Chapter 178
In fact, Marcus is worried. He is having a headache for Huo Cun's signings. After Lin Yi leaves, Marcus still needs to find a striker on the front line, although he cannot replace Lin Yi's role in the team. , However, when the team is seriously short of strikers, there must be a player with decent strength on the bench, and it is said that Firmino has also been bought. Fortunately, Wald chose to stay, otherwise No one is available in the frontcourt.

"Boss, am I here to say goodbye to you?" Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, then said respectfully: "Thank you for taking care of me for so long, I hope that my departure will allow the team to have more funds to acquire More good players."

More good players?Marcus smiled wryly.If he himself is the owner of the club.Even if Ronaldo Messi was exchanged for Lin Yi, the head coach would never agree.

Although the club promised to give the green light on the transfer funds after Lin Yi left, and promised to provide a fund of no less than 2000 million to improve the team's offensive strength, in Marcus' view, Lin Yi The loss of leaving cannot be made up for by buying one or two players.

The good sense of cooperation between Lin Yi and the young guys on the team cannot be compensated by buying a player casually. More importantly, Marcus understands that Lin Yi's strength can only be achieved in the future. In his opinion, this young man will become the number one in the world sooner or later!

Marcus sighed. Lin Yi's transfer was a big blow to him. In Marcus's tactics, Lin Yi is definitely the most important core player of Huo Village. Now, nothing is wrong. re-existed.

"Actually, Lin, the team really needs you. At the beginning, I even had a little fantasy. If there was no bid from the team, it would be great if you could stay in Huo Village next season, but those guys are too rich. gone."

Ever since the oil tycoons upgraded Jinyuan football, the transfer fee has been exaggerated year by year. If it was before, even if Lin Yi played such an exaggerated figure, the transfer fee would not be 4500 million. After all, he entered the first line The team is only a year and a half old.

However, Huo Cun executives found that 4500 million seems a bit too cheap. When it rose to 5000 million, the quotations were still going up. Fortunately, several teams competed and the price was still rising. Otherwise, Huo Cun was really afraid that he would lose money because Lin Yi There is no liquidated damages clause in his professional contract, which is why Huo Cun can be a stable Diaoyutai. No matter how other teams talk to Lin Yi, they still have to deal with Huo Cun in the end.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you in the Champions League." As the coach who brought Lin Yi from the youth team to the first team, and Marcus has always trusted him, in Lin Yi's heart, he will It is not an exaggeration for Marcus to be regarded as Lin Yi's mentor.

"Hehe, don't mention these uncomfortable things anymore." The head coach sighed, "Do well in Liverpool."

Liverpool is already negotiating with the club. Considering Lin Yi's contribution to the team and bringing the team the first league championship in history, the club does not dare to go too far. After all, the fans are still making trouble, so naturally they must respect First-hand Lin Yi's wishes were only a little stalemate on the transfer fee.

Marcus also received the news early in the morning, but Lin Yi did not expect that Lin Yi would call and tell him personally, which relieved his depressed mood.

Perhaps because he suddenly realized that he was the head coach of Huo Village, it was a bit weird to say this, Marcus also laughed at himself, "Don't blame the fans for their anger, any Huo Village fan has the right to be angry Yes, because they have given you their sincerity, they will be angry, but it is not for you, maybe, after you leave, they will remember your goal for Huo Cun."

"Sir, your consolation is really bad." Lin Yi said with a smile, "Although we have only been together for more than a year, I like you very much, and I also like the Huo Cun team and those fans. Without you and Huo Cun Team, I will never be the person I am now, even if I leave here, I will never forget where I once fought, I really hope I still have the opportunity to play under you."

Lin Yi tried his best to straighten his back, with a determined face, he thought he would appear stronger this way.

"Maybe, if it doesn't work out, I'll be coaching a wealthy family, and I'll be the first to scoop you up." Marcus said with a big laugh.

Lin Yi has already signed the contract confirming the transfer. He and the Liverpool team had disagreements on personal treatment before. At the beginning, the contract treatment that the Liverpool team planned to provide Lin Yi was a weekly salary of 13 British pounds. The contract was signed for 4 years, but Kadir immediately vetoed it. Although the price was the promised maximum salary in the team, it was just the same, so how could it reflect Lin Yi's core position.

In the end, after the two sides bargained, Lin Yi finally signed a three-year contract with Liverpool, with a weekly salary of 3 pounds. Although it is not the maximum salary in the Premier League, it is a bit higher than other players in the Liverpool team. It shows that the Liverpool team really attaches great importance to Lin Yi, and the annual salary is about 14 million euros, which is also in the forefront of football.

The next day, a message was posted on the official website of the Huo Village team.

"After detailed discussions, the club and Liverpool reached an agreement that Huo Cun player Lin Yi will transfer to Liverpool at a price of 6850 million euros. Here, we thank Lin for his great contribution to the team and sincerely wish him a better future. A bright future." A few simple words caused Germany and the United Kingdom to fall into an earthquake-level sensation.

Although some people had thought of the result when Lin Yi was pushed onto the transfer market by the Huo Village team and marked his worth, but when the news was confirmed, many people were still shocked.

Unexpectedly, it was Liverpool who had the last laugh in this battle?Didn't it mean that Manchester City, Real Madrid's offer is higher?

The most desperate ones were of course the fans of the Huo Village team. Although they also knew that the team might not be able to keep Lin Yi, they never expected that this "bad news" would come out not long after the team's championship celebration was over.

Don't those asses at the club know how to fight for one more season?

Are the upper echelons of the club some idiots?Actually let Lin transfer and leave?

God, without Lin, how will we play next season?We still have the Champions League, what should we do?

All kinds of thoughts suddenly popped up in the hearts of the fans. The first thing they thought of was to go to the club to demonstrate and let them keep Lin Yi!
All of a sudden, Huo Village Club was overcrowded.

"Leave Lin, he will lead us to glory."

"We can't do without Lin, he is the team's most valuable asset"

"If Lin transfers, we refuse to go to the home court to watch the game!"

"Give Lin Shishi the first annual salary, he deserves such treatment"

"If you don't bring Lin back, I'll set the club building on fire."

They held various banners and chanted unified slogans, making the staff of the Huo Village Club unable to work normally at all.

(End of this chapter)

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