The strongest patriarch

Chapter 661 The last laugh

This scene happened too fast, and when Feng Ling reacted, the violent and hot energy gushing out from that layer of energy barrier blasted it away.

"Ah," Feng Ling screamed, her body fell into the void like a kite with a broken string, and saw that the black dress and short skirt on her body was instantly burned into nothingness by the raging fire, revealing the moving spring and color inside.

The carcass hidden under the black dress is so moving, graceful and exquisite, with protruding front and back, the tall and straight breasts are plump and mature, standing there proudly, the grass underneath is desolate, crystal clear, exuding a faint fluorescence, The snow-white jade is slender and full of elasticity, making people reluctant to look away.

This is definitely a seductive beauty that makes people unable to resist desire. However, Chu Yang did not pay attention to Fengling's attractive beauty at the moment, but looked at the snow-white skin on Fengling's body with a little horror. The skin has already turned black at this moment, as if it has been roasted by some kind of terrible fire, it looks very hideous and terrifying.

"This protective barrier is so powerful." Chu Yang looked up at the direction of the dragon fruit tree, and the barrier disappeared again because no one attacked it.

"Damn it, this damn thing actually burned my old lady into such a state," Feng Ling cursed, and quickly took out a short skirt from the ring and put it on her body.

Not far away, Yuwenba, who has been reluctant to move his eyes, saw Fengling's beautiful body wrapped in a short skirt again, and felt sorry in his heart, and then said to Fengling with a wry smile: "Sister Fengling, it seems that this dragon fruit is also It's not that easy to get,"

Feng Ling nodded in agreement, and proudly said: "This protective barrier is a bit powerful, but it's impossible to make my mother difficult."

As Feng Ling said, she suddenly took out a transparent ball from the sodium ring as if by magic.

This round bead is only the size of a thumb. It is round and crystal clear like jade. It emits a faint white light. It looks like ordinary round beads, not very eye-catching.

But when Feng Ling poured the real essence into the ball, the ball suddenly became radiant, and a bone-chilling air flow suddenly radiated from the ball, rolling towards the dragon fruit tree.

Even though Chu Yang was far away, his hands and feet showed faint signs of being frozen. He was horrified, and his tiger eyes stared at the scene of the battle without blinking.

The protective barrier reappeared again, and the violent hot energy surged towards Fengling with an aura of destruction. However, when this energy encountered the white air current, it melted like ice and snow, and there was no trace of it. waves.

"Zizi," layers of berserk energy struck, and were quickly melted away by the icy air, even the protective barrier showed signs of being evaporated.

"Rong," Feng Lingyu pointed lightly at the ball in her hand. Immediately, the whole ball spun violently, and layers of white air flowed endlessly from the ball, rushing towards the protective barrier Come.

A gust of white icy airflow already overwhelmed the protective barrier, not to mention there were so many. For a while, there was a loud sizzle, and the icy airflow and protective barrier were like two natural enemies colliding crazily. The violent energy caused the world to shake.

The explosion of vitality instantly resounded throughout the giant tribe.

"You stupid human warriors dare to break into our clan's holy land and steal our clan's holy fruit,"

In the distance, one after another roared in the direction of the giant tribe.

Hearing the roaring sound coming from a distance, Feng Ling's beautiful eyes couldn't help secretly becoming anxious, and the speed of dancing her hands suddenly accelerated a lot.

"Boom," under the endless impact of the icy-cold airflow, the energy protection barrier finally declared its defeat, and the entire dazzling crimson barrier shrank back instantly with a mournful cry.

Without the barrier of the enchantment, the dragon fruit is like a naked, unprotected beauty waiting for people to pick it, whether it is Fengling and Yuwenba, or the dragon fruit who has been lurking beside the dragon fruit tree not far away, waiting for an opportunity The powerful members of the family desperately grabbed the nearest dragon fruit.

Fengling is the closest to the dragon fruit, and she is also the first to come before the dragon fruit. Looking up at the glistening red fruit in front of her, she is salivating, and exudes a strange esoteric fluctuation from top to bottom. Fengling's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, a The jade hand grabbed the dragon fruit in front of him like lightning.

"Hehe, my wife is the first to complete the assessment task,"

Feng Ling began to feel elated in her heart.


"Our Chu family wants this dragon fruit,"

At this moment, an astonishingly coquettish gun light seemed to come across time and space, accompanied by Chu Yang's triumphant laughter.

"What, Chu Yang, you little bastard dare to shoot my mother's treasure," Feng Ling was taken aback, feeling the terrifying aura coming from the spear's light, although Feng Ling felt extremely unwilling, she had to draw back to resist.

"Holy Light Seal," Feng Ling made a seal with both hands, and the huge light wheel instantly fell towards the stabbing spear.

"Boom," the gun light was instantly scattered by the holy light wheel.

Then after such a delay, Fengling naturally couldn't take the dragon fruit again, and at the same time, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded in the void.

