Chapter 172 Megan
"Lin, are you sure you don't want to come? I have prepared a surprise for you."

Lin Yi smiled wryly, not to mention that he had to deal with Lorena, Keira would arrive in Los Angeles soon, and Dormer was also present, so he had no more, so he could only decline Wilde's kindness.

Of course, it is also because Wilde is an acquaintance after all. For Lin Yi, the only way to earn the most money is to develop new customers. Naturally, he also has a goal, and that is to follow Lorena to Los Angeles. Xishi, this little girl is really good-looking, otherwise she wouldn't be dubbed Xishi by Chinese netizens. What's even more rare is that the little girl's reputation is not bad. She became famous early, even in Germany and the United States. supermodel.

However, considering that the other party hadn't really turned eighteen, Lin Yi still suppressed his small thoughts, and if he couldn't bear it, he would mess up and make big plans. It was only three months, and it passed quickly.

But there is a saying that the world is unpredictable, Lin Yi really never thought about hooking up with a female star during this period of time, but he couldn't stand someone sending him off.
Originally, he was only attending a banquet. This was the return of Dormer's manager, who helped Lin Yi meet Hollywood contacts. Although there were many Hollywood young girls at the banquet, they were not interested in Lin Yi, who had an obvious Asian image.

After all, they hadn't heard of any young Asian bosses rising in Hollywood, so in their eyes, Lin Yi was just a passerby, and Lin Yi didn't ask for trouble.

Although there are a few little flowers who will make a fortune in the future, it will take two years for them to become famous. By then, Lin Yi will not even look down on these three melons and two dates.

"Can I stay here?" A sweet voice sounded, interrupting Lin Yi's thoughts.

Seeing the person coming, Lin Yi squinted his eyes, suppressed his emotions and asked in a steady tone: "Please sit down, Miss Megan Fox."

"Thank you, Mr. Lin." Megan said with a smile, she sat down on the chair next to Lin Yi generously, then turned her head and stretched her hands to push the hair on her shoulders back, very provocative.

"Miss Megan also knows someone like me?" Lin Yi asked calmly.

"Of course, what I mean is that you are not an unknown person, you are the hot topic recently. Wilde and Dormer have been in the limelight these two days." The thighs looked quite dignified, but the slender legs were wearing transparent flesh-colored silk stockings, so the dignifiedness became a little subtle, contradictory and unified, and it was easy to attract people's attention.

This woman is definitely considered a beauty. Lin Yi tasted the red wine and looked at Megan with a funny look in his eyes. Although he was not sure whether the previous memories of his hometown were performing, but it should be true that he was happy because of his praise just now. of.

Of course, Meghan deserves such a compliment. Among other things, she wore a purple one-shoulder dress tonight. Although her smooth shoulders and delicate collarbone were exposed, her breasts were tightly wrapped. , In this way, people have the desire to find out. It is worthy of being an excellent model, who knows how to better show her own demeanor.

Lin Yi knew in his heart that this person really knew about his affairs, but what exactly did the other party want to do?
Megan is different from Wilde and the others. Megan is married and has just given birth to her second child. Lin Yi can still smell the milky scent on her body after four months, which is really attractive.

Megan can't have an affair with Lin Yi, it would be a devastating blow to both of them, and Lin Yi has never revealed his relationship with Maria, because more scandals and being involved in other people's families are two different concepts , people accept two concepts.

"I'm just a little bit hot these days. You're different. You've always been top-notch in Hollywood." Although Lin Yi carefully looked up and down Fan Meigen, his gaze didn't stay on her for too long.

"Thank you for your compliment, but you're wrong. Your girlfriend is the one, but I'm not. I just became popular in one movie, but I can't compare to Keira." Megan actually laughed at herself.

"Isn't there a new movie? I believe this "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" will definitely be a big hit." Lin Yi raised his eyebrows and said with certainty that the reason why Megan can give up her pregnancy and come out for activities is naturally because this movie will be released in the summer This is the blockbuster movie that landed in the first time, and this is the movie where she plays the leading role. The success or failure of the box office is related to her future future, otherwise Wilde's current embarrassing situation will be what she will be like in the future.

"I hope it can be like what you said." Megan said with a smile, "At first I thought you were like what the media said, but I didn't expect you to be quite interesting."

"Is that so?" Lin Yi smiled and nodded, "What did the media say about me?"

Megan covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly, and did not answer this question, but it is not a good adjective after thinking about it.

Glancing at the center, Lin Yi directly invited the other party to dance, but Megan didn't agree, just as Lin Yi was worried, Megan was also afraid of having lace news with Lin Yi.

Really worthy of being a stunner.Lin Yi praised in his heart, although Megan's appearance is not top-notch, but the first impression will be amazing, especially those two sexy and attractive red lips, coupled with the enchanting figure, it is hard to guarantee that the man will not index finger big move.

Megan was naturally aware of Lin Yi's small movements, but when Lin Yi was meowing at her breasts, she deliberately turned around to face him and straightened up, Lin Yi instantly had the bottom line!

This movement was very slight, if Lin Yi hadn't just faced Megan, he probably wouldn't have noticed it.This is the real sexy stunner, Wilde is far behind her, Lin Yi couldn't help admiring again in his heart.

It seems that there will be unexpected gains at the banquet tonight.

There is no need to say more about the next thing, although Lin Yi has already made a decision in his heart, and asked according to the procedure, "It's a bit noisy here, Miss Megan, do you want to chat in another place?"

"Where are you going to take me to chat?" Megan thought about it and said, "I won't get involved with you, it will cause big trouble."

This answer didn't satisfy Lin Yi, but he didn't say anything, just nodded: "Perfect just take a walk outside, don't you think it's quieter outside?"

Megan thought for about two or three seconds, and then an unpredictable smile appeared on her pretty face: "Of course."

After walking out of the big villa where the banquet was held, the two of them took a walk on the slightly quiet street while watching the night scene. The temperature in Los Angeles is still relatively cold at night, so Lin Yi was very gentlemanly before he came out Putting on a coat for Megan.

"Los Angeles is a beautiful city, especially at night, when you stand on a high place and look down, the lights are flickering, and it's easy to get mesmerized." The two walked slowly on the street side by side, not too much Multiple physical intimacy.

"It's true. There aren't so many tall buildings. When you look down from a high place, you will feel that it is very spacious. By the way, do you know why Los Angeles doesn't have so many tall buildings like other cities?"

(End of this chapter)

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