Chapter 174 Unspoken
In fact, Lin Yi seemed to be excited a bit too early. When he went home excitedly to clean up the house, he suddenly received a call from Lorena, telling him that Esther would not live in their house, and warned Lin Yi seriously. , You must take good care of your lower body, it is irrational to provoke a married woman.

Lin Yi broke out in a cold sweat. He realized that he and Megan had been noticed by someone with a heart. Fortunately, he went around a few times last night to make sure that no one was following him. , it means that the news is not small.

Sure enough, both Wilde and Dormer called to inquire about the situation, and Lin Yi prevaricated.

But Kayla had to deal with the call seriously. Kayla told Lin Yi directly that she spent money to suppress the matter, but Lin Yi had to leave the United States as soon as possible, before he caused more trouble.

Soon Megan also called and told him that he had left Los Angeles. It seemed that the news had spread widely. Megan had to avoid suspicion as soon as possible. With a sigh, Lin Yi directly booked a plane ticket. He originally wanted to stay in the United States. After a few days of waves, I had to take shelter from the wind.

"Excuse me, can I change the seat? I want a seat by the window."

Lin Yi raised his head and was stunned. The person speaking was a woman wearing sunglasses and a pleated skirt. She looked dignified and generous, and she recognized her immediately, Tang Wei!

After "Lust, Caution", her popularity skyrocketed. Although her career has been silent for a while, her fame has spread, and she cleverly switched to Hong Kong nationality to avoid being banned, and her career is back on track. However, what impressed Lin Yi the most is In the previous life's Daming Fenghua, although the appearance was too bad, the acting was really good.

After thinking about it for a while, the other party should be filming "BJ Met Seattle: The Love Letter", and now they should have something to return to China, so the two are on the same plane.

Nodded, "No problem, let's change."

Lin Yi was a little curious, is he so well-known in China?You can't even recognize this person even though you're not pretending, or are you pretending you don't?

So Lin Yi decided to take the initiative, "Hi, are you Tang Wei?"

The other party covered his mouth and chuckled, "So I still have a little bit of popularity, thank you, Mr. Lin Yi."

Lin Yi understood, "I thought I wasn't well-known enough."

"Don't be kidding, no one in China has more popularity than you, and your popularity in the United States is not low recently. Our crew browses American websites, and a lot of news is about you."

Lin Yi sighed, "Let me guess, it must not be good news, right? How many girlfriends have you seen listed for me?"

Tang Wei blinked curiously, "It's reported that you like to look for female stars, right?"

Lin Yi seemed to know what the other party meant, so he rode straight in, "That's right, I don't even want to harm women from good families."

Tang Wei pouted, "What do you mean, that there are no good women in the entertainment industry?"

"you are?"

"Hmph," Tang Wei snorted coldly, "Do you care about me?"

Lin Yi smiled lightly, "It's okay, I'll just verify it myself."

Tang Wei's heart was pounding, the direct confrontation between the two was straightforward enough, of course she had ulterior motives, as she said, Lin Yi's enthusiasm was not low, she recognized Lin Yi at the first sight.

Naturally, he wanted to achieve his own goal. This is Lin Yi. Looking at Wilde and Dormer recently, the popularity has skyrocketed a lot, and this is still in the United States.

In the United States, Lin Yi still needs to hang the names of several female stars, but it is different in China. In China, only the word Lin Yi is needed to represent the popularity itself. If you have an affair with Lin Yi, you will gain a lot in China When she grows up, which Chinese female star is not tempted.

And Tang Wei has a big heart, she wants more, at least not just the identity of the rumored girlfriend, if she can get the identity of the real girlfriend recognized by Lin Yi, then even if the latter two separate, this identity is enough for her for a lifetime.

So when Lang Youqing and Concubine were interested, the two got off the plane and went straight to Lin Yi's big villa. Lin Yi took Tang Wei to visit, and then received a call from Kadir, and Lin Yi went directly to the study Answer the phone.

These days when Lin Yi was at ease in the United States, Kadir had already finished connecting with Lin Yi's domestic team, and finalized two endorsements. He called to discuss the transfer with Lin Yi.

Yes, Lin Yi had already made up his mind to leave, and listened carefully to the materials Kadir had compiled.

"First of all, a Liverpool contract, they contacted me during the winter transfer, they are definitely the most aggressive team. At the end of the season, they offer you a good deal The annual salary of this new contract is comparable to the top salary in the team, and at the same time, your main position will also be guaranteed, and if you want, you will be able to get the No. 7 jersey that symbolizes the legend of Liverpool." Kadir first broke out Liverpool's price tag.

Lin Yi has already felt the sincerity of Liverpool many times. Isn't he afraid that it will affect the team's salary structure if he gives himself the highest annual salary for the team?The Liverpool team has many stars, and Liverpool has just won the Champions League this season. I am afraid that the entire team will raise their salaries. Is there still so much money to invest?And the number seven jersey?

"Where's Suarez?"

"According to the gossip, he seems to be leaving the team, so Liverpool have stepped up their efforts recently!"

Nodding his head, Lin Yi asked, "They seem to be the runner-up?"

"Yes, they had a chance to win the championship, but unfortunately they made a mistake. Rodgers has no championship experience."

Lin Yi nodded, then there is no problem, "What else?"

"Manchester United also showed interest in you, but they didn't give much guarantee, but I think you should not be interested in this invitation."

If it was Manchester United during the Ferguson era, it would be a very popular club in world football.

But after Ferguson retired, it was a black hole. For Lin Yi, who had opened his eyes, he had told Kadir to avoid this sinkhole long ago.

"Any more?"

"Well, Arsenal's Arsene Wenger has also expressed enough interest in you, but considering that Mr. Arsene Wenger never spends a lot of money to buy people, it may be difficult for Arsenal to meet Huo Cun's request for a transfer fee." Kadir said Said with concern.

"Well, it's impossible for Arsenal to spend 4500 million for me, and Mr. Wenger will have another signing." Lin Yi said after thinking about it.

"Oh, what about Manchester City? They are the upstarts of the Premier League, the league champions, they are rich and sincere, and their annual salary is higher than that of Liverpool." In fact, for this team, Kadir still Accepted, after all, if Lin Yi joins, he can get a high salary, and at the same time, he also has the hope of becoming the core of this club.

(End of this chapter)

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