Chapter 170

"You ran away just two days after you came back. My mother really raised a white-eyed wolf. She returned to China for seven days, stayed in the imperial capital for four days, and left for the United States after staying at home for two days. I haven't seen your mother for more than half a year. You are gone, you are still running away"

"Mom, I really have something to do. Believe me, I'll be back in about half a month!"

Lin Yi hung up and nodded, and walked out of the Los Angeles airport. Although he had plans to come to the United States, he didn't plan to do so early.

But Wilde's kind invitation, he really couldn't refuse, if it was just Wilde, it would be fine, but Dormer, who hadn't seen him for a long time, also invited him. The other party seemed to have been paying attention to him, and unexpectedly knew that he had won the championship, and congratulated him.

This is the difficulty of too many women. Lin Yi almost forgot who Dormer is. After all, more than 100 chapters have not appeared. If he hadn't thought of Wilde, Lin Yi would have forgotten!
However, when Lin Yi arrived in Los Angeles, he didn't look for these two, but went to Lorena's house. In Lin Yi's heart, those two were really inferior to Lorena.

Originally, I wanted to surprise Lorena, but I didn't expect that there was no one at home, so I called to find out that she was still attending a fashion conference in New York and would not be back until three days later.

So Lin Yi could only be forced to go out to meet Dormer. This woman hadn't contacted him for so long, and she contacted him suddenly, there must be something wrong.

Dormer was at her home at this time. While eating dinner, she took out her mobile phone and checked the news.

Now there is more news about "Forever 16" on the Internet. This movie has not yet been released, because it is going to participate in the film festival. Now it is just starting to announce and release. It will not be released on a large scale until the end of the film festival. The result came out, the effect is very good.

This is a big heroine movie. Rose of England plays a 28-year-old woman with a 16-year-old heart. It can be said that it is a tailor-made role for her, and it is hoped that she will win in the awards season.

Dormer curled her lips. This woman really knows how to hype, because there are a lot of news on the Internet that Kayla went to Germany to accompany her boyfriend to celebrate the championship, and there are many photos. Movie.

Seeing these news, Dormer was very upset. How could this woman have such luck, but when she suddenly saw Lin Yi's photo with her name in the title, she felt a little guilty when she thought of the stupid thing she did yesterday. She has already invited Yi to come to the United States, and she has also given hints, but the other party has not clearly stated how long it will be.

She didn't dare to say it clearly, so she could only trick Lin Yi over and apologize directly to him, but it had to be in public, not in a private place, otherwise that pervert Lin Yi would do something.

Dormer blushed when he thought of the experience in the theater last time. That guy was like an animal. He was swollen for several days that time, and it was awkward to walk.


The doorbell rang.

"Did it come so fast?"

Dormer subconsciously thought it was his agent coming.

Usually, brokers usually come to the door at this time.

She came to the door and looked through the cat's eyes, and it was indeed the manager standing outside the door.


Dormer opened the door.


When the door opened a corner, Dormer saw Lin Yi standing diagonally across from the door, looking at her with smiles.

Dormer's heart skipped a beat.

Immediately reach out and close the door.


One of Lin Yi's feet has already blocked the threshold.

"What a pit!"

Dormer wanted to cry, but he didn't expect that his manager would join forces with Lin Yi and coax him to open the door.

"Lin Yi!" Dormer said sternly, "What do you want to do? This is a legal society, so don't mess around!"

"Don't worry, I won't mess around."

Lin Yi smiled lightly and waved Dormer's manager away.

Dormer's agent smiled, gave her a mouth shape, and asked her to talk.

Lin Yi pushed the door open and went in.

As Lin Yi moved forward, Dormer retreated step by step.

"Lin Yi, I was wrong, I know I was wrong, I really didn't say that on purpose last night, I just wanted to add a little heat to you."

"Ha ha."

Lin Yi sneered, closed the door without saying a word, and took out his bag, the props he went to buy in the street in the afternoon, Lin Yi had practiced these things on Nina and the others, and he took advantage of them.

He asked someone to inquire, and only then did he realize how much trouble this woman had caused him. The main purpose of coming today was to clean up this woman.


The long whip in Lin Yi's hand whipped in the air, making a crisp sound.

Dormer's eyes twitched.

"Okay, I admit, it was a little too much, I know I was wrong, there will be no next time, you go around me this time!"

Dormer begged for mercy.

Put on a pitiful look.

"Good brother..."


Dormer looked at Lin Yi's pressing step by step, with an evil smile that never left his face.

Cleverly turned around and ran away.

Lin Yi smiled disdainfully: "Want to run? Can you run?"

"Lin Yi, please, I still have activities to attend tomorrow!"

Dormer exclaimed:
"Let me go, I'm a star!"

half an hour.

Various props were thrown in the room, as well as Fatty Dormer, and torn stockings.

Dormer's snow-white face was rosy and watery, and his beautiful eyes were as charming as if they were about to drip water.

She took a breath:
"Lin Yi, you're going too far. Didn't I just say that, why are you treating me like this? Cheapskate!"

"Who says I'm angry? I'm not angry." Lin Yi smoked an afterthought and said innocently, "Isn't it because you made mine a little hotter, so I came here to thank you?"

Dormer: "..."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you." Dormer knew that if he continued to entangle, he would be at a disadvantage anyway, so he should not continue to play dead: "Then it's over this time, and you are not allowed to find my fault."

"Of course." Lin Yi nodded: "This can be regarded as a one shot to wipe out our grievances."

"It's all your fault!"

Dormer was so angry that he hit Lin Yi on the shoulder with another small fist:
"Originally, I had to go to an important event tomorrow, but now it's all right, it's a mess, and I guess I'll have to pay a lot of liquidated damages!"

Of course she couldn't go, there were welt marks on her back and hickey marks on her neck, so she couldn't wear a dress at all, so why did she go.

Lin Yiman didn't care, "Since there are no more activities, then stay with me tomorrow."

Dormer's face changed drastically, "No more, it's already swollen, and I'm going to the hospital again."

"What are you thinking? Go shopping with me tomorrow. Didn't you say those things? If I don't show up with you for a while, those media will think you're talking nonsense."

Dormer was greatly moved, "Thank you, Lin, you are so kind, and I love you so much."

After speaking, he bent down and got into the quilt directly.
(End of this chapter)

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