Chapter 108
When peeling the skin, Quan Rin slowed down on purpose.

He is too aware of how much his sister loves mangoes.


Quan Rin moved slowly, and Quan Jing hurriedly took the mango in his hand and started to do it himself.

Not only that, but she also complained about him: "It's so slow to peel a mango."

Turning his back, Quan Lin secretly made a "yeah" gesture, it's done!
While Quan Jing was in a good mood while eating mangoes, Quan Rin asked quietly: "Sister, why did you say you can't write songs just now? You obviously..." Not only can you write, but you can also write very well!
Quan Jing tapped Quan Rin's head with her clean hand: "Are you stupid, writing songs by yourself is so tiring."

Quan Rin scratched his head, hehe smirked: "That's right."

Ignoring her silly brother, Quan Jing continued to eat her own mango.

Inside the room, Wen Shuwan suddenly raised her voice, calling Quan Jing: "Quanquan, come here."

Quan Jing took care of a mango in twos and twos, then gave all the skins to Quan Rin, wiped his clothes with his hands, and said while wiping: "Fat Rin, be good, let Mommy buy you new ones later." .”

Quan Rin: "..." Sister, these are my clothes, not a rag!

Not far away, the servants covered their mouths and laughed when they saw this scene.

The young master was "bullied" by the eldest lady again.

Quan Jing returned to the living room and walked towards Wen Shuwan: "Mommy, did you call me?"

Wen Shuwan patted the empty seat next to her: "Quanquan, come and sit."

When Quan Jing sat down, Wen Shuwan signaled to Han Dongqing that she could speak.

Han Dongqing said directly, "Quan Jing, I just discussed with Queen Wen, we plan to let you participate in the last variety show recording of this season of "Enjoy Music"."

Han Dongqing was not surprised that Wen Shuwan mentioned "Enjoy Music".

It is reported that Mu Yingdi joined the latest recording.

When the show airs, it will definitely attract a large number of fans.

In addition, Emperor Mu had personally invited Quan Jing, so she had reason to convince the chief director of "Enjoy Music"!
After all, she just wanted a place to be selected.

Quan Jing looked surprised: ""Enjoy Music"? Me?"

Han Dongqing nodded: "Yes, you."

Quan Jing looked at Wen Shuwan blankly: "Mummy..."

Wen Shuwan touched her head, her voice was extremely soft: "Do you still remember what Mommy told you, no matter what decision you make, Mommy will support you."

When Mu Yunchen was rejected earlier, Quan Jing felt very sorry.

Now that her college entrance examination is over, she has no more burdens.

But... Once she participates in the recording, it means that she must first confirm her identity as a singer-songwriter...

After deliberating over and over again, Quan Jing clenched his fists and swore: "Okay, I'll go!"

Isn't it just writing songs? She just writes!

On the side, Wen Shuwan smiled proudly.

Han Dongqing: "Okay, then my contact person will help you write a few songs first..."

She knew the variety show "Enjoy Music", most of the contestants in it were singer-songwriters, and they were all talented singers.

Quan Jing stopped her: "No need, Sister Han, I'll do it myself."

As she said that, she still looked apologetic: "I'm sorry, I lied to you just now, but actually... I can write songs."

Han Dongqing was stunned.

This silly boy...

Others can't wait to show their talents to the public, but she is good, but still hides her clumsiness!

I really don't know what to say about her?

After finalizing the follow-up, Han Dongqing didn't stay long, so he left.

As soon as she left, Quan Lin immediately jumped to his sister's side, with an excited expression on his face: "Sister, you want to record a variety show with Mu Shen? Can you bring me along!"

Before Quan Jing could speak, Wen Shuwan patted Quan Rin's head: "You are going to record the show to play? You are not allowed to go."

Quan Rin is innocent...

 I haven't asked for a ticket for a long time, please ask for a wave of tickets...

(End of this chapter)

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