"Haha. Chu Yang, you're finally back." Chu Yang had just arrived at the outer area of ​​the Qingtian clan with Guo'er.Teague, who got the news one step earlier, has already joined hands with the elders to welcome him.

"The patriarch. All the elders. It's good for everyone." Chu Yang cupped his hands at the crowd.

"Okay, okay. This is not a place to talk. We'd better go to the conference hall for a detailed discussion." Tigre laughed loudly.suggested loudly.

Chu Yang naturally had no objection.Then they went hand in hand with Teague towards the meeting hall.

en route.Teague turned his head and glanced at Guo'er, who was slightly leaning back.Asked curiously: "Nephew. The girl behind you looks noble and extraordinary. I don't know where it came from."

Chu Yang smiled.Said: "She is the younger sister Guo'er I recognized when I was in the lower plane. She is also the little princess of the Taixu Xuanhuang clan."

"The little princess of the Taixu Xuanhuang clan." Tigger's pupils shrank suddenly when he heard this.His face was a little horrified.Said: "She will not be with you this time."

Teague couldn't help showing a hint of worry in his eyes.

Chu Yang naturally knew what was on his mind.Then he smiled and shook his head.Said: "The patriarch doesn't have to worry. Sister Guo'er came with me this time as a guest. She doesn't have any unfavorable thoughts for the clan."

After listening to Chu Yang's answer.Teague breathed a sigh of relief.

During the conversation between the two.He has come to the meeting hall of the Qingtian clan.

After years of tinkering this remodel.Today, the meeting hall of the Qingtian clan is no longer what it used to be.The majestic silhouette faintly possessed an unusual aura.

Enter the lobby.Everyone sat down separately.Teague and the elders immediately began to ask Chu Yang about some things he had experienced in recent years.

Chu Yang naturally did not hide anything.Then he briefly mentioned the various deeds he had experienced to Teague and others.

Although Chu Yang tried his best to describe his extraordinary side in an ordinary way.But when Teague and others first heard about his thrilling deeds over the years.All of them were moved.Can't help exclaiming.

"Nephew. You have survived these years. It's extremely dangerous. Fortunately, you were lucky enough to turn the crisis into safety. Otherwise, if something happens to you, it will be a fatal blow to the clan."

Everyone is convinced.The Qingtian clan can have the current strength and status.All of this would be inseparable from Chu Yang's support.It can be said that Chu Yang is gone.Their Qingtian clan may still be lingering in a corner.Where can there be such an infinite scenery now.

Now not only the powerful people in Jiang Lan's world are polite to them.Even those strong men from the outside world heard that they were Chu Yang's mother clan compatriots.It is also awe-inspiring.Dare not have the slightest disrespect and embarrassment.

It was precisely because of Chu Yang's reputation.Only in these years can they successfully develop the Qingtian clan.nowadays.The Qingtian clan has not only fully recovered the vitality that was consumed after the war that year.Moreover, on this basis, a substantial iron jump has been achieved.

Chu Yang smiled calmly.I am afraid that only he has the deepest understanding of the dangers he has experienced in these years.

"Nephew, you probably won't leave again when you come back this time. Many of your family members in the lower plane have come here now. You will be able to see them when you return to your residence."

"What. My family has come here." Chu Yang was very excited.

"Yes. They live with their nephew and daughter-in-law now. Hehe. There are many talented children in your family. Many of them have become the core figures of the clan. In time, they will definitely become the mainstay of the clan .” Teague nodded with a smile.

"Hehe. That's really great. Patriarch. I want to go back right now to meet those relatives who have been separated for many years. The patriarch can still make decisions on matters within the clan." Chu Yang cupped his hands.Immediately, I couldn't wait.

"Haha. I knew you kid would be impatient when you heard about your family. That's fine. You go. Anyway, you're not in a hurry to leave this time. We'll get together some time later." Grand laughed loudly.

"Guo'er. Let's go." Chu Yang didn't hesitate any longer when he heard this.He quickly picked up the fruit and went out to the hall.


"Patriarch. Do you think we were in a dream just now? That little fellow Chu Yang has really obtained the place in the Hunyuan World." Chu Yang left.The elders in the hall immediately started discussing enthusiastically.

They are still somewhat immersed in the shocking news that Chu Yang just brought.For the legendary Hunyuan world.They also heard a little.The passage to that world has always been in the hands of the top ten super tycoons.Ordinary people or forces want to enter the mixed world with their own abilities.That is simply harder than climbing to the sky.

If a world master is powerful, he cannot enter the world of Hunyuan.Then it is impossible to talk about having a natal world of your own.

Own your own world.That is the foundation of a family.Otherwise, no matter how powerful this family is.It's just a vassal attached to others.

