Chapter 145

"Cruyff turned around! Beautiful performance, Lin used his skillful skills to break through Xi Beimeng, and now only goalkeeper Kraft stands in front of him. With Lin's offensive efficiency, this ball is dangerous!"

Yes, Lin Yi used Cruyff's turn. This is a breakthrough skill he has practiced for a long time. With the attribute card of Lin Yi's body, Lin Yi can also perform difficult movements of many stars.

The game has just started, and some fans have just entered the field and before they have time to sit down, the situation on the field has undergone jaw-dropping changes!

After Lin Yihuang drove Kraft away, the shooting angle had already appeared. Lin Yi didn't make any adjustments, and just poked and shot with his toes!

All the fans are waiting with bated breath!
The white football curved slightly, bypassed Hertha Berlin goalkeeper He Daji, stretched his fingertips with all his strength, hit the far post, and hit the net with a reflection!

Huo Cun scored a goal just as the clock on the court jumped to 1 minute.

The away stands instantly boiled!Like a clap of thunder breaking the sky, the fans waved their hands wildly, shouting to their heroes, "Lin! Lin! Lin! Lin! Lin!"

The Hertha Berlin fans at home were still in shock. They couldn't help covering their faces and sighing, knowing that they might not be able to beat the mighty Huo Cun, but it was too early to concede the goal in the first minute! !
Standing on the sidelines, Marcus hugged the assistant coach excitedly, "See, he is a genius. He is destined to be great. I knew it a long time ago, but I didn't expect him to grow so fast. It seems that we will not be able to keep him." Stop him!"

Marcus was excited because it seemed that Huo Cun had a great chance of winning this game, but Lin Yi brought more surprises than that!

Seven minutes later, Lin Yi ran away from the goal calmly, with his hands raised high, and ran around the field, while Kraft fished the ball out of the goal with a depressed expression.

"Goal! Goal! Goal! Goal! Goal! Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!" The ball was passed into the penalty area and sent to Lin Yi's feet! This is really a beautiful cooperation, our players seem to have been hit a bit!! Get up, boys, at least we can't let Hua Xialin do whatever he wants again !” The on-site commentator shouted loudly.

Lin Yi scored two goals in a row, and the morale of the Hertha Berlin players had no intention of fighting again. They were really afraid of this extremely active guy, so they just played soy sauce in their own half and refused to attack at all. In the halftime of Huo Village, only a long-range shot before halftime, Huo Village fans kept booing this team, and their own fans did not approve of their shameful behavior, and began to boo their own team, but Hertha Berlin They still go their own way, and their coach doesn't express any opinion on this, just a gloomy face.

The game ended in such a dreary atmosphere at halftime, and the players from both sides returned to the locker room. Compared with the Huo Cun players talking, laughing and elated, the Hertha Berlin players fled in no matter how they looked. Want to escape from this stadium, but the second half is not over yet, they still have to stay here.

In the locker room, Marcus praised the players, especially the second goal. Marcus praised it even more, thinking that this was the performance of the team's cooperation, but he also asked the players not to be careless and be careful of Berlin. The Hertha team's counterattack finally praised Lin Yi very well.

After coming out of the locker room, the performances of the two sides are very different. The players of Huo Cun are full of confidence, while the players of Hertha Berlin are staring at Huo Cun viciously, like a pack of hungry wolves. Looks like they've been through a grind in the locker room.

The second half of the game started. I don’t know what the head coach of Hertha Berlin did in the locker room. The Hertha Berlin team seemed to wake up in the second half. The whole team started to bombard Huo Cun indiscriminately. Still silent in the relaxed first half, after playing, suddenly faced with such a turbulent offensive, he was a little confused, and the defense began to make frequent mistakes.

Several missed goals almost allowed Hertha Berlin to succeed. Huo Cun had no choice but to shrink the defense. Because of the opponent's retreat, Hertha Berlin became more aggressive and aggressive, and the defense line was almost completely pressed.

It has been almost 10 minutes since the start of the second half, and Hertha Berlin has been attacking Huo Cun for a long time.

Finally, in the 13th minute of the first half, the situation on the field changed, and Hertha Berlin knocked on the door of Huo Village.

On the field, Hertha Berlin's striker Ronnie took the ball on the right side, and made a classic two-to-one with the team's midfielder. After that, Ronnie continued to dribble along the side. After successfully tearing apart Huo Cun's defense line Ronnie chose the bottom cross.

The football roared and flew towards Huo Village's penalty area. Hertha Berlin's center Ramos jumped high in the penalty area, overwhelming Huo Cun's central defender Juan and pushed the football into Huo Village's gate.

Goalkeeper Casteels watched the football into the net helplessly. He had nothing to do with the ball. Ramos was too tricky.

2 to 1!The home fans became excited in an instant, shouting loudly, they scored a goal, they still have hope!
Although their performance in the first half was disappointing, they finally looked human in the second half. For the sake of recovering a goal, they worked hard to cheer for them.

For Huo Cun, Ramos' goal didn't have a big impact on them, but if the defense can't return to normal, it is estimated that Hertha Berlin can take away a point in this game, and maybe they will come back. It is unacceptable to them, because who knows whether Bayern will give a second chance!
Marcus was also very depressed on the sidelines. He had already told the players not to underestimate the enemy, but the team still had problems. The problem of the defense line may affect the performance of the whole team. David and Jimmy were replaced, and Marcus quickly stabilized the morale of the army. At the same time, some players who made some mistakes in the second half cheered up. The head coach was already dissatisfied with them. up.

The game restarted, and the situation on the field remained unchanged, but Huo Cun's defense finally stabilized. Hertha Berlin's several attacks were successfully intercepted, and the offensives of both sides started fiercely.

In the 70th minute, Hertha Berlin launched an offensive again.

Ramos dribbled past Beck with the ball and went straight to the bottom line. At this time, Firmino and Salihovic also followed up, forming a siege around Ramos. Ramos used his body to protect him. He stopped the ball and knocked back to Shelbray who stepped forward to respond.

Shelbrey quickly dribbled the ball to the middle, and made a beautiful sideways move past Rudy. At this time, he was already on the sideline of the penalty area.

(End of this chapter)

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