This player is not professional

Chapter 143 Today is another day of relapse!

Chapter 143 Today is another day of relapse!
"The game is over. Huo Cun, who played away in a desperate situation, sank the mighty Bundesliga king. Lin used his magical free kick hat-trick to help Huo Cun win. He can tear Bayern apart by himself. The team's strong defensive line, he can play Neuer three times with free kicks, he can give up an excellent attacking opportunity when Dante is injured and falls to the ground, and kick the ball out of the sideline, even if he is Bayern's opponent A respectable player, of course, only on the pitch!"

The moment the referee blew the whistle, the entire Huo Village players celebrated wildly, because the opponent was Bayern, and these three points were very precious. Now the point difference between the two teams is only three points, and Bayern has no chance to make mistakes.

Moreover, Bayern, which is fighting on the third line, is definitely likely to be given a chance, and once Huo Cun is allowed to tie the score, it will be difficult for them to give up the top spot in single-line fighting.

Guardiola stood up with a headache on his face. In order to prepare for the Champions League and Manchester United games, he thought that he could beat Huo Cun by resting only two or three main players, but now it seems that the price is a bit high, letting the opponent take all three points. , Most of the main players have not been given a chance to rest. According to his idea, he will take the lead in the early stage, and then replace the three main players.

As a result, Lin Yi's three free kicks directly made his thoughts come to naught. Next, facing Manchester United, a powerful opponent, their league will inevitably be distracted!

The Bayern players could only leave the field in despair and rushed back to the locker room. In fact, their performance was not bad. They once tenaciously equalized the score. They had many chances to score goals, but they were very lucky. Oops, they ran into Huo Cun, who was all online, and Castiles, who was in great shape, and more importantly, they ran into Lin Yi, who was in good shape today!
At this time, Lin Yi was blocked by the media's long guns and short guns. Lin Yi, who surprised people time and time again on the court, has already become the darling of the German media. In this game, Lin Yi's performance is also very news. Value, they will naturally not let Lin Yi go!
"Lin, congratulations on completing the hat-trick, how would you rate your performance?"

"My performance? I think it's pretty good, right? Bayern defended very well today and didn't give us too many chances. Fortunately, I seized a few set-piece opportunities. More importantly, we won the final victory." Very Obviously, after spending so long in Germany, Lin Yi is already very skillful in dealing with the media!
"Dante got hurt today because he was defending you, what do you think?"

"Uh, well, I admire his desperate defense, but I think as a professional player, he should take good care of his body and not use such dangerous moves."

"How do you evaluate Neuer, who was teased by you three times? Do you think he is still the world's top goalkeeper?"

"I don't agree with the idea of ​​playing games. I just used an unexpected way to shoot at the right time. A goalkeeper like him is a top goalkeeper no matter which league he is in. You should pay attention to his excellent performance throughout the game. In terms of overall performance”

"What do you think of Alaba's foul?"

"His foul was very bad, and it was completely aimed at people. Fortunately, I was not injured by it, but I think this kind of action should appear on the football field, not the football field. You know, this is The football field, not the ancient Roman arena, maybe the shouts of the audience in the stands gave him such an illusion?" Lin Yi's witty answer made the reporters at the scene burst into laughter.

"Lin, Lena is watching the game from the stands today, will you date her after the game?"

"Uh, I don't know about it. She didn't tell me about it. We're not dating, just ordinary friends." There is this one, there is no appointment, it is a lie!
"Lin, you are doing so well now, have you ever thought about leaving Huo Cun and going to another team?"

"No, I enjoy my life in Huo Village. I have many friends and fans who support me here. I don't think I will leave. Well, I think I need to go back to the locker room to take a shower. Thank you. Please let me go." Feeling that the reporters' questions were getting more and more tricky, Lin Yi planned to flee the scene quickly.

"Lin, if you had to choose, which rich family would you choose?"

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Yi turned around, a sensitive question rang out in the back of his head. Naturally, he wouldn't be stupid enough to answer such a question, and went straight into the locker room!
"Go take a shower and follow me to the press conference." As soon as Lin Yi entered the locker room, Marcus said to him. Obviously, he wanted to reward Lin Yi for his outstanding performance today in this way .

It's a pity that Lin Yi didn't think it was a reward. He abstained from sex for a whole week for today's competition, so he said tactfully: "Boss, I'm already tired from dealing with those reporters outside, don't let me participate That damn press conference. I need a break, let Casteels go, he was amazing today"

Lin Yi resolutely gave up this "good opportunity" to goalkeeper Casteels. Marcus obviously did not expect that anyone would refuse such an opportunity. This is the press conference after winning the game. How interesting it is to satirize the loser Bayern.

However, since Lin Yi didn't want to go, Marcus didn't force it, so he invited Casteels instead.

Castiels really likes this opportunity to show off, but he is a goalkeeper and rarely has such an opportunity. Hearing Marcus' invitation, he immediately nodded in agreement and cast a grateful look at Lin Yi .

Lin Yi smiled, what's so good about showing off, and what can he say to the reporters, he has much more interesting things than this.

Lin Yi left the stadium directly, and did not wait to go back to Huo Village with his teammates.

Looking at the text messages in his mobile phone, Lin Yi changed three cars like a secret agent, and walked for two kilometers. After making sure that there was no reporter following him, he arrived at the hotel at the designated location.

Lin Yi didn't lie to the reporters either, he really didn't know that Lina was here before, and he didn't even hear from her, so Lin Yi looked very surprised.

But when he returned to the locker room, he took out his mobile phone immediately, and Lin Yi saw three text messages, so he decisively rejected Marcus' invitation to attend the press conference.

He came here with an excited heart. He didn't expect Lina to play with the duo after not seeing each other for a long time. Lin Yi suspected that it was Nina's connection, but Lin Yi hadn't tried it yet. Get a little excited!
(End of this chapter)

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