Lord Moyu was forced to open

Chapter 859 Wang Ce’s Zhang Jing! The temptation to open a family tree alone.

“Brother Basong, do we really want to go against the country?

If the king sends troops, we will be dead! "

In a village near Kuaigu, the capital of Zhiluo, the remaining twenty or so men in the entire village were gathered around a short but fierce-looking man in the middle.

Next to the man, a thin little man said with a cowardly look on his face.

Bassong, who looked fierce, immediately slapped him!


"No guy! Do you think you can survive if we don't go against the country?

Look at the situation in our country. How many people from all over the country have been recruited by the army? Can anyone come back?

Not all died on the battlefield.

You still don’t know, but in other places outside Kuaigu, there are probably not even one hundred local men left, and even the elderly and women have been dragged to the battlefield by the country.

I have heard that the old king is planning to attack Kuaigu recently. When the day comes when his decree is issued, do you think we can run away?

I tell you, they all have to die on the battlefield!

Since not resisting means death and resisting means death, why should we not resist? "

After receiving a slap, the little man who had just spoken did not dare to speak anymore.

But other people were also uneasy, and some people still asked:

"But how are we going to break into the palace with just over twenty of us?"

Just yesterday, Basong, the most vicious person in the village, suddenly sent a message to everyone, asking everyone to gather at the ancestral hall before dawn tomorrow morning. He said that he had something important to tell everyone, but what they didn't expect was the result.

The so-called big thing is actually asking them to join him in rebellion! Enter the palace!

Looking at the twenty-odd guys who wanted weapons but not weapons, and wanted physiques but not physiques, most of them still doubted the possibility of this plan.

Basong stared with those fierce eyes, glanced at everyone and then said: "Of course it is impossible for me to just let twenty of us attack the palace.

I have already contacted the surrounding villages. As soon as the time comes, we will launch an attack together. When the time comes, thousands of people will attack Kuaigu together. I don’t believe that the palace with more than 2,000 people guarding it can still stop it. Can you keep us? "

Upon hearing that they had already established contact with the surrounding villages and had thousands of people, many villagers who were heavy-hearted immediately relaxed.

There are actually thousands of people, so there is still hope for the matter. With thousands of people together, it is still possible to succeed at this time.

They all know that in Kuaigu today, there are only two thousand royal guards left, and the rest have been thrown to the border to fight in the Piao Kingdom.

Since not resisting is also a death, resisting is also a death, and now there is hope for resisting, then they all feel sorry for themselves if they don't give it a try.

Everyone immediately stood firm and just waited for the signal to follow Basong to attack Kuaigu City.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened to everyone.

The people in the village who went to Kuai Valley yesterday but did not come back suddenly came back and brought shocking news.

That is, the king is going to find Shangguo as a witness to mediate the war between them and Piao, and stop the war!

This means that they don’t necessarily need to go to the battlefield!

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar, and even stirred up a storm among the people who were originally preparing to rebel.

When Basong turned his head, looking at the people who had completely dissipated the determination in their eyes after hearing the news, Basong knew that they might not be willing to follow him to break through Kuaigu.

His dream of overthrowing the existing kingdom and ascending the throne to become a king had already been aborted under this royal order before it even started.

At the same time, similar situations like here can be found throughout the entire Zhanluo.

It can be said that the current Chuluo Kingdom is on the verge of an explosion. If the king's decree is issued a little later, then it is impossible to say that someone has begun to attack the city near Chuluo King City.

But there are no ifs.

This is true for Zhao Luo, and it is also true for Piao State who is at war with Zhao Luo.

We are also at a critical moment when the fire is cooking.

With the news of the peace talks being released, it can be said that the people are also celebrating.

After fighting for so many years, the money was gone, the food was gone, the men, fathers and sons were gone, and not a single family was gone. The Piao people no longer want to fight.

A ceasefire at this moment is already the most desired result for all the people.

The next thing that needs to be discussed is the relevant treaty of the armistice, and what gifts should be prepared for the country responsible for witnessing the armistice between the two countries to make the armistice treaty more beneficial to their side.

When the two countries were rejoicing because of the impending armistice, in Bianjing, Zhao Jun had just received Wang Cezhi, who had come to Beijing from a drug addiction.

