qingtian Mountains just now. Could it be to trouble the Qingtian clan?"

"Who knows. But this world lord's powerful visit to Youlan Mansion must be related to the Qingtian clan. Let's go. Let's follow and have a look."


The shocking appearance of the black iron warship.It was immediately noticed by various forces in Youlan Mansion.They quickly sent spies to follow the warship far behind.

And within the palace lord of Youlan Mansion.At this moment, the ancient emperor also received this amazing news reported by his subordinates.

"Mr. Mu. Is your news accurate?" The ancient emperor asked an old man in green in front of him with a moved face.

"Yes, Palace Master. This matter is absolutely true. Just now, many powerful people in the city saw the black iron warship flying past our palace." Mr. Mu said respectfully.

"The black iron warship. It's actually the legendary vehicle that only super rich people have." The ancient emperor rubbed his chin and pondered.Then he asked in a deep voice, "Does the gentleman know the marks on the warship?"

Mr. Mo nodded.Shen Sheng said: "According to those who witnessed it at the scene, there seems to be a five-clawed green dragon carved on that black iron warship."

"Five-clawed green dragon. Isn't that the symbol of the Qinglong family in the true spirit world? How could they send people to the Jianglan world. And they are still going to the Qingtian family." The ancient emperor fell into deep thought for a while.

"Palace Master. Should we go over and see. If that Da Neng is really troublesome to the Qingtian Clan, I am afraid that this mansion will also be affected by then. We must find out the purpose of that person as soon as possible." Mr. Mu suggested aloud.

"Yeah. You're right. Let's go. We'll go to the Qingtian Clan right away. It's fine if that powerful person just goes to the Qingtian Clan to catch up on the old days. If he has a grudge with the Qingtian Clan, then we must report this matter immediately Leave it to the world master." The ancient emperor waved his hand.Greet Mr. Mu to leave.

Just when the forces of all parties were panicked by the appearance of the black iron of warships.That is to say, Chu Yang, who came back from outside the world, was enjoying the beautiful scenery of his hometown with a relaxed expression.

It has been thousands of years since he left Youlan Mansion.In a blink of an eye, his son has become a super strong man.But he didn't have time to return home until today.

"Big brother. What do you think Xiaojing will look like when he sees us? Will he faint from fright." Guo'er smiled sweetly.Holding Chu Yang's arm, he stood facing the window.Go down from the window to John.The beautiful scenery of the entire Youlan Mansion can be seen at a glance.clearly reflected in front of them.

"Hehe. It's hard to say. That little guy has always been eccentric, but anything can happen." Chu Yang chuckled.He stretched out his hand and pointed to a huge mountain range in front of him.Said: "We are almost home after passing through the mountains. I really miss the days in Hailan Continent. I don't know my father. Uncle, how are they doing now? Are they still okay?"

Chu Yang's thoughts immediately flew into the distance.

The black iron warship galloped quickly across the wilderness.The void it skimmed through.Not even a trace was left.Seeing this scene, the powerhouses who followed behind were stunned for a while.

Such a warship of such a steed is probably only qualified to be owned by the top power.Even if it is some mighty car of the world lord with weaker strength.It can't be as extreme as the black iron warship in front of you.

The black iron warship just flew in the wilderness for a cup of tea.It soon sailed into the territory of the Qingtian clan.

here we go.Some children of the Qingtian clan can already be vaguely seen haunting.

"Who trespassed on the important place of our Qingtian clan. Please report your name." The black iron warship has just arrived at the outermost giant wall of the Qingtian clan.He was stopped by a guard.

The guard appeared.Immediately afterwards, countless people dressed in divine armor poured out around them.The imposing guards come.

"Adelaide. Why haven't I seen you for a few years, and I don't even know me." The warship closed.Chu Yang had already floated down from the void with Guo'er in his arms.

"Ah. You are Elder Chu Yang." Adelaide's pupils shrank.shouted excitedly.

"See Elder Chu Yang." When the other guards saw that the person who came was Elder Chu Yang whom they admired the most.They all bowed and saluted.

"Hehe. Get up, everyone. Everything in the clan is going well recently." Chu Yangxu lifted the guards up with a hand.

