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Chapter 120 What is Surprise?

Chapter 120 What is Surprise?

"I really didn't mean to take advantage of you. You can't do it if you say no." Cofield said in a sweet tone: "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"Well, be obedient, I will help you."

"Well, everyone depends on you. When will you come to England next time? When you come to Liverpool next time, I will welcome you well, and you will be satisfied."

"It doesn't have to be so grand." Lin Yi pondered for a while, and said, "It's enough for you to welcome me with your feet up."

Cofield: "..."

"Hmph, don't be complacent, I'll let you get out by leaning on the wall."

"Ha ha."

Lin Yi smiled faintly:
"Do you know what it means to have an unmeasurable kidney?"


After sending Cofield out, Lin Yi heaved a long sigh. He didn't expect this girl to be a model with a B-level potential.

However, Lin Yi's later generations have never heard of her name. If it is a model, B-level should be a well-known model. Of course, the ceiling of the modeling industry should be A-level. As for S-level, you need to cross the border to enter the film and television industry Reached.

Therefore, Lin Yi judged that the other party should not have reached the top in the modeling industry, and directly switched to the film and television industry.

However, I didn't expect this girl to be quite ambitious, no wonder she would make a comeback in the future, but the little girl wanted to use Lin Yi to hype her, but Lin Yi flatly rejected her.

The main reason is that her timing was not good. As soon as Lin Yi agreed to Kaila, there was a scandal on the back foot. Kaila must have blocked him directly.

Normal people know how to choose these two women. Keira trains once equals Hermione trains four times. For Lin Yi, who has a great football dream, this is more important than anything else!
Lin Yi got up and planned to change hotels. He always felt that this woman, Hermione, was going to make trouble. The other party was not an obedient girl, and she took the initiative to knock on his door in order to become famous.

In the end, she didn't get anything, so she definitely wouldn't be reconciled, worrying that she would expose her privately.

Just as Lin Yi was getting dressed, she suddenly received a call from Cofield. She told Lin Yi that she had something urgent to go back to Liverpool, and she had already checked out downstairs, and she would not come back to accompany Lin Yi at night.

Originally thought that the other party was going to make trouble, Lin Yi was relieved now, a little surprised how easy this woman is to dismiss, could he be mistaken?

Just as Lin Yi was thinking about it, Cofield downstairs got into the taxi with a regretful expression on his face. The company called just now and arranged a movie audition for her, asking her to go back immediately. The chance is fleeting.

Fortunately, she doesn't have to make a choice, anyway, the relationship with Lin Yi hasn't been broken, so it's okay to hype it up next time, but the movie audition can't be delayed. Although I called several media to reveal that the hotel has serious news, but at most they let it go in vain. After a trip, it can only be said that the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

So when several reporters arrived, they found that there was nothing unusual in the hotel. Someone was looking for contacts to ask if there were any celebrities staying in the hotel, but unfortunately nothing was found. After all, Lin Yi is not well-known in the UK. It appeared in a tabloid, and it is not at the same level as the cards in Germany.

A few reporters thought together in private, feeling that they were being tricked, and were planning to call the person who broke the news.

Suddenly a reporter saw a familiar figure appearing in the lobby, his pupils shrank, and he quickly lowered his head, "The one in the lobby, the woman wearing the hat who enters the door, that's Kayla. I went to the other party's promotional site to interview yesterday, and the clothes are exactly the same. Just an extra hat."

The others glanced at it indiscriminately, and when someone reminded them, they saw Keira Knightley's disguise at a glance.

Several people looked at each other, it was really a big deal.

Keira hummed happily, finished the promotion of the movie "Start Again", and planned to spend the Christmas holiday with Lin Yi well.

Speaking of it, she didn't know why, she was obviously drunk and slept together, but she had an irresistible affection for Lin Yi, even though Lin Yi's behavior was definitely considered to be taking advantage of others, but she just couldn't help but think of it. This man, thinking of what this man did to him that night, was intoxicated in confusion.

So she couldn't wait to see this man. She just sent a message to this man, telling him that she would come back early tomorrow morning, and asked if he had checked out.

After getting an affirmative answer, she went straight to the hotel.

But Kaila, who was silent in joy, did not realize that she had been followed by reporters.

I have to say that the tracking ability of the British tabloid is comparable to that of an agent. They actually followed them to Lin Yi's floor along the way. Seeing Keira knock on the door, several people picked up their cameras at the same time and approached quietly.

"Surprise!" To be honest, the moment I saw Keira was really happy, but it turned into surprise in an instant!

Because he saw the reporter behind him, but Kaila jumped into her arms the moment Lin Yi opened the door. Naturally, she didn't know what was going on behind her, but she didn't realize anything until the sound of taking pictures behind her. Before you even realize it, jump down, turn around, close the door, all in one go!
But she still underestimated the abilities of these reporters. Even if it was only for a moment, half of their faces were photographed. Now that there are frontal photos, they looked at each other and rushed downstairs.

It is enough to have these, and there is no need to interview the parties involved. What the parties know is a hot spot, which is far less exciting than what they compiled themselves.

As for waiting for the newspaper tomorrow?This is not exclusive at all. When the day lilies are all lit up tomorrow, of course it will be posted on the Internet as soon as possible. The smart ones are already calling colleagues, and quickly concocted a small composition. When I go back and get the photos, I will post them directly. go out.

And Keira at the hotel is calling his agent, but Lin Yi is already very disturbed because he already has a premonition.

Sure enough, after Kayla made the phone call, she directly meant that the two of them would go public. After all, Kayla is already a top actress, and a formal boyfriend can also bring a lot of benefits. At least some sewage can be blocked by Lin Yi.

What's more, Lin Yi and Keira are two different industries, and their fan bases can complement each other. In this regard, her predecessor, Victoria, has helped her find a way to reach the sky.

As for Lin Yi, there is nothing to say, after all, 160 points once, it is too much to part with.

What's more, Lin Yi also plans to transfer, and it's okay to shift his focus to the UK. Although he has already thought about the consequences of this matter, he still agrees after weighing it.

However, the two are still thinking about how to make an official announcement. Reports have begun to appear on the Internet. I have to say that the actions of these reporters are too fast.

Of course, this is because Keira is too popular in the UK now. The rose of England is not called for nothing. Coupled with the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, her popularity is definitely top-notch in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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