The strongest patriarch

Chapter 660 Dragon Fruit

"Huh. It's dangerous." Chu Yang glanced at the void behind him with lingering fear.There was a long breath of relief on his mouth.

He looked down at the clone beside him.I saw the avatar above.A deep palm mark unexpectedly appeared on the skin as black and shiny as iron.Even the bright red blood vessels inside are faintly visible.

Just a little bit.His avatar was blasted to pieces by Elder Jinta.When.Although he can continue to use clones to fight against the enemy.But its strength will definitely be greatly affected.

Xiaojing also patted her chest.With a look of shock on his face: "Boss, those giants are so powerful. Especially that broken net can break even my innate magical powers."

Chu Yang nodded.Deeply convinced: "Well, no matter what, we finally broke through. Next, we have to go deep into the giant tribe to pick the dragon fruit. There will definitely be a lot of trouble along the way. We'd better be careful .”

Three days have passed since that battle.In these three days.Chu Yang and his party walked very cautiously in the territory of the giant tribe.I don't know if it was because of their sudden arrival.The entire giant tribe became heavily guarded.The entire giant tribe is only a few miles away.However, the three of Chu Yang walked for three days and still hadn't reached their destination.

along the way.From time to time, teams of giant warriors passed by.

However, the entire giant tribe has a tendency to be full of wind and rain.

Chu Yang didn't know what happened to the strong men who were trapped by the elders of Jinta with a net that day.But I think most of them should have been eliminated.After all, the strength of the giant family is not covered.Its inheritance artifact is even more powerful.Even if some strong men finally broke through with their own strength.That is also very little.

This undoubtedly greatly increased their chances of winning the final spot.but.Chu Yang was not satisfied with just winning one spot.He even hopes to be the first to pick the dragon fruit.Thus.Their Chu family has the opportunity to challenge the seed family first.This is really important to the Chu family.It is also more hopeful that the Chu family will win the final first throne.

Just as Chu Yang was walking cautiously deep into the giant tribe.In a place not far from Chu Yang's location.

Fengling and Yuwenba are sitting in a bush.From time to time their eyes glanced behind them.It seemed that he was waiting for someone.

"It seems that the other strong men of our two families have failed to break through the barrier." Yu Wenba sighed.

"I don't know how brother Wu is doing now. I wonder if he has successfully broken through the blockade of the giant tribe." Feng Ling pondered for a while.There was a hint of worry in her beautiful eyes.It's okay for the ordinary strong men of their two families who have not reached the demigod state to fail.Nothing to do with the final situation.If even the patriarch of the Wu family can't break through.That was indeed a huge blow to them.

One more demigod powerhouse.Then the chance of killing Chu Yang in the end will increase by a little bit.

Yuwenba also deeply understands this point.Then he said with some worry: "I'm not worried about whether Brother Wu can successfully break through the barrier. If that kid Chu Yang can't break through the blockade of the giants, then we won't be able to realize our plan."

Feng Ling laughed wildly when she heard the words.Green fingers lightly hooked Yuwenba's handsome face.Said: "Brother Yuwen. What are you afraid of? Even if that kid can't break through the barrier, I still have a lot of ways to deal with him. It would be best to kill him here. Even if you can't do what you want, there is no defense. The younger sister has even more powerful means Wait for him."

Yuwenba laughed.Fengling's jade fingers tickled his heart like magic.The furious dragon that stepped down actually had a tendency to raise its head.He looked at the coquettish and charming stunner in front of him and wished he could hold her in his arms and play with her wantonly.

Seeing this, Feng Ling laughed without caring about her appearance.Suddenly, without any warning, her slender hands flicked lightly on the furious dragon on Yuwenba's lower body.Then he giggled and said with a crisp smile, "Ouch. My good brother. Why are you so hard down there all of a sudden. Do you want to do something bad?"

Yuwenba was out of breath.His eyes were burning like fire.The angry dragon was grasped by Feng Ling like this.His whole body was instantly ignited.At this time, he didn't care whether this was the territory of the giant tribe.The fierce tiger that descended immediately rushed towards Feng Ling's fiery and charming body.

The desire that is ignited in the heart.It made him forget that the beautiful woman in front of him is a femme fatale who eats people and doesn't spit out bones.He even forgot that Feng Ling is also the mistress of the Hei Prison Sea Dragon King.

now.There is only endless desire burning in his heart.

"Hehe. Brother Yuwen, why are you so anxious. Wait until you kill that kid Chu Yang. You can do whatever you want." Fengling gave Yuwenba a charming look.The fragrant body flashed gracefully.Directly dodged the latter's pounce.

"Really. Sister Fengling, you didn't mean to make me happy, did you?" Yu Wenba still seemed a little unconvinced.That fiery gaze never left Kai Fengling's tall and straight chest.

"Of course. My little sister will still lie to brother Yuwen." Fengling rolled her beautiful eyes.The whole person became lovely and pitiful again.From time to time, soft jade hands brushed over the sensitive position of Yuwenba's body.

But wait until Yuwenba wants to go further.Fengling's jade hands suddenly withdrew again.

This feeling of hanging in the air made Yu Wenba very uncomfortable.In my heart, I secretly thought that Fengling, this beautiful stunner, is really a seductive fairy.It tickles his heart.

