Chapter 169

With Huo Cun successfully winning the salad plate, the 2013-2014 Bundesliga season is all over.

Huo Cun achieved 34 wins, one draw and two losses in 31 league rounds, accumulating 94 points, scoring 87 goals, conceding only 27 goals, and a goal difference of [-].

They are the second-highest scoring team behind Bayern Munich with 94 goals.

They are also the team with the fewest conceded goals, conceding seven goals less than Mainz, which conceded the second least, and their goal difference of [-] also made them the team with the most goal difference.

Such a performance tops the Bundesliga and deserves the Bundesliga title.

In terms of personal statistics, Lin Yi scored a total of 42 goals this season, not only topping the Bundesliga, but also ranking first among the five major leagues in Europe.

No.2 is a tie between Ronaldo and Suarez, both with 31 league goals!
These data show that Lin Yi is already one of the top players in the Bundesliga. Although he is only 22 years old, his data can be equal to the peerless twins like Ronaldo and Messi.

It has always been considered good for Chinese football to produce a first-class player in Asia, but now, Lin Yi is already a top player in the world.

Now the world's top player will return to his hometown in glory.

When Huo Cun's whole team was celebrating in the municipal square, domestic media had already reported the news that Lin Yi would return to China after the end of the season, and even the specific time of his return was reported.

The last round of the Bundesliga will be played on May [-]th. Lin Yi will leave for China on May [-]th. Afterwards, he will stay in the Imperial Capital for three days, attend three commercial events of the brands he endorsed, and participate in CCTV An interview for a football column.

Then he would leave the imperial capital and return to his hometown.

All of Lin Yi's actions have basically been figured out, and Lin Yi's supporters are already connecting with each other on the Internet, discussing to go to the airport to pick him up at that time.

Two and a half years ago, Lin Yi brought Kadir to Germany. After walking around, only Huo Cun accepted Lin Yi's training fee and let him join the youth training.

Now that Lin Yi's return to China has attracted much attention, Lin Yi and Kadir went to the airport together after packing up their things the next day, first to Frankfurt, and then flew back to the imperial capital from Frankfurt.

After participating in various business activities in the imperial capital, Lin Yi will be separated from Kadir, and he will return to Sichuan Province.

When Lin Yi and Kadir arrived at the Capital International Airport, they got off the plane with other passengers, and then walked towards the customs with the crowd.

At the customs, when he put his passport on the ground and waited for the customs to inspect and release it, there was a soft exclamation from inside the glass cover.

He raised his head reflexively, and saw the male customs officer inside holding his passport and looking at him.

"What's wrong?" he asked strangely.

"Uh, it's nothing..." The customs staff handed the passport back to Lin Yi after stamping the passport to allow entry.

Although he really wanted to get Lin Yi's signature, he still remembered the work discipline, and he couldn't do that kind of star-chasing thing at this time.

After receiving the passport, Lin Yi expressed his thanks to the other party, then picked up his luggage and left the customs.

When Lin Yi and Kadir went to the conveyor belt to pick up their luggage and walked to the exit, they were startled by the dark crowd outside.

Seeing Lin Yi come out, a dazzling light suddenly burst out from the dark crowd - it was the flash of the camera.

Then, cheers came with flashing lights, resounding throughout the reception hall.

"Lin Yi! Lin Yi! Lin Yi!!"

The excited fans shouted in unison while waving the posters, banners and jerseys they held in their hands.

"Oh!" Kadir whistled excitedly. "Superstar treatment!"

But in the next second, I started to worry about how they went out...

This bus station located in the commercial center always has a large flow of people every day. During rush hour, not only there are long queues of people waiting for the bus, but also long queues of buses.

Today is no exception, people standing on the bus platform are waiting for the arrival of the bus they want to take.

And in the advertising light box behind them is a bust of Lin Yi, next to the bust is Nike's LOGO, which is very eye-catching.

There is no slogan in this light box advertisement, except for Lin Yi's photo and Nike's LOGO, there is nothing.

But I believe everyone knows what that means - Lin Yi, the spokesperson of Nike!
People stood in front of this billboard, and few of them looked at the billboard behind them specifically. Obviously, these people who got on and off the bus here every day were already accustomed to Lin Yi behind them.

Soon a bus drove into the station and stopped at the platform. The door opened and the people on the bus poured out, while the people on the platform entered the bus through the front door. A bus with a bottle of mineral water.

When the last passenger got on the bus, the door was closed, and the bus was full of passengers and Lin Yi, who was drinking mineral water, drove away from the station. Lin Yi and Lin Yi completed a reunion and farewell.

On a skyscraper a little far away, there is a huge LED outdoor screen, on which cool commercials are playing.

Lin Yi on the screen is constantly changing his posture, sometimes running, sometimes jumping, and the jeans on his body change with his posture.

Finally, a slogan and the brand's LOGO appeared on the screen.

This is not a special scene, it is just a scene that is repeated countless times in the commercial center of this city every day.

"...So you weren't discovered by scouts, but you went to Germany to sell yourself?"

In the studio of the sports channel, Duan Xuan asked Lin Yi who was sitting opposite him.

"Yes, I didn't have much room for improvement in the football school at that time, and the school recommended me to enter the Chinese Super League team and was rejected. I don't think a living person can be suffocated to death by urine..." Lin Yi, who was sitting opposite Duan Xuan Talk eloquently.

"Then how can you be sure that the Bundesliga team can accept you?"

"I didn't want to reach the sky in one step, I just joined the youth training team. I didn't expect that I could score so many goals at the beginning."

"You joined the first team in the middle of last season, what did you think?"

"I didn't think much about it, but I was nervous, because I was a starter when I came up, and I was not an opponent of the youth team."

"The game against Dortmund, I remember you had a praying movement, what were you thinking at that time?"

"When I saw the trophy, it reminded me of the moment when I decided to become a professional player. I used to think that if I can become a professional player, I must win everything. Now that the trophy is in front of me, I have to think about it. It won't be the only chance in my life!"

Father Lin in front of the TV also laughed, he was very satisfied with his son's performance just now, relaxed and humorous, not stage fright, this is his precious son.

(End of this chapter)

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