Chapter 168

In the car, Lin Yi and his teammates saw dense crowds along the road, all of them were fans wearing Huo Cun's jerseys.They waved, cheered and sang to the players in the car.

This is the first time Lin Yi has experienced such a scene. Although he has watched the championship celebrations of different teams on TV many times before, the feeling of experiencing it personally and watching it through a TV screen is completely different.

He waved his arms to the fans, and he got a lot of enthusiastic responses from them.

Some fans even climbed onto the light poles. When the bus passed them, they could almost reach the hands of the players on the second floor of the bus as long as they leaned forward a little bit…

Lin Yi had to remind them to pay attention to safety.But these fans laughed and said: "The front is full of people, even if I fall, it will be fine, haha!"

The bus finally arrived at the Municipal Square after dark, where it was already brightly lit and crowded with people.

Huo Cun's whole team on the high platform showed the league championship trophy to the fans, which won the cheers of the fans present, as loud as a rock concert attended by 10 people at the same time...

The air stirred up by the sound wave even blew Lin Yi's hair.

Then team coach Marcus and captain Baker successively delivered speeches to the fans.

Then everyone saw the scene that made them excited. The first person to lift the trophy to the float was not the team captain Baker, nor the head coach Marcus, nor the team's biggest hero Lin Yi, but The old captain Casteels, after Casteles, everyone took the championship trophy from the front teammates one by one, and held them up high. What responded to them was the enthusiastic applause and cheers of the fans.

When every player raises the trophy in his hand, there will be a huge slogan hanging up, which reads. "Thank you, Polanski." "Thank you, Firmino." "Thank you, Wallander"

When Lin Yigao raised the trophy, the entire stadium fell into a climax.

"Thank you, Lin, we love you!" A huge banner also slowly unfolded.

Lin Yi had a sore nose for no reason, he was touched, he wondered if he made a mistake in his morning decision, the fans here are so lovely, the people here love him so much, is he really willing to leave?But he is also very clear about the current situation of the team, not to mention buying people, even whether the current lineup can be kept is a problem.

Although Lin Yi is already thinking about future issues, seeing the huge banner, Lin Yi waved happily to the fans. Seeing Lin Yi's response, under the banner, countless Arm, tens of thousands of people shouted a person's name, "Lin! Lin! Lin!"

This is Lin Yi's first championship, this scene, Lin Yi will never forget, he was moved.

When Lin Yi raised the trophy.The cheers on the scene were obviously much higher than other young players. In a word, Lin Yi is now the darling of Huo Village fans!
The whole of Sinsheim is now almost deserted, and everyone is out of the house to welcome the return of their heroes.

The players stood on the high platform and raised their championship trophies over and over again to salute the crowd on both sides, and then received waves of cheers that were higher than the waves. Over and over again, the players did not feel tired. Fans will never get bored!
The joy of the champion filled everyone's face.

Finally, here, all the players were received by the mayor of Sinsheim. The mayor shook hands with every player with a smile on his face. When it was Lin Yi's turn, the mayor even had a chat with Lin Yi. .He knows that this young man is the biggest contributor to Huo Cun's championship and is currently the most popular player among the fans. Be kind to this young man. For him in the next election, maybe he can get more Huo Cun. Fan votes.

After the celebration ended, everyone returned to the training base. On the way back from the home court to the base, the bus drove very slowly. The players opened the windows and the fans cheered loudly. After returning to the hotel, they had another simple celebration At the brief meal meeting, the club manager told everyone that the prize money for winning the championship had already been credited to each player's account as soon as the game was over, and everyone's prize money would be credited to the account in full by tomorrow morning at the latest , which of course brought everyone's enthusiastic cheers.

After winning the championship, the prize money will soon be in place, the honor and money are all in hand, isn't this what playing football is for?At this time, everyone is happy.

It was already late at night when Lin Yi returned home, Keira had already rested, and Lin Yi quietly went to bed, unexpectedly waking her up.

But at this time Lin Yi had no worldly desires, he just held her in his arms,
"Congratulations, honey, I'm so happy for you,"

"Woke you up? Go to bed early, don't you have to catch a plane tomorrow?"

Keira's hot breath sprayed on Lin Yi's neck, "Honey, I can't sleep, I'm a little hot, can you help me relieve my dryness?"

Early the next morning, Lin Yi, who was still sound asleep, opened his eyes in a daze. He first felt a movement in his arms. He lowered his head and saw Kaila curled up in his arms, still sleeping soundly. , and then subconsciously touched his chest, but did not touch the championship medal.

Lin Yi was startled, but he saw it at the next glance. The championship medal was hung around Keira's neck at some point. Now, the medal is sticking to Keira's chest, covering a crucial point.

Lin Yi also smiled, bowed his head and kissed lightly, but perhaps Lin Yi's hair made Kaila uncomfortable, Kaila reached out and patted Lin Yi's head away, Kaila turned over in a daze, After murmuring a few words, he continued to fall asleep.

Lin Yi gently moved Kaila's arm away, jumped off the bed lightly, and stretched comfortably.

After a simple wash first, Lin Yi walked to the balcony, feeling the soft morning sun, took a deep breath, moved his body, and felt good.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at Kaila, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed. Perhaps feeling that the bed was empty, Kaila changed her position again, lying on her back in a large font. This sleeping posture was ugly, but Lin Yi I didn't care either.

Seeing Kaila sleeping soundly, Lin Yi touched the championship medal on her chest, Kaila slowly opened her eyes, and slapped Lin Yi's hand away hard!
Lin Yi didn't take it seriously, "Okay, if you sleep again, you won't be able to catch the plane."

"It's all your fault. I can't even say it. If you still come, everyone will fall apart."

"Okay, it's all my fault, it's time to get up and have breakfast!"

The two had breakfast, and were lingering in love again. They talked to each other for a while, and parted reluctantly. Keira was going back to England too!
(End of this chapter)

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