The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 1171 It's all his fault!

Chapter 1171 It's all his fault!

Had New Year's Eve dinner.

Nangong Yuting took Quan Jing out for a walk.

Looking at the backs of the two, Ji Lingqiong couldn't help sighing: "It's so nice." There is no doubt about the young couple's feelings, and now, she is waiting to hold her grandson!

Nangong Lingyun, who is 94 years old after the Chinese New Year, is quite healthy.

Hearing his wife's whispers, he couldn't help thinking in his heart, wondering if he could wait until the day his grandson was born...

Quan Jing is still young now, and now his career is on the rise again, even obtaining the certificate, both of them are doing it in secret.

Except for the parents of both parties, even the relatives at home did not know.

Nangong Yuting came back from shopping with Quan Jing, and the house was quiet.

Take Quan Jing to his room.

Nangong Yuting's room is in cool colors, very much like him.

Patting Quan Jing's little head from behind, Nangong Yuting said: "I'll take a shower first, you just be good, don't run around, huh?"

Quan Jing responded in a low voice: "Yes."

Nangong Yuting's room is very large, about [-] square meters.

After shopping around for a while, Quan Jing sat obediently on the sofa, took out the remote control, and turned on the TV.

She didn't know what to watch, so she put a station at random.

Of course, almost every station is showing the Spring Festival Gala.

After watching for some time, the bathroom door opened.

Quan Jing looked over.

Seeing Nangong Yuting wearing a bathrobe, her hair was still dripping.His bathrobe is loose, and the looming mermaid line comes into view.

Quan Jing subconsciously recognized and opened her eyes, her little face blushed.

Knowing that Nangong Yuting has a good figure, but seeing it with his own eyes, this is the first time ever!
Nangong Yuting, who was wiping her hair with a towel, caught a glimpse of this scene, and unconsciously raised the corners of her lips.

His girls are so cute.

After wiping his hair almost, he casually threw the towel aside, and walked towards Quan Jing.

As Nangong Yuting approached, Quan Jing tried hard to watch TV with his eyes open.

However, the aura on his body was too strong for her to ignore.

The soft call fell into my ears: "Quanquan."

Quan Jing responded subconsciously.

The man hooked his lips and smiled evilly.

Nangong Yuting put one hand on the back of the sofa, lifted a strand of Quan Jing's beautiful hair with the other hand, passed it to the tip of her nose and sniffed it: "My circle is shy, huh?"

Quan Jing slapped his hand off and glared at him.

Don't mention the small appearance is cute.

Nangong Yuting's eyes met hers gently.

In the room, the temperature continued to rise.

In the next second, Nangong Yuting bent over and picked Quan Jing up from the sofa as a princess.

He lowered his eyes, his eyes were full of affection: "It's late at night, it's time for us to rest."


The satisfied Nangong Yuting was always smiling in his sleep.

Wake up.

Looking at the girl in his arms, his eyebrows were gentle.

Without disturbing her, he got up very lightly.

After washing up, he went downstairs to have breakfast.

Seeing him alone, Ji Lingqiong couldn't help beating him: "Why are you alone? Where's the circle?"

Nangong Yuting took a sip of milk: "She was tired last night and was still sleeping."

As someone who has experienced it, Ji Lingqiong immediately understood what he meant.

Not only that, she also told the servant not to disturb.

Quan Jing slept until the afternoon...

When I woke up, it was already dinner time.

After scolding Nangong Yuting in his heart, Quan Jing endured his soreness, changed his clothes, washed up, and went downstairs.

Hearing the movement, Ji Lingqiong and the others who were sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV looked up.

Quan Jing's footsteps paused, and her little face flushed instantly.

She even suspected that they knew everything.

Involuntarily, she glared fiercely at Nangong Yuting at the side, it was all his fault!

(End of this chapter)

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