The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 1120 His sister is so beautiful!

Chapter 1120 His sister is so beautiful!

The consequences of hesitation are exactly as Chu Hansheng said, Jennifer took a step first.

Quan Jing failed to say "goodbye" to her goddess.

Although regretful, Quan Jing smiled slightly as she looked at the trophy in her hand.

This is the award given to her by her goddess.

The corner of the little girl's mouth was curved, and her eyebrows and eyes were smiling.

Almost instantly, Chu Hansheng did what he wanted to do on stage.

He took the phone from his assistant, turned on the camera, and pretended to be fiddling with his hair, but in fact, the camera took two quick photos of Quan Jing.

I clicked on the photo album and took a look, um, the photo was not bad.

Chu Hansheng directly clicked into WeChat, found the family group, and uploaded these two photos.

He didn't care about it afterwards.

Who doesn't know how much these guys love Quan Jing.

At this moment, the group is probably swiping the screen.


In the family group.

As soon as Chu Hansheng's photo was uploaded.

One message after another popped up.

What about seven aunts and eight aunts, almost everyone who is free came out to mix it up.

Inside and outside the words, they are all boasting that Quanjing is beautiful again, why is the little girl thinner again... all kinds of blah blah blah.

After graduating, Quan Rin did not follow his father's path to work in the company, but made a living in the entertainment industry.

But this is not his fault, who told the company to focus on training him before he graduated, and all kinds of resources consider him immediately, even if it is a lump of elm, so many good resources are thrown away, and they are not given to him Become a line!
Today's Quan Rin is a real "national brother".

It's just that the fans still feel a little pity that Quan Rin doesn't do filming except singing and appearing on shows.

In his words, he doesn't know how to act, so what kind of script should he shoot?He can sing his song well.

In this regard, Ruan Jing was helpless.

Even if he finds Qiao Shuai, Quan Rin still talks the same way.

To make him anxious again, he directly called Nangong Yuting, saying that someone "forced" him to do something he didn't want to do.

This point was clearly stated in the contract at the beginning, and it is protected by law!
In this way, no one really forced Quan Rin to film.

Fortunately, he has written a lot of songs in the past two years, and he even held several solo concerts.

Many TV series and film directors have asked him to arrange music.

Sometimes, people in the industry have speculated about whose family the two siblings, Quan Jing Quan Lin, are children of, and why one is more powerful than the other!
After thinking about it, everyone didn't come up with a reason, so they gave up.

Today, Quan Rin managed to find some free time.

It was supposed to be Xia Houyu's lounge, but now it's his.

Quan Rin lay on the sofa, relaxed himself, took out his mobile phone, and logged in to his original Weibo account casually.

After swiping for a while, he jumped to WeChat again.

Coincidentally, I saw Chu Hansheng's new message in the family group.

He didn't know what this person posted, but Brother Sheng didn't say a word in the group for 800 years, but today he erupted for the first time...

Quan Rin scratched his head and clicked open.

I saw Quan Jing's photo at a glance.

Quan Rin took a look, put down the phone, and took a look again.

Well, his sister is so beautiful!

Thinking this way, he also said the same thing.

Unexpectedly, when he posted this, countless people caught him and asked him to post one too.

Quan Rin: "???"

It was a sentence from a distant cousin, which made Quan Rin suddenly realize.

The other party said that the family watched his show.

People in the group, not every family visits relatives during the New Year.

Some even seldom meet for several years.

Quan Rin was not stingy, so he took a selfie of himself and sent it...

(End of this chapter)

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