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Chapter 144 The Opportunity Given by Bayern

Chapter 144 The Opportunity Given by Bayern
The next day, Laura had joined the filming group, and Mel was participating in a local singing competition in Duisburg as a taste, so Lin Yi calmed down for a while.

I flipped through today's news casually, and it was no surprise that yesterday's match was overwhelming. After all, it was a Bundesliga battle between the first and second place, and it ended in Bayern's defeat, and Lin Yi's free kick hat-trick was also very interesting. .

"The hot field is dominated by one person, and the free kick hat-trick defeated Bayern"

The "Rheinische Zeitung" report focused on Lin Yi's dominant performance in this game, and believed that he helped Huo Cun win the league almost by himself, and his incredible free kick hat-trick was even more impressive. It is to create the history of the Bundesliga.

The "Independent Daily" believes that Huo Cun's victory will herald the final outcome of the two teams in the Bundesliga, and expressed confidence in Huo Cun's victory.

"Huaxia Boy Is Hard to Resist, Bayern's Two Top Defenders Are Injured and One Red Card"

The "Munich Post" report mentioned that Lin Yi, who has risen strongly, has become the most difficult offensive player in the Bundesliga. His offensive methods are extremely rich, such as breakthroughs, shots, assists, and free kicks. It was a disaster for the team's defensive players.

At the same time, he also took Bayern's failure as an example. In this game, Dante was sent by Hiss to closely guard Lin Yi. Although he restricted Lin Yi to a certain extent, he was also forced by Lin Yi. In the end, he was injured by Lin Yi's breakthrough and left the field early. Apart from Dante, Alaba also became Lin Yi's defeated opponent. After being tricked by Lin Yi once, he finally Leaving early with a red card.

Such two first-class defensive players in the Bundesliga were forced by Lin Yi to receive an injury and a red card, which obviously proved how outstanding Lin Yi's personal ability is!

"China Lin Sanxi Neuer, the top goalkeeper is played continuously"

In addition to the reports on this game, the issue of Lin Yi's personal whereabouts is also the subject of media reports. During the winter break of this season, several clubs made offers to Lin Yi. contact, and ultimately nothing.

And now that the summer transfer period is about to start, how many clubs want to take away this magical boy?And will the Huaxia boy choose to leave and join a wealthy team?
These issues are the focus of attention of the fans, and also the means for the media to attract readers!

Although Lin Yi intends to leave, he will not express his intention to leave before the end of the league or before the team locks up the championship, because it will shake the belief of his teammates. At this critical time, there must be no problems , although Huo Cun is waiting for Bayern to make a mistake, he must first do his own thing well, that is, to defeat his opponent, so that he is qualified to wait for Bayern to make a mistake!

On April 4, Bayern went to Old Trasford for a game, away game, 2:1 draw!

This is good news for Huo Cun, because if this is the case, Bayern will definitely keep their strength for the Champions League, and the league may make mistakes. If this is a big win or a big loss, for the league championship, Bayern will definitely seek stability, but now they can only replace some of the main players to prepare for the next Champions League.

On April 4th, although the league faced the eighth-ranked Augsburg, this team was not even in the second echelon of the league. In the pre-match interview, Guardiola expressed confidence After defeating Augsburg, they sent out a semi-main lineup, but they were defeated by their opponents 5:1. Bayern lost two consecutive league games.

The media present was in an uproar. With 5 rounds left in the league, Bayern actually made mistakes in a row. Many people turned their attention to Berlin, where Hertha Berlin played against Hoffenheim from afar. , if nothing else, the Bundesliga will usher in a big change tonight!

The assistant coach had already received the news, and reported the good news to Marcus with excitement on his face. With an uncontrollable smile on his face, Marcus turned around and told the good news to everyone in the locker room.

Everyone was very excited, it can be said that they were celebrating the championship. They did not expect that Bayern would actually give the opportunity. Now the opportunity is in front of Huo Cun. As long as they win the opponent Hertha Berlin, Huo Cun will be able to compete with Bayern. It was divided, and because Huo Cun had a few big scores in the past, he was two more than Bayern in terms of goal difference. This is the information that everyone has paid attention to.

Marcus was afraid of his hands, "Okay, everyone already knows the news, we have a chance to reach the top of the Bundesliga, but if we can't beat our opponents, it's just a joy in vain, so restrain your excitement and fight ten times Two-point spirit, defeat our opponents, and start the first step to counterattack Bayern!"

"Kill Berlin and attack Bayern!" Lin Yi was the first to get up!
The teammates chanted slogans one by one, only feeling that they had been injected with adrenaline, and their whole body became hot.

The Huo Cun players who walked out of the locker room walked into the player tunnel with murderous looks, and watched the Hertha Berlin players face to face, wondering what happened?

Because of the belief that they must win, Huo Cun players have a strong desire to attack
The referee blew the whistle and the game officially started. Huo Cun kicked off the ball in the middle circle. Firmino pushed the ball lightly. Wallander got the ball and dribbled straight. The Hertha Berlin players immediately followed. De suddenly pushed his foot, and the football flew towards Lin Yi who was following from behind.

Lin Yi easily stopped the ball and suddenly started it!Before the two Hertha Berlin players came to close the circle, they felt a gust of wind blowing by them. Looking back, Lin Yi was driving straight into the penalty area at high speed. Meng stared at Lin Yi, trying to catch Lin Yi with her aura, so that Lin Yi would show a loophole.It's a pity that Lin Yi turned a blind eye to this.

Facing the coercion of Xibeimeng, Lin Yi approached with the ball calmly, and suddenly moved the football forward, making a gesture to break through and cross near the baseline, Xibeimeng took a big step to keep up with the block, who knew Lin Yi At the moment of starting, the football was pulled back inconceivably, and then even more inconceivably, he tapped lightly with the inside of the heel of his left foot. The football jumped from Xibeimeng's right side to the left side as if by magic. Bei Meng's inertia of rushing forward got out of the way and turned around on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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