Chapter 1170 Take You Home
The Spring Festival this year is in early February.

Because the filming of the crew went well, the director gave everyone a three-day vacation, and asked everyone to go back and spend time with their families.

This suffers from the staff who are at home in other places.

Three days is not enough for them to go back and forth...

New Year's Eve.

Quan Jing set off from the crew and went back to the villa in Yinhe community.

Sheng Ke returned to West Market years ago, and she was the only one in the villa when she returned.

On the way, she sent a message to Nangong Yuting, saying that she was waiting for him in the villa.

She did not forget that in the legal sense, she was already a member of the Nangong family.

The New Year's Eve dinner is to be eaten with her parents-in-law.

However, after all, the contact time is not long, and she is still not quite used to letting her go back to the old house in Nangong alone.

That was a strange place for her.

Nangong Yuting has the key to the villa.

Parking the car in the garage, he unlocked the door and entered.

His eyes touched, and there was Quan Jing's bag on the sofa, but when he looked around, he didn't find the girl.

Vaguely, he heard the sound of running water.

Nangong Yuting swallowed, lowered her eyes, sat down on the sofa, and waited quietly.

10 minute later.

The sound of running water stopped.

Quan Jing, who was wearing a bathrobe and wrapped in a towel, came out of the bathroom.

Seeing Nangong Yuting sitting on the sofa, she was startled.

After a while, she regained her senses: "Wait for me, I'll be fine soon."

Nangong Yuting stared at her without pause, his throat moved, his eyes seemed to be filled with flames.

With a hoarse voice, he answered "OK".

His gaze was too hot, Quan Jing hastily walked into the master bedroom, closed the door, and separated him from her.

The girl's actions pleased Nangong Yuting.

He smiled softly, tilted his head slightly, rubbed his chin with his fingertips, and looked thoughtful.

click -

The door opens.

After changing her clothes, Quan Jing came to Nangong Yuting.

She was wearing a light-colored knitted sweater, jeans, and an overcoat, wrapping herself tightly.

Nangong Yuting watched, couldn't help but reached out and rubbed Quan Jing's little head, then took her hand naturally: "Let's go, I'll take you home."

Nangong old house.

Quan Jing stepped here for the first time.

In the yard, there is still a faint fragrance of plum blossoms and... the smell of food.

Nangong Yuting led her for a stroll along the path, while introducing her gently.

From far away, Ji Lingqiong saw the figures of the two of them.

Seeing the two holding hands together, a gratified smile appeared on Ji Lingqiong's face.

Her son finally got the hang of it!

When Quan Jing entered, Ji Lingqiong pushed Nangong Yuting aside: "Quanquan is back, are you tired?"

Quan Jing shook her head, with a smile on her face: "Not tired."

Ji Lingqiong patted the back of her hand: "You're hungry, Mom asked Auntie to prepare some dishes you like, and I'll fill you up later..."

Such caring words also flattered Quan Jing.

She looked at Nangong Yuting for help.

Then, Nangong Yuting "recaptured" his wife from Ms. Ji Lingqiong's hands in an extremely domineering manner: "Mom, my father is over there."

Seeing this guy holding Quan Jing by his side as if protecting a calf, Ji Lingqiong said angrily, "What's wrong? Is Xing Ma talking to Quan Quan for a while?"

Nangong Yuting frowned slightly, Quan Jing elbowed him, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, Mom, don't think too much about it."

The girl's sweet and soft "Mom" made Ji Lingqiong feel happy.

Without waiting for the table, she took out the red envelope directly: "Quanquan, this is the red envelope my mother gave you, take it, don't think it's too little."

The red envelopes stuffed into the palm of the hand are bulging, and there are estimated to be tens of thousands of guarantees.

Quan Jing turned to look at Nangong Yuting, who was more calm than her: "Mom gave it to you, you take it."

Quan Jing said obediently: "Thank you, Mom."

(End of this chapter)

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