Lord Moyu was forced to open

Chapter 860 Comparison between inside and outside the customs

Bianjing South Gate.

"When I go, my beloved, I must not lose the grace of our great country, the Song Dynasty. I must make all three parties submit to it, act fairly, and make our great Song Dynasty's reputation for fairness far and wide!"

At the gate of the city, Zhao Jun and Wang Huai'en came to see them off privately. Wang Cezhi was so moved that he quickly raised his hands and promised:

"Your Majesty, don't worry. This time, your Majesty's wishes will definitely come true. I will do my best!"

"That's very good! Very good!"

Zhao Jun smiled and nodded, and then said goodbye to Wang Ce and his party.

This time Wang Ce was sent as an envoy. There were more than 300 people in the envoy. In addition to the 200 guards, the envoy also included Wang Cezhi, the envoy. Li Yuanfang, the current principal of Dali Temple, was the deputy envoy, and there were several other officials and civilians who transported supplies. A few, including a number of cooks and doctors accompanying them.

A team of more than three hundred people marched toward the border between Chuangluo and Piao.

According to the latest intelligence from the court, the place where the two countries are fighting is now called Pengshi, which is already within the territory of Chunluo. Generally speaking, Piao has the upper hand in this war.

However, the huge consumption of the population meant that there was no winner in this war, and both warring parties were unwilling to continue fighting.

As for their domestic situation, they are also moving towards a truce.

But the armistice cannot be stopped by the two sides. The first issue is the territorial division after the armistice.

The country of Bi paid such a heavy price to defeat Pengshi, and they are definitely not willing to give up the territory they currently occupy.

As for Zhiluo, it is natural that he does not want his original territory to be occupied by other countries.

The contradictions between the two sides have been highlighted. If this problem cannot be solved, the two sides will not be able to truly cease the war.

This is also the reason why they need a country that is far stronger than them to mediate. With a stronger country as a guarantee, once the matter is settled, no one will dare to go back on it, and there will be no trouble later.

The Song Dynasty came here to act as a guarantee this time.

If Wang Ce and his party want to reach the states of Chunluo and Piao as soon as possible, it will be impossible to go by land.

From Bianjing to Biguo, the distance is more than a thousand miles?

By the time the delegation arrived, the day lilies were already cold.

Therefore, the route set by the imperial court was for the mission to take a boat down the Bianhe River after leaving Bianjing, pass through Xiangbei, Bian'an, and Jianjiang all the way to Pingbo Port in Haifu County, and then board an official ship to go to sea at Pingbo Port. The East China Sea Fleet dispatched three warships worth 5,000 yuan and ten warships worth 3,000 yuan to Pengshi.

The reason why these thirteen warships were sent was to deter the two countries.

According to the information from the Song Dynasty, although Chunluo and Piao were both coastal countries, their largest domestic ships were only three thousand in size, with only one or two ships at that.

The Song Dynasty casually got three ships with five thousand materials and ten ships with three thousand materials. Everyone in the court thought that it was enough to give the two countries a big shock.

According to calculations, by sailing, Wang Ce and his party would be able to reach Pengshi in about a month at most, around the end of December in the third year of Xingwu.

And this is much faster than traveling by land.

As soon as we got on the boat on the Bian River, everyone took their seats.

Li Yuanfang, the deputy envoy on this trip, walked up to Wang Cezhi and asked curiously:

"Ambassador Wang, Your Majesty has come to see you off in person! What an honor this is. Where did Ambassador Wang serve in the past to be treated like this by His Majesty?"

Wang Cezhi smiled and did not hide it. Now that the original prince had become an official of the Song Dynasty, there was no need to hide the affairs of Yunzhou County. Then he told the story one by one about how he assisted the army in controlling body poisons for the people of Song Dynasty.

During this period, other people in the ship gradually gathered around and listened in fascination.

After Wang Cezhi finished speaking, someone was surprised and sighed:

"There is such a unique place in this world. There is no winter all year round. Can we grow food for three seasons?"

At this time, a crew member on the ship immediately smiled and said:

"Why not? My cousin is a sailor.

From what they said, Zhanluo was a place like this, but it was said that there were high mountains and dense forests, but there were not as many plains as the official said, which would be incomparable for food production. "

When the others heard this, they suddenly looked eager and said: "That's fine. If my family can do this three seasons a year, then we won't have to worry about food!"