"Old poisonous woman, this dragon fruit is a sacred beast, so I can't be angry and accept it," Xiaojing's figure jumped directly from the hidden place to the dragon fruit as if teleporting, and then picked it off with one hand.

"You, you little bastard, I'm going to tear you alive," Feng Ling said utterly, her crazy and ferocious appearance was like a wounded she-wolf wanting to choose someone to devour.

"Haha, you old poisonous woman didn't expect this day to happen, didn't you enjoy sneak attacking in the fire cave, now is the time for you, old poisonous woman, to taste what it's like to be tricked," Xiaojing said proudly Laughing wildly, the dragon fruit in his hand was deliberately raised at Feng Ling, and then he carefully put it away.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you two little bastards alive," Xiaojing's smug face made Fengling grit her teeth with hatred, and then hurriedly urged Yuwenba not far away.

"Brother Yuwen, come quickly and help my little sister deal with these two little bastards,"

"Brother Yuwen,"


Fengling yelled several times in a row, but Yuwenba didn't respond, so she turned her head to look, but she almost died of anger, and saw Yuwenba, that old pervert holding a dragon fruit and laughing triumphantly. Her old lover could not wait to crush the jade talisman and escaped.

"Sister Fengling, I'm sorry, the giants are coming soon, brother, I have to go first," Yuwenba turned around and smiled apologetically at Fengling, then crushed the teleportation jade talisman in his hand without saying a word.

"Yuwenba, you old dog, my mother can't spare you," Feng Ling was so angry that her face was livid, she didn't have the charming and charming appearance just now, she was completely an abandoned shrew, vicious and ferocious.

Yuwenba's sudden betrayal made her fall into a desperate situation for a while, with the giant family watching outside and Chu Yang as a big threat inside, Feng Ling had never felt lonely and helpless like this moment.

"It's all Yuwenba's old bastard, he dared to use my aunt to see how I deal with that old dog after the assessment is over," Feng Ling felt filled with hatred.

Standing aside, Chu Yang and Xiao Jing burst out laughing.

"Old poisonous woman, you still have today. It doesn't feel good to be betrayed. With your coquettish appearance, if I were Yuwenba, I wouldn't bother you," Chu Yang said with a pair of tiger eyes in the wind. Ling looked her body up and down for a while, but what she said was extremely sarcasm.

"Yes, an old woman like her can seduce some first-time brothers who have never seen the world, and a hero like Yuwenba will not be fascinated by her kind, so some people always think that they are charming. It's amazing, attracting bees and butterflies everywhere, in fact, other people have long wanted to vomit, but she is too old to learn how to sell meat, this holy beast feels a little nauseous after reading it," Xiaojing said, pretending to want to The appearance of vomiting.

"You, you two little bastards, I'm fighting with you," Feng Ling's angry flames erupted like a fiery eye that erupted yesterday, and with a turn of the transparent ball in her hand, gusts of icy air suddenly surged toward Chu Yang and Xiaojing attack.

"Small tricks, break it for me," Chu Yang did not change his face, his body did not move, the God-devouring Spear stabbed lightly at the icy air, and an astonishing blood-red spear streaked across the void, coming from the middle of the icy air. flashed by.

"Wow," it could be seen in the eyes that the icy air flow that seemed to be able to completely freeze the world was directly cut from the middle by the blood-red gun light, turning into little air currents and dissipating in the void.

However, Chu Yang's God Devouring Spear went directly through this space and came to Feng Ling.

"What, my fatal blow was actually deflected by this kid," Feng Ling was taken aback, and then she screamed and jumped to dodge. She saw Chu Yang's strange sharp spear stabbing at her body.

"Pfft," Feng Ling is indeed a demigod who has been famous for a long time, but she has a strong sense of danger at the critical moment. As soon as the God-devouring spear slashed across her skin, Feng Ling avoided it dangerously. Come.

However, the short black skirt that the latter had just put on from Najie was once again smashed into pieces by Chu Yang, and the moving spring was once again revealed in front of Chu Yang and everyone else.

"Haha, Patriarch Feng, if you feel uncomfortable wearing a skirt, you might as well just take it off and not wear it at all. Why do you always put on and take off and put on again? Isn't this intentional to whet people's appetites?"

Seeing this, the strong men around burst out laughing ambiguously, and countless pairs of fiery eyes focused on Feng Ling's charming body.

Even though Feng Ling has always been bold and unrestrained, now she is being stared at by so many people, especially when she thinks that there is Wushu outside the space staring at her beautiful carcass, Feng Ling even has the heart to die. .

Beautiful eyes gave Chu Yang a fierce look, and then said viciously: "Chu Yang, you wait for me, I will never let you go."

Chu Yang shrugged his shoulders and said with a sneer, "This is what I want to say to you. If I meet you next time, it's definitely not a matter of making a fool of yourself."

Feng Ling was furious: "Okay, you little bastard, just wait and see,"

After finishing speaking, Fengling hurriedly crushed the jade talisman in her hand and left. Today, her old face was completely lost.

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