The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 123 You Will Be Hot!

Chapter 123 You Will Be Hot!

Music starts.

Quan Jing was surprised.

There are so many musical instruments in the piano room, as soon as she heard it, she knew that the opening key of this song was played by the cello.

The deep and deep voice is deep and melancholy, like an affectionate prince whispering to his lover.

In the whole piece of music, except for the timbre of the cello, there are no other noises.

However, just like this, all the emotions, twists and turns, even troughs and climaxes that should be expressed in the lyrics are perfectly displayed.

The accompaniment music in just three and a half minutes can resonate with her...

Quan Jing raised her head subconsciously, and glanced at Quan Rin's room on the second floor.

Suddenly, she smiled.

She held the MP3, and the corner of her mouth curved into a sweet arc.

This fat Lin, he is finally willing to touch music!
Quan Jing has always known that Quan Rin's musical talent is no worse than hers.

On the contrary, he is probably better than her in composing songs.

Quan Jing shook her head with a smile and went upstairs.

After a busy morning, she finally finished recording the final version of "The Long Road".

After lunch, after saying hello to Wen Shuwan, Quan Jing went to Tianyin with her things.

At the entrance of Tianyin Media.

Just as Quan Jing got out of the car, a black Maybach drove towards him.

She glanced back and looked away.

Lift your feet and walk towards the building.

When Xia Yuan saw her, she greeted her with a smile.

Quan Jing waved her hand at her, her voice was too sweet and soft: "Good afternoon, Xia Yuan."

Then, she took the elevator directly to the fifth floor.

She walked in a hurry, but she didn't see it. After she left, there were two figures approaching slowly...

Come to the artist agent's office.

Quan Jing knocked on the door.


Walking into the office, Quan Jing saw Han Dongqing busy with something with his head down.

She called out in a low voice, "Sister Han."

Hearing the voice, Han Dongqing looked up, only to realize that it was Quan Jing who had arrived.

She put down her work, got up, and came to her side: "Why are you here now? Are there any problems in creation?"

Quan Jing shook her head, took out the MP3 from her bag, and handed it to Han Dongqing: "The final version of the new song, just finished recording this morning."

Han Dongqing was surprised.

Without hesitation, she connected the MP3 to the computer and played the music.

The deep and deep sound of the piano, the sweet and gentle voice, the soul-stirring lyrics... every bit of it firmly grasped her heart.

Compared with the previous three songs, this song seems to have witnessed a transformation.

Until the end of the whole song, Han Dongqing was still immersed in the singing.

It was Quan Jing who called her, and she came back to her senses.

Han Dongqing patted Quan Jing's shoulder, and said firmly: "Quan Jing, you will be hot!"

Quan Jing smiled slightly, but did not respond.

She actually doesn't care that much about whether it's hot or not, she just... purely likes music.

Han Dongqing put away the MP3 and was about to post a new song preview on Weibo.

Just when she opened the Weibo page, she remembered that Quan Jing didn't have a Weibo yet.

While typing, she said, "By the way, Quan Jing, remember to register a new Weibo when you go back."

Quan Jing pursed her mouth and said softly, "Sister Han, can I not register?"

Han Dongqing gave an "um" and looked up at her.

Quan Jing spread his hands: "You know, I don't play with these very much."

Remembering that Quan Jing didn't even touch WeChat very much, asking her to register on Weibo, it would probably be a waste of time after a long time.

Thinking of that scene, Han Dongqing's mouth twitched.

She rubbed her temples, helplessly: "Okay."

Immediately, she lowered her head and sent out the Weibo that she had just edited.

Han Dongqing V: [#Quanjingxingelumanman#, see you at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning]

(End of this chapter)

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