When Wang Cezhi heard this, he immediately laughed and said:

"You can go to Shendu. Now Yunzhou County is building a railway to Shendu. When the railway is completed, your whole family can go to Shendu and settle down.

Nowadays, the six counties of Shendu in Song Dynasty can be said to be vast and sparsely populated. There is plenty of land, even Song Renshao. As long as you go there, according to the current policy, all Song people who settle in the local area will be given ten acres of land, and they will be tax-free for the first two years. , after two years you only need to pay 50% of the land tax to the government every quarter. "

"Hiss! Fifty percent?!"

Everyone immediately gasped. Someone immediately asked: "Why is this tax so high? My family's land tax is only 40%!"

"Yes, yes! My family's salary is already high, only 45%. This 50% is too high. If we add in the poll tax and other miscellaneous things, we will still have enough left after a year. What? Isn’t it all in vain?”

Wang Cezhi burst out laughing after hearing this.

"Hahahaha! You guys! You've made a mistake!"

"Made a mistake?"

Everyone is confused?

Wang Cezhi explained: "The tax collection of body poisons is different from that in Guan Nei. What is implemented there is the tax collection method of Yunzhou County, and a one-tax system is implemented."

"My lord, what is the one-tax system?"

asked a curious boatman.

Wang Ce’s Way:

“The so-called one-tax system is to include all miscellaneous taxes except the land tax into the land tax, and only pay one type of tax, which is the land tax.

This means that in Shendu, as long as you pay the land tax, you don't have to pay any other taxes.

If the local government arbitrarily collects other taxes from you without producing the official documents issued by the Yunzhou Governor's Office stating the amount of money to be collected, you can go to the local tax department to report their arbitrary tax collection.

Once this is done, the Taxation Department will immediately arrest all officials and staff involved for the crime of disrupting tax laws and send them to the higher-level Taxation Justice Department for trial.

If you are convicted based on the amount of the crime, the lightest case is to be stripped of your official position, and the most serious case is to behead all the family members of the father, son, and three generations in public!

There is a saying in Yunzhou County: Whatever you do here is fine, but don't do anything illegal related to taxes. If something happens, even the gods will not be able to save you!

Because the Taxation Department is a department directly under His Majesty's control, it has independent law enforcement, judicial, and execution powers. They even have an affair with the secret guards and have their own armed forces.

It doesn't matter if you are in the hands of those people, regardless of whether you are a relative of the emperor or a prince, they are all a bunch of mad dogs who will bite people to death if they get the chance! "


Everyone suddenly gasped again!

At this time, everyone noticed the key problem and hurriedly asked:

"This means that as long as you pay the land tax, there are no other taxes! Then the remaining five achievements are all yours?"

Wang Cezhi nodded: "Yes, that's it."

The man immediately began to calculate.

“One person has ten acres of land, and one mu of land can produce two hundred and twenty kilograms of grain. Three crops are harvested a year, which means one mu of land can produce three hundred sixty kilograms of grain per year.

Ten acres is 3,600 kilograms!

If I hand over half to the government, I can still have some left...

hiss! One thousand eight hundred pounds! "

The man couldn't help but gasp again as he calculated. Others were also shocked by the number he calculated.

Nowadays, the price of grain in the Song Dynasty is stable, and one pound of grain costs about ten cents.

One thousand eight hundred kilograms is eighteen thousand Wen, one hundred and eighty coins, a full eighteen taels!

It's just one person! It’s just one person’s annual income!

At this time, apart from being a soldier in the pass, the monthly income of a normal person was only about 800 yuan a month.

For example, a rough lady who does laundry and cooking only earns 500 yuan a month.

The average monthly income from farming alone has actually reached one to two to five yuan!

Isn’t this very profitable?

Seeing their surprised looks, Wang Cezhi drank tea silently and thought to himself that they had no idea how high the labor force in Yunzhou County was now.

At first, a person's monthly salary in Yunzhou County was similar to that in Guan Nei, but after years of development, the monthly salary in Yunzhou County has reached the level of two taels of silver a month.

In this way, the manpower in Yunzhou County is still in short supply. In recent years, after the prince ascended the throne in Guan Nei, countless businessmen have moved their industries into Guan Nei in order to expand production capacity and His Majesty's call. In addition to responding to the call, these actions are also more important. Isn’t it just for the huge cheap population market in Guan Nei?

Labor in Yunzhou County is too expensive!

But Guannei is so cheap now!


(End of this chapter)

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