The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 1119 Best Singing Guest

Chapter 1119 Best Singing Guest

Undoubtedly, among the three groups of guests, Chu Hansheng and Qin Jing received the highest number of votes.

The votes of the other two groups are even closer to only two votes apart!
On and off the stage, applause continued.

Watching her get the first place, Qin Jing showed the most sincere smile since recording the show.

Seeing the smile on her face, Chu Hansheng frowned.

He knew very well that this number one was just a joke.

Yang Bin: "Okay, congratulations to our rock singer and our sweet queen, please ask the staff to bring the certificate to the stage."

A piece of paper certificate, Qin Jing felt very comfortable reading it.

No matter how good Quan Jing sings, so what?It's not that I failed to get No.1!

"Now, senior Jennifer, please choose the best guest singer for us, and present him with an award..."

The staff who just went down came to the stage with another trophy and handed it to Jennifer.

Holding the trophy, Jennifer said a few polite words: "I'm very happy to be on this show, and I can see so many children who shine in music. It's them... I want to award this trophy to Quan Jing .She conquered my ears with her perfect voice. I believe that she will sing better songs in the future and conquer the world, thank you."

Fluent in English, the audience was stunned.

After listening to the translation, they were even more proud.

listen!The little fairy is really amazing!

Quan Jing, who received the trophy from her own goddess, was excited inside, but remained calm on the surface: "Thank you, goddess."

Jennifer hugged her: "Come on."

Quan Jing held the trophy in one hand, and clenched his fist against the goddess' waist with the other, his limbs were a little stiff.

However, she thought in her mind: The goddess embraced her!She was hugged by a goddess!ah ah ah...

Chu Hansheng applauded first, showing a sincere smile.

Lin Jiu and He Shiwen also liked Quan Jing very much and applauded sincerely.

Only Qin Jing and Cao Lu, who were completely regarded as background boards, felt a little unbalanced.

But no matter what, the two didn't dare to flirt in the show.

After that, Yang Bin read another wave of advertisements.

A group of people stood together and took a group photo, and the recording of this issue was completely over.

"Okay, call it a day!" The loud voice belonging to Chen Jinsong reached the ears of the cameramen in each camera position.

The camera is off.

Chen Jinsong walked to the stage with a "round stick" made of white paper in his hand, and shook hands with Jennifer: "Jennifer, thank you so much, let me treat you to a meal?"

He spoke English, and Jennifer understood: "Thank you, I still have something to do, next time."

Although it was a pity, Chen Jinsong did not force himself.

Quan Jing stood not far away, looking at Jennifer's direction eagerly.

Chu Hansheng walked up to her at some point, and whispered something that only the two of them could hear: "If you don't go there, your goddess will leave."

Quan Jing looked back and glared at him.

Chu Hansheng covered his mouth and pretended to yawn.

At this time, several fans ran over excitedly: "That... little fairy, can we take a photo with you?"

Yang Bin joked on the side: "Hey, take a group photo, why don't you find me, Brother Yang?"

A few fans smiled shyly, but stared straight at Quan Jing.

Quan Jing smiled slightly: "Yes."

Immediately, she stepped aside and stood among the fans with a sweet smile.

Pure Water is very good. It is really just a group photo if it is said to be a group photo, and it did not disturb Quan Jing too much.

Not only that, they also obediently waved to Quan Jing and said "goodbye".

(End of this chapter)

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