Chapter 173

"Because Los Angeles is located on the Pacific Rim earthquake belt, which is an earthquake-prone area, so it doesn't have many high-rise buildings like other cities." Lin Yi shrugged. He knew a little bit about everything. After all, his previous life was just a word. Miscellaneous, read countless miscellaneous books.

At this time, the two came to the parking place on the street, and he opened the car door for Megan very gentlemanly: "I'll take you home."

"Thank you." Megan glanced at him, with a weird smile in his eyes, and got into the co-pilot.

Among the small jokes along the way, the car quickly drove to Megan's home in Los Angeles. After stopping, Lin Yi got out of the car first, walked around and opened the car door for her.

"Thank you, Lin, you are such a gentleman." Megan walked down with a smile.

"Serving ladies is what I should do." Lin Yi said as he walked her all the way to the door.

"A pleasant night," Megan watched as Lin Yi fiddled with the keys in his hand, "It's a pleasure to be with you."

"Me too, then, good night." Lin Yi said and was about to turn and leave.

"Aren't you planning to go in and sit down?" Megan called her, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, "I don't have many friends in Los Angeles, and I spend a lot of time alone."

Lin Yi took a deep look at her, and stretched out his hand to brush the long hair around her ears behind her head, and his fingertips inadvertently slid across the beautiful face.

"You're very attractive, Megan." He smiled and said softly, then shook his head: "So it's very dangerous for you to invite me like this."

Megan smiled charmingly, "Really? How do you know I'm afraid of danger?"

"You're playing with fire."

"But I'm not afraid of self-immolation, it's just a one-night pleasure, isn't it? You definitely won't tell others." Megan's petite fingers slid across Lin Yi's chest.

Embroidered with the scent of milk on the tip of his nose, Lin Yi's mind was fluttering, and he lost his persistence for an instant.

However, Lin Yi suddenly received a call from Wilde, and she also went to the banquet, but something was delayed, and Lin Yi was not found at the scene. Lin Yi said that he had left beforehand, and hung up the phone after a few coaxing words. He didn't see Megan's pricked ears in front of him.

Following Megan into the house step by step, the two entered the living room. Lin Yi sat on the sofa and observed the simple and warm layout around him.Since the air conditioner was turned on at home, Megan went back to her room and changed into a very homey black sling tight bottoming skirt.

The bottom of the skirt was so short that it could barely cover the buttocks, but Megan didn't seem to care. She poured two glasses of bloody red wine and handed Lin Yi a glass.

"Drink some occasionally when you are stressed at work, try it."

The two sat on the sofa and lightly clinked glasses. Lin Yi took advantage of Mei Niu's neck to drink, his eyes scanned her figure in the thin skirt desperately, looked at her child's ration, and sighed inwardly that her child It's so happy, when Megan lowered his head, he pretended to be drinking with his head up again and began to drink.

"Yes, the grapes taste sweet, but I still think our Huaxia TLF's grapes are the best."

"O? TLF is also rich in wine?"

"Ahem, almost. In fact, we can talk about other things in this situation."

"What are you talking about? Talk about who is the baby you called just now?"

"Cough cough cough~."

Lin Yi quickly took another sip of red wine, and coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment.

"Actually... I have many girlfriends. But they all get along very well. What I said is true! At least they all have their own things to do, and their work needs to be busy."

Lin Yi explained in a low voice with some guilt, but he found that Da Mei Niu had already drained her wine glass and put it on the coffee table, and then approached him with blurred eyes.

"I know, there are a lot of things in the media, and there are a lot of lists, but none of them stand up and say that you are a scumbag, tell me, how do you manage to make these girlfriends of yours get along well, okay? ~."

Lin Yi's eyes lit up, good guy, it turned out that this is the reason why Megan approached him proactively. As a member of Hollywood female stars, Megan naturally knows how proud these women are, it's not like they won't lower their proud heads, but with Lin Yi's status as a professional player is far from enough, but he can attract so many female stars to fly to the flame.

That shows that Lin Yi must have extraordinary talent, and he must have special skills. Regarding this point, Megan plans to explore it himself.

Lin Yi smiled, "Are you sure you want to know, it must be hard to extricate yourself. There is a word in Huaxia called five big and three rough, do you want to know?"

Megan took a deep breath, "Then let me see it quickly!!"

A strong fragrance mixed with the smell of wine rushed towards his face, Megan's hand was already on his thigh, and Lin Yi's eyes immediately turned red.

Then the two took the sofa as a topic and discussed whether the softness of the sofa was worthy of its price.After discussing whether the material of the floor is harmful to the body, Lin Yi tested it with his knees, and his skin turned red.

They went to the kitchen to check the height of the kitchen counter, whether it would make people feel backaches when cooking. They also tried the wall of the bedroom and found that the sound insulation effect is not very good, and the bed is obviously made of wood. The bed without the iron frame is firm.

In the end, they chatted happily on the balcony of the villa, admiring the beauty of the night while watching, but when they found that the neighbor next to them was disturbed, they turned on the light and ran back to the bedroom in a panic.

A ray of sunlight in the morning seeped through the tulle-like curtains, and Lin Yi was still lying on the bed sprawled asleep, the air conditioner in the bedroom was fully turned on, so that most of his body was exposed outside and no one would feel cold.

"... bell~."

"Ring ring ring ~."

Lin Yi was woken up by an unsustainable ringtone.

"Honey, where are you?"

He closed his eyes and searched for the source of the sound. The woman beside him moved on him and fell into a deep sleep.

Last night, it was raining after a long drought, and it rained all night, and the sound of rain rang almost all night. Lin Yi was very proud of his fighting power. Lin Yi had experienced this kind of small scene many times.

"Huh~~~ Lorena? Didn't you go back to New York?"

"Yes, but Esther can't leave now because of something. She wants to stay at my house for a few days. What do you think?"

Lin Yi woke up suddenly, Xi Shi's pretty face flashed in his mind, and his heart fluttered a little.

"Oh, oh, it will be ready soon, then I will go home and clean up right away, how long will she be here?"

Lin Yi got up quickly, and even woke up Megan.

"what happened?"

Megan propped up her arms in a daze, the soft quilt slipped off her body, Lin Yi quickly lowered her head.

It will take another two hours to look at it again, but we can't miss a big deal.

"I have something urgent to do, you can sleep for a while."

Kissed the lips with Megan who was looking up, and took a few sips of healthy milk. Lin Yi answered the phone while putting on his clothes.

"Be careful, don't cause any trouble, she is not yet eighteen, let the media find out." Lorena knew that this was sending a sheep to the tiger's mouth, but there was no way, she also needed allies, after all Lin Yi's Those women seemed to be hugging each other.

(End of this chapter)

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