Chapter 177 Finalized
"What about other leagues?"

"Real Madrid also offered you a big contract in La Liga, 650 million euros. This price is not high in the team, but you know that Real Madrid, which is full of superstars, has always attracted a lot of attention, but relatively speaking, Barcelona's The offer was withdrawn, they already got Suarez, you overlap," Kadir continued.

Lin Yi looked at the information of the two teams that Kadir had prepared for him. As for Barcelona, ​​Lin Yi wanted to cooperate with Messi. Unfortunately, there was no chance. I'm also worried that I won't get along well with my teammates after I go, because Lin Yi is not Spanish after all.

Real Madrid's sincerity has been criticized. Since they are unwilling to trust their own abilities, Lin Yi will naturally not rush to join. He has nothing to dream of.

Seeing that Lin Yi finished reading the information but did not speak, Kadir went on to talk about the Serie A team: "Inter Milan."

"You don't need to think about Serie A. Are the Premier League and La Liga left now?"

"Yes, after all, you are not an unknown person. Only a few teams can really offer big contracts, and other teams that don't have much competitiveness can also be ignored."

Lin Chen nodded and replied: "Okay, these are the only ones for the time being. You can talk to these teams in detail and ask them to come up with a specific plan. If possible, I can also meet with the head coach Let’s talk in person, it’s only the end of June, we can wait until mid-July to make a decision.”

"Well, I understand this. Now that the scope has been narrowed down, it will be much easier for me to deal with it. At that time, I will arrange for you to have a direct conversation with their chairman or coach. At that time, you can make your own decision." Kadir He breathed a sigh of relief and said that he has been hovering among so many wealthy families for a long time. After a long time, he became a little tired. Now that there are fewer goals, he is much more relaxed.

After talking with Kadir in detail, Lin Chen became the hands-off shopkeeper again, and began to train with Tang Wei who came to Sichuan Province. This was the first time Lin Yi experienced the intensity of domestic training, but such a leisurely life was not enough. After a while, it was interrupted by an uninvited guest.

Liverpool's CEO Perry and head coach Klopp flew from Liverpool to China to find Kadir.

Perry arranged the meeting place at a secret hotel in Sichuan Province. Although this hotel is not so luxurious, it is closer to Lin Chenzhu's place, which clearly shows Perry's thoughtfulness.

Lin Chen was a little late for the appointment, but when he arrived at the hotel room, neither Perry nor Klopp showed any impatience on their faces.

"Lin, I finally saw you in person." After seeing Lin Chen, Perry walked over excitedly and extended his right hand enthusiastically.

"Hello, Mr. Perry." Lin Chen held Perry's right hand, then stretched out his right hand towards Klopp, and said in Spanish, "Hello, Mr. Klopp!"

"Hello, Lin, I am very familiar with you. My coaching team has a detailed analysis of you. As an opponent, I have a full understanding of your strength. If you can join, I believe We can definitely make Liverpool great again!" Klopp first invited.

Then Perry also spoke, directly talking about Liverpool's various efforts for the league championship this season, but unfortunately it was almost achieved. If Lin Yi joins, Liverpool will definitely usher in a great revival!

Inadvertently, he drew a blueprint for the future of Liverpool. Lin Yi, together with the stars of Liverpool, sounds very attractive indeed.

Of course, Lin Yi would not agree to Perry easily because of this. He just asked Klopp in German: "Mr. Klopp, I don't know how you plan to use me in your mind?"

Klopp was clearly prepared. After hearing Lin Yi's words, he talked with eloquence: "I have studied your video in Huo Village. With all due respect, Mr. Marcus' use of you is not It's in place. He seems to give you enough freedom, but he doesn't let your teammates give you enough support, which often makes you fall into a solo battle. It seems to give you more room to express, but it also makes you The way you play is more tired.

If you are in Liverpool, I think this situation will be solved very well. The team's midfield can provide you with strong support, so that you are not limited to rushing. Of course, I don't mean to limit your freedom. Instead, I will give you more freedom.In my team, I will allow you to freely appear anywhere in the frontcourt instead of restricting you to the middle. I even think that as long as your header is developed, you can still play as a center. In this way, you can make full use of the balance of your left and right feet and your physical advantages. "

What Klopp said made Lin Yi's heart skip a beat.After staying in Huo Village for so long, he naturally felt Marcus's lack of coaching ability, but it is not a bad thing to meet such a coach, which also gave Lin Yi the opportunity to fully display his personal ability. Due to his limited ability, Kus didn't know how to guide Lin Yi, so he had to let Lin Yi play freely, which also allowed Lin Yi to hit the amazing statistics last season.

But Lin Yi knew that if he continued to play alone like this, one day he would be thoroughly studied by others, and at the same time he would be very tired from playing, and Klopp's tactics were tailor-made for him. of.

More importantly, Liverpool's defense is much more stable than that of Huo Cun. Although Liverpool's defense is not a world-class defender, their strength is quite reliable.At the same time, since the Liverpool team's defense system is quite complete, and the tacit understanding is also perfect, this is very commendable.

Seeing what Lin Yi was thinking, Perry on the side added: "We are willing to provide you with a top salary in the Liverpool team. At the same time, we have prepared a villa for you. Many players of the team live in it. That one, this will help you integrate into the team faster, well, and the team's No. [-] jersey has been vacated, we really hope you can put on this jersey."

After speaking, Perry and Klopp looked at Lin Yi expectantly.

A smile suddenly appeared on Lin Yi's face: "Mr. Perry, I think we can talk about the contract."

Back home, Lin Yi called Marcus directly,
"Sir," Lin Yi hesitated a little. To be honest, the reason why Lin Yi was reluctant to leave Huo Village was that the most important point was Marcus' trust and appreciation. Having such a head coach who trusted him so much was very important to him. For any player, it is commendable.

It is an indisputable fact that Lin Yi is grateful to Marcus;
"Uh, Lin, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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