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Chapter 121 This is really hot

Chapter 121 This is really hot
"Keira Knightley's private meeting with little fresh meat, sibling relationship exposed! "

"Kayla ushered in a new relationship, the man is Asian. "

"The English rose is captured by the Bundesliga supernova, the new golden boy and jade girl?"

I did my homework, at least I know that Lin Yi belongs to the Bundesliga.

"Chinese people from the Bundesliga to England, killing all the way, capturing women from all walks of life, the English rose has become the latest prey! "

This is completely nonsense. Lin Yi said that this is a rumor, and he will find a lady to sue him tomorrow.

Seeing Lin Yi's indignation, Kaila gave him a blank look, and handed over her mobile phone. Is there any problem with this?

Keira was about to tweet. This is a picture of Keira leaning on Lin Yi, but Lin Yi didn't show his face, although he could be recognized at a glance.

But Lin Yi still persuaded Kaila by relying on his three-inch tongue. In his words, when you make your relationship public and kiss and hold hands in front of hundreds of cameras, as an artist, you will always have a bit of a performance personality, but If things go on like this, the boundary between the acted love and the real love will be diluted.If it goes on like that, the relationship won't last long.

Lin Yi also made an agreement with her that he would not make any disguise when he went out, and he would not hide it when he was photographed, but he would not mention the relationship between the two when he was interviewed, at least keep his mouth shut, "As a star, if people know who you are with Being together devalues ​​the value of love. Strangers will come to the street to question your relationship, which is very rude. So, I think it would be better to erect a high wall for love"

Under Lin Yi's persuasion, Kayla also accepted. What Lin Yi meant was that you can't show your affection, but you can't express your love together publicly, even if everyone knows that they are a couple, anyway, they don't admit it!
After getting Lin Yi's approval, Kayla happily sent it out, and then began to refresh the comments.

Lin Yi heaved a sigh of relief, at least he gave himself a way out.

The news on the Internet is fermenting very quickly. After all, it is now the 4G era. Mobile Internet access should not be too popular, and there are enough fans of Keira. It caused an uproar in the UK immediately. After all, the news is too clear. No one could deny that half of the face was Kayla.

But Kayla has been famous for a long time after all, and the exposure of her love affair can at most make people look at it curiously, and she will not be besieged. It was too popular in the UK, but what followed was Lin Yi's various romantic affairs in Germany.

Good guy, you're not very young, and you've harvested so many female stars in just one year since you landed in the Bundesliga, and none of them are the little-known ones. Now there are more people paying attention.

Curious to know what charm this Chinese person has, but Keira's fans are telling Keira to get out of the pit quickly, this one looks like a scumbag, so why keep it?
And Cofield, who had just returned to Liverpool, saw the news under the reminder of his agent. He was not sad at first, but happy. This is really great.

Although Cofield wanted to rely on Lin Yi to make hype, she also thought that Lin Yi was not well-known in England. When Lin Yi became a well-known star in Europe, she didn't know when it would be. By then, she might already be in her early years.

Then something happened to Lin Yi immediately. The moment he saw the photo, Cofield understood how these reporters got here. It was him who made the call before, and he originally wanted to hype himself up.

But he left ahead of time, and as a result, Keira lay down directly behind the gun.

Thinking of this, I can't help but sigh, Lin Yi is really powerful, he has only been in England for a few days, and he ran away with Yinglun Rose, but thinking of being tossed all night last night, I have to admit that this animal is really strong , is indeed worthy of obsession.

As soon as Lin Yi's incident happened, his reputation in England would definitely rise. When the time came, he would hype it up, and his career would definitely usher in a turning point. Cofield was already looking forward to that day.

Thanks to Lin Yi's top reputation in the Bundesliga, the incident spread to Germany immediately, but the reaction on the Internet was very strange. Everyone saw it immediately, oh, Keira's love affair was exposed, um, I got it!
Looking again, it turned out to be Lin Yi, good guy, he has gone to England to pick up girls!
Think about it carefully, no, what is Lin Yi doing in England?That's bad, Lin Yi won't be fascinated by that woman, Keira, and plans to move to England, right?

After all, although this kind of thing is rare, there are many transfers due to relationship problems and family problems. If Lin Yi is really fascinated by Keira, it is really possible for Lin Yi to transfer.

Therefore, the discussion on the German forum was not about romance at all, but about whether Lin Yi would transfer and whether he would be fascinated.

The last group of people came to the conclusion that there are five in Germany, and only one in Britain now, five to one, Lin Yi should choose to stay.

It's a pity that Lin Yi doesn't know this yet, otherwise he would definitely sneer. There are three in the UK now. After all, Maria basically stays in London for a long time, and Kayla alone is worth four!

The style of painting in China is different from that of Britain and Germany, because this incident was not fermented in China for the first time. When everyone saw British female stars, they didn't take it seriously. When they looked again, Keira, this is different. Germany Those female celebrities are not well-known in China at all. If it weren't for Lin Yi, few of them would know their names.

But Keira is different. There are too many people who know her name and have seen her movies, so this scandal of Lin Yi is different from the previous ones. The sense of substitution is too strong. Countless people support Lin Yi on Weibo to win The top actresses in Europe and America have proved the charm of Chinese men and raised the prestige of our country!
Except for criticism from some moralists, others are just envious and jealous!
Many confused teenagers embraced football in physical education class. On this day, Lin Yi became the dream of football teenagers. Playing football, earning big balls, and picking up beautiful girls has become the belief in countless people's hearts!

If it is said that Kaila and the Germans have not too great advantages in Europe, then on the other side of the ocean, the two sides are very different. Before the scandal between Lin Yi and the five girls spread to the United States, everyone just watched the excitement. I don't have any impression, just forget it after seeing it.

After all, none of the five women are well-known in the United States. Among Lin Yi's women, Lorena and Maria, who are well-known in the United States, and Wilde have not been exposed, so Lin Yi has not left an impression in the United States.

But this time is different, Keira is a big A-list star in Hollywood, and the popularity of an actress who stepped into the 2000 million club through the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series is naturally not the same. This news directly attracted attention on the US website. A lot of media were moved after hearing the news. Although the two parties were not around, Keira had a lot of friends in Hollywood, so she would still use interviews to gain popularity.

So Kayla received a lot of phone calls and text messages right away. After all, the current news is too hot, and everyone wants to catch the heat. Just say hello in advance and get to know the basic situation!

(End of this chapter)

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