"Okay. Everything is fine. It's just that the patriarch and the others are always thinking about your safety, the elder. If he knows that you have returned safely, he will definitely be very happy." Adelaide laughed excitedly.

"Okay. You continue to be responsible for guarding. I'll go to see the patriarch first." Chu Yang nodded.Then he took Guo'er and plundered into the stone castle.

"Farewell to the elder." Adelaide and the others watched Chu Yang leave.Discuss excitedly.

"Captain, tell me what kind of cultivation Elder Chu Yang is now. The hand he lifted us up just now was amazing. We didn't even have the strength to resist at the time. We were lifted up by him all at once. It's probably more powerful than Xiaojing and Elder Beibei."

"Of course. Haven't you recently heard about the heroic deeds of Elder Chu Yang who single-handedly challenged two quasi-great world lords? Those are the real peak powerhouses in the Three Thousand Worlds. Didn't they all lose at the hands of the elders in the end?" .”

"Hiss. It can be seen that Elder Chu Yang is already so powerful. Presumably, even if he is not the great power of the great world lord, he is almost the same. When will our Qingtian clan not only have our own power of the world lord. And soon Another great world lord can be born. Could it be that the glory of our clan cannot be created in the hands of our generation."

"Hehe. This is entirely possible. As long as Elder Chu Yang succeeds in obtaining a natal world that belongs to him in the future. At that time, our Qingtian clan will regain its glory just around the corner. Now the power and powerhouses in Jianglan's world may be defeated because of Chu Yang. The relationship with the elders. Be polite to us. But if something happens to the elders one day, our family may have to return to its original shape. After all, this place is their territory. It is definitely not a place for us to stay for a long time. "

"If you want to become the top force in the Three Thousand Worlds, then you must have a place of your own. Only then will we be able to feel proud. It will be our first day."

"Well. I really hope that day will come sooner."

Everyone showed longing looks.

And the other side.After the ancient emperor and other strong men saw Chu Yang, the pillar of the Qingtian clan, get off the black iron warship.They were all dumbfounded.I was speechless for a long time.

"It turned out to be that kid Chu Yang. Didn't he provoke many powerful enemies outside and was hunted down by others? It's a miracle that he came back alive." Although Jiang Lanjie was far away from the battlefield outside the boundary.Even the real spirit world is extremely far away.But they had heard a little about Chu Yang's heroic deeds.

For this crazy man who dared to fight several old forces alone.They are both admired.He secretly scolded him for being stupid again.Among them, of course, there are many forces who are jealous of the Qingtian clan, hoping that Chu Yang, the pillar, will be pulled out.But now it seems that their extravagant hopes have come to naught.

Chu Yang not only managed to get rid of the pursuit.Moreover, he returned to the family in an open and aboveboard manner.All of this fully showed that those powerful enemies had nothing to do with Chu Yang.otherwise.How dare Chu Yang come back swaggeringly at this juncture.

Think here.There was a burst of bitterness in the corners of everyone's mouths.Then he waved his hand with a lonely face.

"It's all gone."

More than half of the powerhouses who followed behind immediately left in a hurry.Of course, those strong men who came purely out of curiosity didn't have those devious ways.At this moment, they were all very excited to meet Chu Yang, a legendary figure.

Above a piece of void not far away.Gu Di and Mr. Mu have also arrived here at this moment.They also witnessed the scene of Chu Yang's glorious return just now.

"Palace Master, your decision back then was really wise. This Chu Yang is truly a man of great luck and great fortune. I am afraid that there are countless forces in the three thousand worlds who want to get rid of him. In the end, all of them..." Speaking of here.Even Mr. Mu himself felt a burst of disbelief.

Those who are enemies of Chu Yang.Randomly picking out one side can make Three Thousand Worlds tremble three times.Even the small Jiang Lanjie couldn't steal its edge.But Chu Yang relied on his own strength.Many unimaginable feats have been achieved.This is really shocking.

The ancient emperor nodded slightly.How could he not be grateful for his wise decision at the beginning.Then he chuckled loudly.Said: "The Qingtian family owns this son. It will surely reappear its glory."

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