Chapter 183
I saw that the airport was almost a sea of ​​red. At least nearly a thousand Liverpool fans were wearing Liverpool jerseys, waving scarves or holding Lin Yi's posters, waiting for Lin Yi's arrival.

Although Lin Yi has not played even a game for Liverpool, his reputation has spread throughout Europe, and his miraculous performance of 42 goals in a single season has touched countless Liverpool fans. They are all looking forward to joining the original Liverpool team. What kind of terrifying chemical reaction will this Lin Yi, the supernova, produce.

It is precisely because of expectations that Suarez's departure did not disappoint the fans too much. Judging from the statistics alone, Lin Yi is definitely not worse than Su Ya, even higher than Su Ya. This kind of expectation is also similar to that of Lin Yi. It has something to do with Yi's background in the Bundesliga. After all, the moisture in the Bundesliga Golden Boot is much smaller than that of Ligue [-], Serie A, Portuguese Super League, and Eredivisie.

Lin Yi and Kadir looked at each other. Even though they knew that there must be many people coming to welcome them today, they still didn't expect the scene to be so lively.

Just this group of enthusiastic fans made Lin Yi feel that joining Liverpool was the right decision. He began to look forward to playing at Anfield and enjoying the cheers of the home fans. What a happy thing it is!
A team of Liverpool staff, led by CEO Perry, had already been waiting there.

Seeing Lin Yi coming down, Perry said with a smile on his face: "Lin, you've worked hard. The club's car is already waiting outside. How about going directly to the hospital for a physical examination now?"

Lin Yi nodded with a smile and said: "No problem, Mr. Perry, I also want to finish the physical examination quickly, and then meet the fans!"

It is customary to have a physical examination before signing the contract, and Lin Yi also wants to finish it early, so that he can go back to his residence to rest!
When Lin Yi was about to leave the airport with Perry and others, the fans on the side seemed even more excited. They kept pressing the shutter of their cameras and shouting Lin Yi's name incessantly.

Some of the reporters who had been waiting here naturally didn't want to return empty-handed, they tried their best to get close to Lin Yi and ask Lin Yi questions.

Facing the enthusiastic fans, Lin Yi also showed a sincere smile on his face. While greeting the fans, he also had to find time to occasionally answer questions from the reporters.

"Lin, what do you think of Liverpool FC?"

"Liverpool is a great club with a long history and great fans"

"Lin, do you think you can lead Liverpool back to the league title?"

"I think our team will work hard towards this goal"

Seeing the performance of Lin Yi's star Fan Zhu, Perry couldn't help feeling that his signing was extremely correct. He had a feeling that Lin Yi would soon grow into the next heartthrob, or in other words, he was born to be a heartthrob .

Finally, Lin Yi walked out of Lennon International Airport after walking for nearly 10 minutes after a short journey of a few minutes, and got into the extended Bentley sent by Liverpool Club. Lin Yi was relieved.

Although he can calmly deal with fans and reporters, it is quite exhausting.

The car drove directly from the airport to a large hospital near Liverpool's Melwood training base, where Lin Yi's physical examination will be carried out.

With Lin Yi's perverted body, there was nothing wrong with the physical examination, but the doctors who did the physical examination for Lin Yi were taken aback. They have been doing physical examinations for Liverpool players all these years, but they have never seen such a good one. The body, although it looks a little thin, is actually very strong!
After the medical examination, the Bentley brought Lin Yi to the hotel in Liverpool.

There are also many Liverpool fans waiting at the entrance of the hotel. After Lin Yi greeted the fans again, he entered the hotel. Next, he will attend the press conference and make his debut at the stadium. Lin Yi, who has experience Yi naturally has to seize the time to rest!

The press conference for Lin Yi joining Liverpool began in the hotel, and the reporters who heard the news had already packed the small auditorium of the hotel to the brim!

After the press officer announced the start of questioning, the reporters' questions began to pour out like a cannonball.

"Lin, what do you think of Liverpool?"

"Liverpool is a great club. I've known this place before. It has the best football atmosphere and the best fans. It's going to be fun to play here!"

"Lin, what made you choose Liverpool over Real Madrid or Manchester United?"

"I think Liverpool's sincerity has always touched me, and I am eager to join such a giant!!"

"So Lin, do you think you have the ability to lead Liverpool out of the predicament of not winning the Premier League title for many years?"

"No one knows what will happen in the future. I only know that I will do my best here, just like I did in Huo Village before. Of course, I also hope to help Liverpool win the Premier League championship!"

"Lin, what do you think of Liverpool's new coach Klopp?"

"He is an excellent manager. We played against each other in the Bundesliga and his team left a deep impression on me. I am looking forward to our cooperation. I believe that our cooperation in Liverpool will be very happy!"

"Lin, I heard that some Liverpool players are dissatisfied with your high salary. How will you deal with such a problem?"

"I think the best way is to prove myself on the court and prove that I am worth the price!"


For such a press conference, Lin Yi was already familiar with it, and he answered very generously and appropriately.

After some questions, the climax of this press conference arrived!

Liverpool King Dalglish appeared at the media meeting with a red Liverpool No. 11 jersey. I won’t say much about Dalglish’s legend in Liverpool. Unfortunately, it was not perfect after that. He came out to fight Liverpool in 12. However, due to poor coaching performance in [-] years, the old king chose to hand over the coach.

"Young man, I believe you can continue the legend of the No. [-] Red Army and lead Liverpool to a revival. Work hard, and the Liverpool fans and I will cheer for you!" When handing the jersey to Lin Yi, Dag Leish, the king of the Red Army, expressed his views.

"Don't worry, Mr. Dalglish, I won't insult this jersey. I believe it won't be long before everyone can witness Liverpool lifting the league and even the Champions League trophy again!" Dalglish's respect without concealing his confidence.

Seeing Lin Yi's confident appearance, Dalglish nodded with a smile, because he knew that Anfield didn't need a modest and prudent good boy. The team's strength was not bad, but they needed a confident, Only a domineering leader can truly lead the Red Army back to glory.

After Lin Yi appeared in front of the reporters with the Red Army No. [-] jersey with his name printed on it, the media meeting officially ended, and the highlight of today was Lin Yi's appearance ceremony at Anfield !

(End of this chapter)

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