Chapter 186
The car navigation has already set the route, so even Lin Yi, who is also coming to Liverpool for the first time, is not worried that he will not find his way. Lin Yi just needs to follow the guidance of the navigation and drive there. There is nothing wrong with Song Yi. Looking at the scenery whizzing by outside the car window, I was stunned.

It took a while to realize, his face was flushed, he quietly glanced at Lin Yi who was concentrating on driving, and then peeked at the film crew behind him, if the two of them didn't communicate, all the filming would be canceled later, after all, this is When recording a program, the two of them were still alone, but the two of them didn't communicate, so what else was there to record?Mime?
"I checked the information on the Internet, and you have arrived in Germany. Is it easy to come here alone to make a living?"

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, with a complicated expression on his face, "Which small website did you read the essay? When I went abroad, there were reports and photos in the media in our province. I brought a team over there. My agent, as well as the executives of the company I plan to form in Germany, all went there together, how could they be alone.”

Song Yi wanted to pick his feet in embarrassment, looked down at his toes, and didn't want to talk anymore.

Lin Yi wanted to comfort him, but considering the camera behind him, it shouldn't be too obvious, otherwise Sherlock Holmes. Netizens will soon find out the clues and kill the matter between the two directly. Although it is a scumbag image, but because Lin Yi Yi has never attacked the Chinese people, so the reputation is not bad, although some goddesses in people's hearts, such as Keira, have been moved, but overall it is still positive.

This will expose the scourge of domestic actresses, and it may cause a storm. Although Lin Yi has a high reputation in the country, there are many people who don't like him. After all, he is not money, especially the Football Association. It's pleasing to the eye, every time the national football team loses, there are comments that bring out Lin Yi, and use Lin Yi's incident to prove that the top management of the Football Association has no eyes, and the corpse is a vegetarian!

Just because there is no introduction, Lin Yi also has a reason to be brought into the rhythm, but the rhythm that can be brought up is not great, so those people are just observing in secret. There must be a storm, and they will join it.

Therefore, Lin Yi must consider whether the scandal with Song Yi will affect the domestic basic situation. Although he plays abroad, domestic is the foundation of his life.

The two of them had their own concerns in this way, and went on a self-driving tour in a moment of silence.

Unknowingly, the car arrived at the first destination, a floating village in Liverpool. Lin Yi drove the car into the parking space beside the road and stopped, woke up Song Yi who was in a daze, and got out of the car together.

Although the water village is not big, but the terrain is uneven, turning the passing river into many waterfalls, condescending from the parking road, and in front of you are scattered red tile roofs among the yellow and green woods, small waterfalls Passing through the houses, it provides a steady stream of green energy for the water mill in the house. The harmonious coexistence of man and nature is as beautiful as a paradise.

Although it is the peak tourist season, there are not many tourists here today, allowing them to enjoy the beautiful scenery here slowly.

Lin Yi was standing on a small wooden bridge at the moment, staring at the unknown fat fish swimming back and forth in the crystal clear river, his mind could not help but feel a little empty, and he almost forgot the purpose of this trip.

"What are you looking at?"

Wearing sunglasses, Song Yi walked behind Lin Yi with one hand in his pocket.

"Look at the river, it's very clear, it doesn't seem to be very deep."

Lin Yi casually looked back at Song Yi, and then turned back to look at his little fat fish.

Song Yi raised his foot and made a virtual kick, and said with a smile, "How about I kick you down to make sure?"

Seeing the other party's serious actions, Lin Yi was a little afraid that this girl would go crazy and really do this, and felt a little guilty. After confirming that he was in the lens of the surrounding cameras, he smiled and said: "Then I might as well jump off by myself."

Song Yi saw that Lin Yi was obviously very scared, but he still pretended to be brave, and shook his feet. He really wanted to kick him down to have a look, but in the end he rationally put down the raised feet.

Lin Yi saw her shaking her feet again, and a picture of Song Yi kicking him into the water flashed in his mind, so he couldn't help taking a small step back.

It seems that it is still necessary to learn to swim in the future, how can the Neptune know how to play in the water...

Seeing Lin Yi's actions, Song Yi knew that he must have some bad thoughts, so he gave him a glare.

Lin Yi smiled dryly, feeling a little regretful at this moment, can such a girl really be provoked?Lin Yi felt that he seemed to have made a bad decision.

The floating village is not big, and the two of them toured the entire village while chatting and laughing, and then left the floating village together.

"Where do we have lunch?"

Lin Yi looked out the window: "Find a restaurant that is pleasing to the eye on this road."

After finding a restaurant for lunch in a few minutes, Song Yi flipped through the menu and said casually, "I'll just have something simple for lunch."

"Then I'll order for one person?" Lin Yi asked.


Song Yi looked up at Li Yichen and said in surprise, "What did you say? Don't you eat?"


Lin Yi pretended to be puzzled and said, "You said you want to eat something simple."

"Simple and not less!"

The heavy fist hit the table and made a loud noise. Lin Yi glanced at it with contempt. This kind of strength showed that he could not eat less at first glance. What's more, it should be simple, fooling ghosts.

The two continued to walk along Liverpool's scenic spots after dinner, and their relationship heated up in the fight.

Because there are many scenic spots, the two of them can't finish visiting in one day. They visited two more scenic spots in the afternoon, then found a hotel on the way, and planned to continue their journey tomorrow.

Song Yi had just finished washing when he heard a knock on the door. He cautiously came to the door and asked, "Who?"


Hearing the answer, Song Yi opened the door, and it was Lin Yi outside, raising the champagne in his hand, "Do you want a glass before going to bed?"

"do not want!"

Lin Yi was taken aback, "What?"

Song Yi blushed, "When I checked the information on the Internet, besides saying that you went to Germany alone, I also talked about other things. Guess what?"

"It can't be a scandal, right? You don't even believe this? Let me guess, is it about a couple of women competing for a husband? Then there are all kinds of numbers, such as two, three, four, five, six. The media exaggerated reports for the sake of traffic, what age is this, how could there be such exaggerated things, if it is true, why didn’t any of those female stars stand up and say it, isn’t their reputation damaged?” Lin Yi Spreading his hands, "It's just that these reports are too exaggerated. Anyone with a discerning eye will know that they are false. There is no need to clarify."

Song Yi was a little puzzled, "Really?"

"Of course it's true. Think about it with your clever little brain. Those media have reported so much. Is there any solid evidence? There are so many rumored female stars? Is there someone who has come forward and announced that it is really my girlfriend? Okay, let me go in first, and I will explain to you slowly."

Song Yi stepped aside in a daze and let Lin Yi enter the room, but she soon regretted it.
(End of this chapter)

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