"Hehe. Don't you guys know Chu Yang's temperament? He won't talk nonsense if he is not fully sure. Now let's wait patiently for him to continue to create brilliance. Maybe. Not long before. Territory." Teague looked very happy.The good news that Chu Yang brought was really exciting.

He dreams of owning a natal world that belongs to their Qingtian clan.Only when are they elated.Time to achieve glory.

Now they look very beautiful even on the surface.But after all, it is under the fence.It is inevitable that you will be a little bit tied up in doing things.Can't do whatever I want.

But with the natal world of one's own family, it is completely different.At that time, they will be able to attach themselves to a growing world and develop rapidly.The resources inside can also be used by the family.

"Haha. What the patriarch said is true. That little fellow Chu Yang always likes to surprise people. Maybe next time when he returns from going out, we can evacuate from the Jiang Lan world."

"Hey. I hope that day will come sooner."

All the elders present showed a longing light.

And the other side.After Chu Yang left the family discussion hall.He went straight to the branch of the Sea Blue Continent.I saw him galloping like lightning.The figure completely merged into the void.Can't catch a trace of movement.

Right now.Suddenly, at the corner of the stone castle ahead, a young man in blue robes hurried past.

"Ouch." The blue-robed youth seemed to have completely ignored Chu Yang who was approaching in front of him.In his anxiety, he bumped directly into Chu Yang's body.I fell and turned my back on my back.

"Little guy. You didn't fall, did you?" Chu Yang stretched out his hand and pulled the blue-robed boy up from the ground.

Four eye contact.The two froze in place for an instant.A feeling of close flesh and blood suddenly rose in Chu Yang's heart.

"It feels so familiar."

Chu Yang hadn't been touched like this for a long time.That was the kind of cordial feeling he had when he first met his grandfather Chu Moran.Now this feeling came to him again.This is a coincidence.still.

"You're that little guy Will." The heart touched.Let him ask aloud for an unprecedented time.

"Father, the boy is Wei'er. I miss you so much." The blue-robed boy was exactly Chu Wei who slipped out of the residence to meet his father.

now.He burst into tears.He threw himself into Chu Yang's arms all at once.

"Will." Behind him.A voice that haunted Chu Yang's soul suddenly came clearly.

Chu Yang raised his eyes and took a look.Immediately afterwards, he saw Mu Yunyao standing pretty in front of the door.Smiled sweetly at him.

"Let's go. Let's go in and talk about it." Chu Yang strode into the stone castle with one hand leading the other.

When he entered the stone castle.Immediately, I was shocked by the scene inside.

"Uncle. Uncle Aotian. And Junru, sister Jinhuang, why are you all here?" Although he had already received information from Teague in advance.But at this moment when he glimpsed so many family members appearing here safe and sound.He was still shocked.

The ecstasy in his heart made him want to go up and hug everyone here.But in the end he held back.

"Haha. Nephew. Are you surprised to see us? In fact, why not?" Chu Pojun stood up and patted Chu Yang's shoulder excitedly.

"Daddy." At this time.A timid voice suddenly broke the atmosphere in the arena.Sober up Chu Yang from the shock.

"You are." Chu Yang turned his head.He looked in the direction of the sound.Then I saw a beautiful and moving person.Be dignified and generous.But at this moment, the woman in yellow clothes who seemed a little shy stood beside Mrs. Jinhuang.

The woman's appearance can vaguely see his appearance when he was young.Moreover, he also saw a bit of Mrs. Jinhuang's shadow from between the woman's eyebrows.

"Could it be that he is the daughter I gave birth to when I was in the lower realm?" Chu Yang secretly guessed in his heart.

"Brother. This is our daughter, Xiu'er." The guess in his heart was quickly confirmed by Mrs. Jinhuang.

"It really is my daughter." Chu Yang rubbed his chin bitterly.He secretly blamed himself for being a bit incompetent as a father.He was not present when a pair of children were born.

I am afraid that he is the only father who is the most incompetent in this world.

"Daughter met Daddy." Chu Xiu smiled sweetly.He bowed his body and saluted Chu Yang.The demeanor is graceful and dignified, which is everyone's demeanor.

"Okay, okay." Chu Yang reached out and touched Chu Xiu's small head.There seemed to be a layer of fog in his eyes.

"Beibei. You lost again this time. I guessed that the boss will cry with joy when he sees Xiu'er's niece again. Look at how it is now." In the corner.Xiaojing, a living treasure, was showing off to Beibei.

Even after many years.These two little guys still look immature.It's just childlike innocence.

"Oh. Lost again." Beibei frowns.Slowly and reluctantly, he took out a divine crystal from his pocket ring and handed it to Xiaojing.

"Haha. With this divine crystal, I can practice for a while." Xiaojing laughed excitedly.This scene naturally caused everyone present to burst into laughter.

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