Lord Moyu was forced to open

Chapter 858: The Kingdom of Zhiluo is on the verge of an explosion

On the way back to the Royal Study.

As Zhao Jun walked away, he couldn't help but smile and said to Wang Huai'en beside him: "Wang Banban, did you see the expressions of those girls and their families at that time? It's really interesting.

Zhang He’s granddaughter is also interesting. She doesn’t mince words and speaks so straightforwardly. If Zhang He hadn’t been supporting her, this girl... tsk tsk..."

Zhao Jun shook his head.

Wang Huaien said with a smile: "I'm afraid it is precisely because of Prime Minister Zhang that Miss Zhang acted like this. Is Your Majesty interested in Miss Zhang?"

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "It doesn't matter whether it means something or not. It's just a few more women in the harem. I've understood what this old guy Zhang He means in the past few days. The old guy is worried about his granddaughter. He wants to I'm giving him support.

It doesn't matter, she is a beautiful woman. As long as she is honest and honest, she will support him.

The Queen will handle these matters, and we men don’t have to deal with them.

By the way, I heard that the fighting between Zunluo and Piao has been more severe recently, with 20,000 to 30,000 people dead on the battlefield? "

Wang Huaien replied: "It is true. Since the two countries fought during the Tiansheng Period, the two countries have not stopped for a day in these years, and the border between the two sides has never stopped.

In the past two years, Your Majesty, you have..."

Having said this, Wang Huaien raised his head and glanced at Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun smiled and nodded. Only then did Wang Huaien dare to continue:

"In order to make up for the shortfall in the treasury in the past few years, the imperial court bought and sold a lot of weapons there. After the weapons were obtained, the two sides fought more fiercely.

I heard that now all the elderly people over fifty years old in both countries are being dragged to participate in the fighting, and even many women are being dragged there. Just at the end of last month, the two countries fought again near Meihe River. More than 30,000 people died.

Now, the two countries are rarely quiet and are licking their wounds. "

Zhao Jun said with a smile: "It is also the time for their annual grain harvest, so they will naturally cease fighting. Otherwise, before they can defeat the other side, our own people will probably starve to death first.

Wang Banban, what do you think, we send them a message and are willing to host peace talks for them, as long as each of them is willing to give us some benefits? "

"Ah? Your Majesty? Wouldn't this be unbecoming of a great country?"

Wang Huaien looked at Zhao Jun in disbelief for a long time before stammering.

Zhao Jun curled his lips: "How can this be called unbecoming of a great country? Can making money be called unbecoming of a great country?"

"But...but your Majesty, didn't you always say that you can't let them negotiate peace, and only if they keep fighting can we sell weapons to both parties?"

Wang Huaien was puzzled, but Zhao Jun glared and said:

"Nonsense, how could I be such a person!

This is slander! Pure slander!

At that time, both sides were not dead, and so many people had died. Can they be persuaded to move?

I also want them to vent, so they can calm down a little bit?

Now that the anger is almost gone, I should be able to calm down. Am I not going to persuade them now? "

"Ah? This..."

Wang Huai'en was dumbfounded. He thought that after following his emperor for so long, his shamelessness could not compare to that of the emperor. But now he realized that his methods and shamelessness in front of the emperor were really... Far from it!

This eloquence and reason that confuses right and wrong cannot be thought of even if he empties his brain.

It took him a while before he came back to his senses and stammered: "Then, Your Majesty, how do you think we should dissuade them?"

Zhao Jun chuckled and whispered in Wang Huaien's ear:

"In this way, you first let their domestic secret guards disguise themselves as...and then do this and that...and finally do this and that...do you understand?"

After hearing this, Wang Huaien nodded repeatedly and quickly arranged the matter. …

The royal palace of Chuluo Kingdom.

The magnificent golden dome palace is the unique architectural style of the Kingdom of Tsura. Due to the large number of gold mines in the country, the Kingdom of Tsingra has been very wealthy since ancient times. In addition, because it is located in the tropics, the domestic food is harvested three times a year. , which also led to the people of the Qianluo Kingdom living an extremely comfortable life.

However, the Kingdom of Chunluo is also a Buddhist country. Nearly 70% of the population in the country believe in Buddhism. Even the king of Chunluo Kingdom practiced in a Buddhist temple for three years when he was young before ascending the throne.

However, in recent years, the country's life has not been as good as before.

Since the beginning of the war with the Pyu Kingdom, the stable Luo Kingdom Liu has fallen into turmoil. The continuation of the war has forced the royal family to invest a lot of resources in the war. When the country's resources are not enough, it can only start to squeeze the lower class civilians in the future.

War is also a major drain on the population, which has led to a sharp decline in the number of men in the Kingdom of Suiluo over the years.

From the original population of 500,000, there were at least 200,000 men, now the number of men is less than 50,000, and these 50,000 also include old, weak, sick and disabled men.

Especially in the recent war, a total of 30,000 people died. Overall, the casualties between the two countries were about the same, which means that they also lost at least 10,000 people in trying to show off!

In its heyday, such a large casualty would have been enough to break the bones, let alone now.

Nowadays, it can be said that even the main arteries are about to be punctured by Luo Luo!

In the palace, the military king Apatoa looked at the report in front of him with anger but helplessness on his face.

These are all things that people across the country launched against the war and protest marches.

This time they are trying to conquer the enemy but they are being invaded!

It was the country that took action first. Why did these untouchables still want to cause trouble for him? Apatoa, who was already upset enough, became even more irritated and threw the report in his hand to the ground.

At this moment, the attendant suddenly reported in a low voice: "King, Peng Ka, the Minister of Household Affairs, is here, asking to see the king."

Apatoa frowned. He was not a fool. He naturally understood what the minister of household affairs was doing here at this time, but he had to ignore it. The current situation in the country was indeed not good.

Holding his forehead with a headache, Apatoa waved his hand helplessly and said: "Let him come in."


Not long after, Peng Ka, the Minister of Household Affairs of the Kingdom of Chuangluo, came to the palace and bowed respectfully to the king.

"Meet His Majesty the King!"

"It doesn't matter, why does Mr. Hube come to see me now?"

Peng La did not show off and said directly: "Your Majesty the King, our domestic population has dropped to less than 200,000, of which the number of young people is less than 20,000. If it continues like this, I am afraid that if we continue to act cowardly, the country will not be able to survive! "

As soon as he heard that this was indeed the case, Apatoa's head hurt, and he said helplessly: Peng Ka, you know that this is not a battle that I have to fight, but an unforgiving invasion by Piao State. , Otherwise, how could I be willing to fight this battle! "

Peng Ka continued: "Your Majesty, the situation in the country is no longer optimistic. I think you know the mood of the people recently. I have received intelligence. If you recruit troops again, those people below will rebel immediately!

When the time comes to fight on both sides, I won't be able to handle it by being cowardly! "

After hearing this, the King of Chuangluo Kingdom finally knew what it meant to be afraid, and hurriedly asked:

"Peng Ka, since you said that, you must have a solution, right? Come and tell us!"

Peng Ka nodded slightly and said word by word: "Please ask the country to be the intermediary, and the two countries please make peace!"

Apatoa's pupils shrank, and then he showed an expression of surprise!

in this way! Very good!


(End of this chapter)

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