Chapter 182
"Of course, do you want me to take you there directly?" Lin Yi replied in Chinese.

The visitor spoke English, but he was from China, and he was acquainted by Lin Yi, to be precise, in his previous life, an actor Lin Yi liked very much in his previous life, Song Yi!

Song Yi is participating in a travel program, but she doesn't know German, she only knows English, and she was originally with the team, but she was the last one in the task, and she needs to be punished, so she found the municipal square by herself, and talked to everyone The troops converge.

Seeing that Lin Yi looked like an Asian, she wanted to try it out, but she didn't expect to be so lucky to meet a Chinese.

Seeing Lin Yi, Song Yi only felt familiar, but couldn't remember where he saw it, but remembering that he was still recording a show, he quickly nodded his head, "Thank you, thank you, sorry for the trouble, I'll treat you to coffee later! "

Lin Yi nodded, indicating to follow, and then turned around directly. Song Yi was startled, this is not the direction he came from, how could he be here?
Lin Yi stopped and looked back at her, "You don't want to invite me, there is a supermarket here, I want to drink water!"

Walking out of the supermarket, Song Yi looked at Lin Yi with amazed eyes. She couldn't understand German, and she didn't know what happened. She only knew that the cashier looked at Lin Yi and cried and laughed. Taking a group photo, some people can't understand Lin Yi's identity.

"What on earth do you do? Why do they like you so much?"

Lin Yi looked surprised, then glanced at the camera next to him, and smiled playfully, "That's because of my work. I am the friendship ambassador of Xia De, which symbolizes the friendship between China and Germany. Of course they like me."

This Lin Yi is really not bragging, because he only got this title from the foreign ministry last month, the reason is that Germany gave him the title of honorary citizen, and Sinsheim actually erected a statue for him, you know he added He has only been in the youth team for three years, but considering his historic contribution to Huo Village, it seems that it is not impossible. After all, it is only a three-meter statue, not a big statue.

"Wow, then you are too good, your German is so good, I saw that you didn't stop at all when you talked with them." Song Yi looked at Lin Yi with admiration.

"Not only German, but I can actually speak Japanese, Korean and other languages." Lin Yi said with a slight smile.

Well, it's true, Lin Yi knew many languages ​​in his previous life.

Let’s take Japanese for example. When he watched Japanese movies in his previous life, he saw the actors in them with outstanding acting skills and full of emotion. The expression on his hoarse voice was truly moving, but he couldn’t understand what the actors said. He said something that made him scratch his head in anxiety.

no way.

For a better movie-watching experience, Lin Yi taught himself Japanese. I can’t say how good it is, but normal conversations are definitely fine. Of course, the reason for this learning cannot be revealed to the outside world, after all, the camera is still recording.


Song Yi looked at Lin Yi with admiration.

Lin Yi stood by Song Yi's side, smelling the refreshing fragrance, secretly Miao Renfeng.

Can't help but feel a little regretful.

Only b cups at most.

However, there seems to be rumors circulating in the world: Song Tie's waist, a knife for absorbing souls; Song Tie's buttocks, seducing people's souls.

The two talked and laughed all the way to the municipal square. Song Yi saw most of them from a distance, waved at the other group of people, and saw Lin Yi on the opposite side, seemed a little surprised, and whispered to each other.

Seeing that something was wrong, Lin Yi immediately chose to leave. Anyway, the two changed their contact information and agreed to treat them to dinner after returning home.

Seeing Song Yi coming alone, Chen He was a little depressed, "Why did you come here by yourself? Where was that person just now? How did you drive him away?"

A female guest said in a strange way, "That's right, Song Yi, you can hide deep enough. How did you know each other? If I knew you knew each other, let's invite him to the show directly. Look at the director's resentful eyes."

Song Yi turned his head and took a look. It was not only the director, but even the staff present, one by one, all had resentful expressions on their faces.

Following Song Yi's camera, he took a step back quietly and touched the autographed photo in his pocket. This must not be exposed, and it would be terrible if others knew about it.

"What's the situation?" Song Yi was a little surprised. This person seems to be of extraordinary status, isn't he Xia De's friendship ambassador? "He was a passer-by I met on the road asking for directions. He kindly brought me here. How come you all know each other?"

"It's not just acquaintance!" Brother Chao looked uncomfortable, "It's really easy to meet people like you who don't know each other in Huaxia, but I met you on the road. You are really lucky. If you knew it earlier, I would help you." Accept the punishment."

Lu on the other side was even more heartbroken. After finally seeing the idol, he let him go like this, "Sister Yi, you really, you let him go with such a good opportunity."

"No, who is he and what does he do?" Song Yi became more and more confused, and these people talked for a long time, but no one told her what was going on.

Brother Chao pointed, "He does this, you can see for yourself."

Song Yi raised his head and saw a statue. He was a little puzzled when he suddenly saw the statue clearly, and his expression became more shocked. Is this really the same person?

It's not that she has never seen a statue of a person, but it is the first time she has seen it for a living person. This is too awesome. What is a card face?

Under the repeated request of the director, Song Yi called Lin Yi and wanted to invite Lin Yi to participate in the recording of the program. After the popularization of science by a fan named Lu, Song Yi really realized how good Lin Yi was. It was like a celebrity meeting, but she thought it was a bit too exaggerated for Chinese people to become stars in Europe and America, so she didn't dare to think about it.

The call was connected soon, and Lin Yi directly declined, because he was about to leave for England soon, and the plane was still tomorrow morning.

With an idea, the director directly held up the sign, indicating that their program team could move to the UK immediately.

Lin Yi couldn't refuse anymore, he just said that he would be very busy these days, and agreed to participate in a program in five days.

On the morning of July [-]st, Lin Yi's flight arrived at Liverpool International Airport.

Looking at the scene outside the window, Lin Yi couldn't help being dazed, because here is Liverpool, the hometown of his idol, the Beatles. Lin Yi before crossing, I'm afraid he would never have imagined that he would come here to play football one day.

"Okay, let's get ready to get off the plane. There must be many fans and reporters waiting outside. Are you ready?" Kadir asked beside him.

"Hehe, this is not the first time I have encountered such a scene, what do I need to prepare for? You forgot? Not long ago, I have experienced all the big scenes in the imperial capital!" Lin Yi regained his senses with a confident smile on his face road.

After the plane stopped, the passengers in the cabin began to disembark in an orderly manner. When Lin Yi and Kadir walked out of the cabin, a burst of cheers came to Lin Yi's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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