Chapter 122

"Sister..." Quan Rin called out in a low voice.

Hearing the sound, Quan Jing raised her head, her eyes were foggy.

Quan Rin was taken aback.

His sister is... crying?
How can it be!

Quan Rin quickly handed over the mango platter: "Sister, don't cry, I brought you a mango platter."

Quan Jing: "???"

when did she cry?How could she not know!
Quan Jing rubbed her eyes, her voice was sweet and soft, but now it was a little hoarse: "Leave it alone, I'll eat it later."

Seemingly recognizing the difference in her own voice, Quan Jing frowned subconsciously.

When Quan Rin heard that her voice had changed, her whole body trembled: "Sister, it's okay, it's a big deal that we won't write new songs..."

Quan Jing interrupted him: "No."

Sister Han took so much trouble to think about her, how could she hold her back?

After saying a few words, Quan Jing obviously felt that her nasal voice was a bit heavy.

She stretched out her hand to check the temperature of her forehead, stood up again, and touched Quan Rin's forehead.

Muttering in his mouth: "It's not burning either."

Quan Rin: "... Sis, I didn't talk nonsense!"

Quan Jing raised her eyebrows and glanced at him, her voice was muffled: "I know, I'm talking about myself."

Quan Rin: "???" How does he feel that his sister is so stupid today?
Responding belatedly, Quan Rin's eyes widened: "Sister, you have a fever!"

Just as Quan Jing was about to reply, a sense of dizziness suddenly hit her, and she fell directly behind her.

Quan Lin stepped forward to catch her in horror: "Sister!"

When Quan Jing woke up, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Seeing her eyes open, Wen Shuwan said with pity on her face: "You silly child, why don't you cherish your body so much?"

Quan Jing stood up with her arms propped up, and sat by the head of the bed: "Mum, I'm fine."

Wen Shuwan glared at her: "He said it's okay, Fat Yuan was scared by you before."

Just as he was talking, Quan Rin came in with white porridge.

Raising his eyes, he bumped into his sister's clear eyes.

His hand holding the plate almost trembled: "Sister, you're awake! You scared me to death just now, what do you think..."

Wen Shuwan served the porridge, and interrupted him: "Okay, let's not talk about this, circle around, come, drink the porridge."

Quan Jing took it obediently, not daring to say more.

Ever since she was a child, whenever she had a minor illness or disaster, Wen Shuwan would be extremely nervous.

However, every time Wen Shuwan has a reason to persuade her, leaving her speechless...

Since yesterday, her whole spirit has been in a state of high tension.

In addition, she stayed in the piano room all day today, blowing a lot of cold wind.

So, a little bit of a minor cold.

Fortunately, her physical fitness has always been good. After taking the medicine and sleeping tonight, she should be almost fine tomorrow morning.

Seeing that she had finished her porridge, Wen Shuwan told her to take a good rest and left.

Quan Rin stared at his sister's sleeping face for a while, then turned and walked towards the piano room.

the next day.

Quan Jing was really alive and well.

After coming back from a morning run and having breakfast, she was about to get up and go to the piano room when a piece of paper and an MP3 were handed to her.

Quan Jing blinked and took it blankly.

On the paper were the lyrics she was familiar with, no, not all of them, a section in the middle was changed...

When she looked up, she saw Quan Rin yawning, with a sleepy look on her face: "Sister, take the things, I'll catch up on sleep first."

Quan Jing knows Quan Lin well, so the thing in her hand...

After being stunned for a moment, Quan Jing suddenly came back to his senses.

The next second, she went upstairs, found the headphones in the drawer of the room, and listened to the music on the MP3...

(End of this chapter)

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