The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 109 She Likes You Very Much

Chapter 109 She Likes You Very Much

It was only the next day that Mu Yunchen found out that Quan Jing was going to join "Enjoy Music".

As soon as he came to the program group, he went to find Chen Jinsong.

At that time, Chen Jinsong had just finished talking with Han Dongqing on the phone.

Knowing the reason for Mu Yunchen's visit, he smiled: "That's right, the little girl who just debuted two days ago seems to be called... Quan Jing, yes, she is called Quan Jing."

The little girl is very popular now!
Therefore, when Han Dongqing asked Quan Jing to join them as an original and innovative person, Chen Jinsong agreed without thinking.

In any case, he must also keep pace with the times and keep up with the pace of young people!

Fearing that Mu Yunchen was too demanding of newcomers, Chen Jinsong was also worried that he would embarrass Quan Jing on the show, so he deliberately mentioned: "Yun Chen, she is still a little girl after all, so don't be too harsh when recording the show... "

Mu Yunchen: "..." He said it as if he was upset about the newcomers on the show.

Chen Jinsong rubbed his nose and said awkwardly: "Well, I've seen the video, the little girl can sing well, but I don't know how good is her songwriting ability. Her agent has already told her, so let someone come over to see the world. , don’t ask for fire or fire.”

Mu Yunchen gave a faint "um" and didn't say anything else.

Before leaving, he asked, "When will the last episode be recorded?"

Looking at Mu Yunchen who suddenly became active, Chen Jinsong was surprised.

He raised his head and looked at the sun hanging high above his head...

The sky is still the same sky, and the person is still the same person. Why does this attitude make nine turns and eighteen turns?

After a while, he replied: "It is estimated that it will be next Thursday, and the last recording will have to be produced first."

Mu Yunchen expressed his understanding.

for the next three days.

Except for eating and sleeping, Quan Jing almost stayed in the piano room on the third floor.

Seeing her working so hard, Wen Shuwan regretted suggesting that Han Dongqing let her participate in "Enjoy Music".

On this day, Quan Jing was going to the piano room to record and listen to her new song, when the butler downstairs called her, "Miss, there is your express delivery."

Quan Jing tilted her head, a little confused, she hasn't bought anything recently...

Going downstairs with a blank face, I saw the butler standing there.

However, there was nothing in the hands of the housekeeper.

Strange, in the past, the courier at home was signed by the housekeeper.

Quan Jing kicked on her slippers and walked towards the door, and saw the courier boy waiting there with a courier file bag.

Hearing the movement, the courier brother took out a pen: "Quan Jing, right, there is your courier, please sign for it here."

After taking the pen, Quan Jing still signed her name in a daze.

Just as he was about to leave, the courier brother took out a new notebook again, with a simple and honest look on his face: "Can I trouble you, and sign another name for me... Well, my sister watched your live broadcast, and she is very excited." like you."

Quan Jing was stunned, and then a sweet smile appeared on her face: "Thank you for her liking."

After asking the name of the courier brother and sister, Quan Jing signed a special sign for the little girl.

Back in the living room, she opened the file bag.

When he saw the contents inside, Quan Jing stood up from the sofa.

The next second, she screamed!
The housekeeper, Liu Ma and others who thought something had happened rushed over after hearing the news.

Wen Shuwan was also frightened by her and dropped the watering can in her hand, and hurried over: "What's wrong?"

Quan Jing just wanted to express his excitement, but he didn't expect to scare these people.

She smiled and shook her head: "Mommy, I passed the exam! The notification letter from Diyi Academy, I can finally go to the same school as my goddess!"

(End of this chapter)

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