Chapter 185 Song Yi
Soon, there was only the last ball left on the court. Lin Yi picked it up and signed his name, but instead of kicking it directly into the stands, he kicked the ball alternately with his left and right knees , towards a goal.

What is he doing?
Everyone at the scene couldn't help but have such a question in their minds.

Seeing that there was still a long distance from the goal, Lin Yi simply increased his speed and rushed up.

Seeing Lin Yi sprinting with the ball like a velociraptor, the fans in the stands couldn't help cheering loudly.

Just after Lin Yi got near the penalty area line, he knocked the ball in front of him, and then slammed the ball towards the goal
With a sound of "bang", the ball slammed heavily on the crossbar of the goal. Oh~~~ The fans at the scene and even a few people on the stage couldn't help sighing regretfully for this wonderful shot hitting the goal frame.

But they obviously didn't know that this was just the beginning of Lin Yi's performance.

The ball that hit the crossbar flew to Lin Yi's body again, and Lin Yi lightly released it with his thigh, and the ball became obediently quiet again, bouncing along with Lin Yi's legs again.

The fans who were still regretting that Lin Yi's shot hit the crossbar just now couldn't help applauding for Lin Yi's stop.

It requires good basic skills to easily stop the ball at such a fast speed.

Soon, after adjusting the ball, Lin Yi blasted the ball towards the goal again.

'Bang' the ball hit the crossbar again.
The fans in the stands couldn't help feeling depressed that Anfield's goal was so shameless today.

Bang bang bang When the ball hit the crossbar of the goal several times in a row, the fans in the stands understood Lin Yi's intentions.

So he kicked the crossbar on purpose?

Perry looked at Dalglish who was not far away, and saw that the King of Liverpool was also stunned at this time.

Obviously, it is much more difficult to hit the small crossbar in a row than to score goals in a row.

This surprised the fans who were still depressed by Lin Yi's consecutive hits on the crossbar.

I heard before that this young kid has unparalleled footwork, and now it seems that his reputation is definitely not in vain. No wonder he can score 42 goals in a single season, which is really amazing.

After hitting the crossbar five times in a row, Lin Yi also unloaded the ball to his left, and then drove the ball towards the stands with a big kick.

This ball, which had experienced a miracle just now, inevitably caused a burst of looting from the fans.

Seeing the shocked fans, Lin Yi was very satisfied. This was an idea that came to him just now. It was a video that Ronaldinho was once very famous on the Internet. In that video, the Brazilian had four consecutive Hit the crossbar, that video caused quite a stir

Lin Yi wanted to give it a try on a whim just now, but he really exploded in character. After completing such a feat, he hit the crossbar five times, one more than Ronaldinho in that video.

There is no doubt that if some fans took this shot, Lin Yi would definitely cause another sensation in the future
With the previous song and this wonderful performance, Lin Yi's appearance has achieved unprecedented success, and he has also succeeded in making Liverpool fans accept him with his terrifying strength and absolute sincerity.

The next thing Lin Yi has to do is to successfully consolidate his position in the hearts of the fans with his wonderful performance in the league in the new season.
And this has always been his best! ! !
In the next few days, Lin Yi started training in Liverpool.

However, because the Liverpool players are still on vacation, Lin Yi is the only one for the time being. For Lin Yi, the Premier League is a new environment, and the league is very different from the Bundesliga. Lin Yi needs to strengthen his confrontation and increase his strength. Core strength, so that you can keep your movements unchanged under the impact of the Premier League defender.

For Lin Yi, the training was just for outsiders to see. After all, he showed a hard-working appearance when he first joined the team, and he could easily please the fans.

As far as timing is concerned, Lin Yi has already completed the results of the season's training in just an instant, which is simply adding a point.

During this offseason, Lin Yi developed three new training subjects, namely Megan Fox, Tang Wei and Gao Yuanyuan. Megan's rating is A, and the other two are B, with 5, 1 and 1 respectively. Ten thousand popularity points, and twenty primary cards.

In addition to the accumulated number of times of practice, since the second half of the Bundesliga, 5 points of popularity have been gradually increased. Among them, Keira has the least number of times, but the total contribution is the most.

Now the total popularity value has exceeded 12. With the primary card obtained, Lin Yi has successfully completed the upgrade of various attributes again.

Host: Lin Yi]

【Advanced Speed ​​Card*2】

[Intermediate stamina card*7]

【Advanced Explosive Power Card】

【Intermediate movement awareness card*4】

【Advanced Shooting Accuracy Card】

【Intermediate Ribbon Card*2】

【Intermediate pass card】

【Intermediate long-range card】

【Intermediate Curveball Card】

【Intermediate Strength Card】

Not only the explosive power and shooting accuracy have been upgraded to the advanced level, but also the middle-level strength is added, and the physical strength is not far from the advanced level. The new season of the Premier League will usher in the impact of the enhanced version of Lin Yi.

But before that, Lin Yi wanted to complete a leap in physical strength, and this was actually very easy, Lin Yi already had a goal.

The better program group had already arrived in the UK, and is now in London, contacting Lin Yi again.

Lin Yi with ulterior motives naturally agreed, but he didn't want to be with the program group because he wasn't very interested in other people.

So Lin Yi proposed that he was about to start a pre-season training camp and could not leave Liverpool. He proposed that he wanted to travel alone, and that he wanted to go on a self-driving tour of Liverpool with Song Yi.

It can be said that the drunkard's intention is not to drink. The director saw Lin Yi's attempt at a glance, but he sold Song Yi without hesitation. But a breaking point, and specifically explained to the film crew following the filming that they must provide convenience for the two of them.

Only Song Yi, who didn't know it, embarked on a new round of punishment and went to Liverpool alone.

Then he saw Lin Yi with a look of surprise and disbelief. What shocked Lin Yi was that the girl came up to him with a familiar face and slammed Lin Yi on the chest, "You still lied to me? Ambassador, you big football star still bullies people, hmph."

Lin Yi rubbed his chest and begged for mercy, "Wrong, I was wrong, I didn't do it on purpose, I saw you guys were recording a show, I just made a joke, in order to make amends, I will take you on a self-driving tour. I’ve just arrived in Liverpool, and I’m just here to get acquainted.”

Lin Yi has an international driver's license, so he directly asked the club to borrow a seven-seater nanny car. There was no other way. There was still a camera to follow, otherwise there would be no need for such a big car.

(End of this chapter)

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