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Chapter 171 The Long-lost Lorena

Chapter 171 The Long-lost Lorena
Lin Yi didn't know what Dormer was thinking. Originally, the American media saw that Kayla's popularity was not bad recently, so they directly caught the news about Kayla's boyfriend as a hot spot, hyped up Lin Yi's lace news, and took stock of his past rumored girlfriends. .

Originally, these had nothing to do with Dormer, but Dormer used his Twitter account to comment on one of the news last night, how do you know that there is no US?

As a result, one stone caused a lot of waves, and many netizens exploded, because they have researched that Lin Yi really came to Los Angeles last year. Although he didn't stay for long, it is really possible. The question is how did Dormer know.

So many people suspect that Dormer is Lin Yi's lover in the United States, but some people suspect that Dormer is trying to gain popularity. After all, the publisher of "Forever 16" is working hard during this period, and Kayla's The popularity is soaring, and the popularity of Lin Yi, who is a rumored boyfriend, is also rising. Many media regard him as another golden boy and girl in the football and entertainment circles. During this time, Lin Yi's popularity is not low, otherwise the media will not Find out about Lin Yi's scandal.

Lin Yi directly approached the agency behind Dormer. Now that the matter has been like this, let’s just join in the hype. Wilde eagerly invited Lin Yi over, no doubt because he wanted to get a share of the action, after all, her movies hit the street continuously. , After the big production saves the small production, it will also rush, and there will be no chance if it is saved again.

It is also a good thing for her to be able to share the heat with Lin Yi.

Lin Yi has already contacted her, and she has script templates. The matter of Mel and Laura seemed to be impatient at the beginning. Obviously, the two people are not well-known in Europe, but the incident directly occupied the headlines of the whole Europe at that time, making it even more difficult. People talked about it for a long time.

It can also be used now. After all, Wilde and Dormer are not considered top Hollywood stars, and their popularity is just that. If they don't make a big one, they won't be popular at all.

So the next day, Lin Yi took Dormer to go shopping, and Wilde met him. The two women had a fight in the mall, and the three of them broke up unhappy.

The media present immediately climaxed, but unfortunately the three left quickly under the cover of the team behind them, otherwise they would have been surrounded by the media.

The incident became hotter. After all, it was two women competing for husbands, or two female celebrities. The American people were excited. After all, neither side was unknown, and one of the parties involved was Lin Yi, who was also rumored to be a Hollywood star Keira. boyfriend.

This time, the three daughters were fighting for husbands, so Kayla, who was far away in the UK, was directly surrounded by the media. Fortunately, Lin Yi had already ventilated her, and she was not a fool. She immediately realized that her boyfriend and these two The woman's relationship isn't easy, and while it's good for her upcoming new movie, she's still pissed off.

But now Keira doesn't want to leave Lin Yi. The two are deeply bound now. Her team has received several endorsements that bind her and Lin Yi. If they break up, these things will fly away.

What's more, Lin Yi is like a drug to women. Once you try the taste, you can't quit it easily. Laura tried several times but failed. This man's training level is too high!

But Kaila is still very unwilling, and is already planning, planning to find an opportunity to squeeze this guy well next time, so that he has no energy to show mercy everywhere.

Thinking of the few club personnel who had contacted her in private recently, Keira made a secret decision in her heart that she should really persuade Lin Yi to come to the Premier League. After all, it is not so convenient for the two to meet in Germany, but it is different in England.

The sun is rising in the east, and the whole sky is full of rays of light, which is dazzling. Surrounded by the magnificent morning glow and surrounded by light clouds, the sun is slowly rising.

On the bed, Lin Yi was checking the news with his mobile phone.

At this time, Dormer was burying his head in the quilt.


Lin Yi breathed out softly.

the phone is ringing.

"Lorena, what's the matter?"

"I'm back, where are you?"

Lin Yi suddenly felt a slight pain and snorted. It should be that Dormer heard Lorena's voice, and his mood fluctuated a little.

"what happened?"

Lorena wondered.

"Cough." Lin Yiqing coughed and said, "It's okay, I burned my mouth eating breakfast outside, and I'll be back after eating!"

"What did you eat?"

"Soy milk, deep-fried dough sticks." Of course, Lin Yi didn't eat these, but he gave them to others.

Dormer got out of the quilt, and asked with some resentment:

"So there are other people in the United States. Who is Dormer?"

"Ahem!" Lin Yi smiled lightly, reached out and rubbed her head, and said, "Why do you care so much, it's rare that you really fall in love with me and want to be a housekeeper."

Dormer's pretty face flushed slightly, this man's kung fu is too strong, she can't do it alone, if he is his girlfriend, he will definitely be cheated on, so it's better to cheat on his girlfriend.

"Okay, let's hurry up, you heard it too, I have some urgent matters to deal with."

Lin Yi grabbed Dormer's willow waist and let her sit on him.

An hour later.

Lin Yi left in a hurry.

After waiting for three days, Lin Yi finally saw Lorena who came back in a hurry. There was nothing he could do about it. Lin Yi's affairs with those two women had become so hot recently. If she didn't come back, her home would be stolen.

As soon as he met Lin Yi, he was seized, and he raised his hands in surrender, and quickly coaxed, "Honey, are you tired, I'll give you a massage."

"Come on," patted Lin Yi's hand away angrily, "I've tried my best to pretend to be stupid. I turned a blind eye to all the bad things you guys did in Europe, but you made an inch of it. Putting things in my face, huh?"

Lin Yi smirked, he knew that Lorena was not Xiaobai, those things were so widely spread, it was impossible for Lorena not to have seen them, but he never asked himself, thinking that he was really a bit too much.

Lorena saw that Lin Yi was a bit disappointed, and smiled, "Forget it, let's not talk about anything else, let's get down to business first and go to bed!"


Lin Yi suddenly realized, "I forgot to buy that, do you have it at home?"

Lorena gave him a blank look, thinking of herself as someone, she has always kept herself clean in the United States, how could there be such a thing at home, she directly hooked Lin Yi's neck, "Forget it, the relationship between us is unnecessary There is that layer of estrangement!"

This girl is really arrogant, but Lin Yi feels like he has forgotten something.

Of course, he soon remembered that he didn't bring any of the supplements he had in Germany.

Last time, Lorena, who had been abstinent for more than half a year, was directly overthrown, and this time it was not much better. Although her strength has improved, Lin Yi still said that she couldn't afford to provoke a woman who was in the rain after a long drought. There was some low back pain, but the nourished Lorena went to work refreshed.

It made Lin Yi feel that the relationship between the two parties had been replaced, and he always felt that he seemed to be the one being played.

(End of this chapter)

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