"Brother Yuwen. The guards have left. Let's go over quickly." Of course Feng Ling knew that Brother Yuwen's health was no longer fit for her teasing.But Feng Ling didn't have any intention of wanting to be happy with brother Yuwen.In her eyes.Whether it is Yuwenba or the old man surnamed Wu.Even her old lover Jiaolong Wang.They were just playthings for her to use.Wait for the day when she gets tired of playing.Naturally, they will be kicked away.

Yuwenba was staring at Feng Ling's beautiful plump buttocks, swallowing his saliva.At this moment, Fengling's call was heard.Yuwenba could only shake his head helplessly.Follow closely.

"This is dragon fruit." On the other side.The three of Chu Yang finally broke through the heavy blockade of the giants and came to the holy land of the giants.This is where dragon fruit grows.

now.What caught his eyes was a huge red fruit tree.Although the fruit tree is not as tall as the Qiangba fruit tree.But there are also hundreds of feet.The sky of the entire giant tribe was completely shrouded by this giant tree.There are red fruits growing on it.These fruits radiate fiery light like a dazzling red sun.

There are thirty such dazzling red suns on the whole fruit tree.The remaining ones just don't seem to be ripe yet.The colors are not as dazzling as these red suns.

"Boss. That's dragon fruit. It looks delicious. Let's go and grab it." Xiaojing's saliva was dripping.An outrageous sentence came out directly.

"Little guy. You must be dreaming. This is the holy land of the giant clan. How could it be possible for you to pick the dragon fruit so easily." Chu Yang shook his head.A look of contempt.

finished.Chu Yang picked up a stone from the ground and threw it towards the dragon fruit tree.

"Chi Chi." When the stone was only one meter away from the dragon fruit tree.A layer of red mask suddenly emerged from the dragon fruit tree and directly wrapped the flying stone inside.You can see it.The stone was covered with a red mask.It directly turned into a puddle of red water.Completely disappeared from the sky.

"It's a terrible protective barrier. Fortunately, I am smart and didn't act recklessly. Otherwise, I wouldn't end up like a rock." Xiaojing said with a look of horror.

Chu Yang nodded.Turning his head to Xiaojing, he said in a low voice: "Later, I will use the sword of reincarnation to forcefully break through the protective barrier. Then, little guy, you can use the space magic power to enter the barrier to pick the dragon fruit. Once the fruit is in hand, we will Immediately crush the teleportation jade talisman and leave. Never stay too long. Do you understand, little guy?"

Xiao Jing patted her chest and assured: "Boss, don't worry. I know what to do."

"En. Good." Chu Yang stood up.The whole body began to gather strength.

Sudden.A burst of rapid piercing sound came from afar.Seeing this, Chu Yang couldn't help but stop the movements of his hands.His eyes suddenly turned to the sky.

There.There are two figures coming from the sky.The speed of the arrival was extremely fast.Its figure seems to be teleporting.Fortunately, they were at the end of the sky last second.The next moment, he was already in front of the dragon fruit tree.

"It turned out to be Yuwenba and Fengling, the poisonous women. It's really a narrow road for enemies."

It was Yuwenba and Fengling who came.Seeing this, Chu Yang sneered.At this moment, he was in no hurry to break through the spontaneous protective barrier.

"Brother Yuwen. Those crimson fruits on the tree should be the dragon fruit we need for this mission. Let's pick it according to our own ability." Fengling tilted her head and suggested to Yuwenba.

"Okay." Yuwenba nodded in agreement.The body starts instantly.The whole person immediately rushed to the nearest dragon fruit.

at the same time.Feng Ling's enchanting body also rose into the air.Take it to another fire dragon.

Ten meters, five meters, when the two are only five meters away from the fire dragon.Seeing that the fire dragon is about to arrive.A layer of dazzling crimson enchantment suddenly emerged from the dragon fruit tree.Blocked Yu Wenba and Feng Ling from the outside.

"Damn it. There's even a protective barrier. Let's see how I break your protective barrier." Feng Ling was so angry that her chest trembled wildly.The black hair fluttered.

The slender hand suddenly made a very strange handprint on the chest.This mudra is like a giant halo.Dazzling and fierce.Where the light wheel rolls over.Pieces of space shattered.Completely shattered.

"Chi Chi." The crimson barrier blocking Feng Ling's face collided with the light wheel in an instant.There was a chirping sound from the violent friction.The entire crimson enchantment actually began to fluctuate violently.The energy light on the enchantment was hit by the light wheel.Immediately dimmed down.As if it could be broken at any time.

Feng Ling was overjoyed when she saw this.The hand moves faster.

"The Seal of Holy Light. Break it for me." Feng Ling waved her hand and slapped the crimson barrier forcefully.Crash.The crimson barrier finally collapsed.

Feng Ling looked up at the dragon fruit which was close at hand.A heart can no longer remain calm.Footsteps flashed.The graceful body like a snake streaked across the sky in an instant.Pounce towards that dragon fruit.

However, just when Fengling was about to cross that barrier.The energy barrier that had been broken by her suddenly gathered again.Groups of fiery energy continuously emerged from the bottom of the fire dragon tree.These energies seem endless.Under the transportation of dragon fruit trees.In an instant, its collapsed energy barrier was repaired.And its defensive strength looks even stronger than before.

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