Wang Cezhi is the envoy of Yunzhou County's poison embassy.

It has been almost ten years since he was poisoned!

Ten years of vicissitudes have turned the once high-spirited and high-spirited young man into the middle-aged uncle he is today. The beard on his lips is a testament to his years.

Over the years, the overall situation in Shendu has been quite stable. Although Shendu has been frightened by the beatings, Wang Cezhi's presence at Shendu is also crucial to the balance of Shendu, which has always made King Shendu more important to Shendu's domestic situation. Insufficient control and inability to strengthen itself.

As time goes by, the people of Song Dynasty have more and more control over Shendu. King Shendu has almost no influence on Yuannan Shendu, and he is under constant surveillance. , leaving him unable to do anything.

It can be said that Wang Cezhi's existence is at least half of the credit for Shendu's ability to avoid trouble in recent years.

And this time Zhao Jun also specially transferred him back. As for the discussion between Zhao Luo and Piao Guo, Zhao Jun was ready to let Wang Cezhi go. Zhao Jun was responsible for diplomatic matters. So far in the entire Song Dynasty, no one could do more for him than this. The veteran who has been recovering from drug addiction for ten years is now more capable.

He also believed that the other party could obtain the greatest benefits for Song Dynasty from this incident.

It was too late to meet him again after many years. Zhao Jun did not choose to meet him in the imperial study room. Instead, he set the meeting place at the Chunfeng Pavilion in the imperial garden.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, a pot of warm wine was steaming on the stove, and a plate of green plums was placed on the table.

After seeing the ceremony, the monarch and his ministers sat down separately. A glass of warm wine made them feel much better.

Before Wang Huai'en came forward, Zhao Jun took the initiative to pick up the wine bottle and stood up to fill Wang Ce's cup, causing him to get up quickly and didn't even dare to say anything.

Holding a warm cup in his hand and looking at the snowflakes falling outside, Zhao Jun asked with a smile: "Wang Aiqing, I'm afraid you haven't seen snow for many years, right?"

Wang Cezhi looked at the silver-covered scene with some confusion, and nodded with emotion for a long time:

"Your Majesty, I have indeed not seen such a scene for a long time. If you think about it carefully, it may have been nearly ten years."

Zhao Jun nodded: "The spring of Shendu is very good, but the handful of winter snow that is as good as my hometown makes me miss the time when in order to be able to control Shendu, Aiqing personally went to fight for me and the Yunzhou Army at that time. No outsider can know the danger during this period.

Today's scene of body poisoning, of which my love alone accounts for 50% of the credit, I would like to thank you for your years of hard work with a glass of wine.

Wang Aiqing, thank you for your hard work! "

After saying this, Zhao Jun drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Wang Cezhi's eyes were slightly moist as he recalled every detail of the past ten years. He raised the wine glass in his hand and replied with a slight cry:

"I thank you for your majesty's care! For your majesty! For our people from the Song Dynasty, this is what I should do! I absolutely cannot deserve such praise from your majesty!"

After finishing speaking, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp!

After the monarch and his ministers chatted for a while, Zhao Jun entered the topic.

"The reason why Aiqing is recalled from the body poison this time is that the body poison is now stable and Aiqing has been stationed for more than ten years. It is time for Aiqing to return home.

When I came here, I had something that I needed Aiqing to do for me. I also believe that only Aiqing can do the best for this matter.

Get the most benefits for me, the Song Dynasty.

In addition, after this incident, I can also use this incident to bring Aiqing into the court. As for the post of Minister of Dali Temple, I think it must be Aiqing. Do you think so? "

Although he had heard about returning to Beijing for a long time, Wang Cezhi didn't dare to confirm it until now. He didn't think much about it and nodded directly in agreement.

His Majesty's intention is already clear. After finishing the matter, he can take over the position of Minister of Dali Temple. What position is that? What does it mean?

No one knows this better than him, a native of the Song Dynasty and a former scholar.

Although he was good at being poisoned, and with the strength of Yunzhou County, he could be said to be the Supreme Emperor, but in his heart, how could that position compare to that of the Minister of Dali Temple.

That is enough for him to open a position in the family tree alone!

Who can say no?

He can't anyway!


(End of this chapter)

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