The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 124 Age Is His Greatest Pain

Chapter 124 Age Is His Greatest Pain

Ever since Quan Jing made his debut, Feng Zhe has added Han Dongqing to his Weibo followers.

Still the kind of special attention!
No way, who asked his boss to order him to always pay attention to Quan Jing's news.

He couldn't find Quan Jing's Weibo, so he could only follow her manager.

Ding dong.

He only set special attention to have sound.

And his special concern... was only one.

Obviously, it was Han Dongqing who posted a new weibo.

Feng Zhe picked up the iPad, opened it and took a look.

new song?Quan Jing has only debuted for about ten days, so a new song is coming out?


"Feng Zhe."

Feng Zhe was shocked, straightened his chest, and put the iPad behind his back: "Boss."

Nangong Yuting frowned, her voice was extremely cold: "What are you looking at?"

Feng Zhe passed the iPad obediently, and explained: "Boss, didn't you ask me to pay attention to that person before, so I..."

Because Nalanyin was still there, Feng Zhe didn't say Quan Jing's name.

Unfortunately, Nalanyin is not stupid!
What's more, Nangong Yuting came to her Tianyin frequently recently, really thought she didn't know his reason for coming?

However, there was one thing she didn't understand.

How did this guy Nangong Yuting know her family?

There seems to be no intersection between them...

Nalanyin stared at him curiously, without any scruples.

Seeing this, Feng Zhe said, "..." Ms. Nalan is so courageous!

Sensing the gaze on her, Nangong Yuting's brows were stained with anger, and her deep and hoarse voice was somewhat warning: "Miss Nalan."

Nalanyin regained consciousness and changed to a comfortable sitting position.

After staring at him for a few more times, she suddenly said, "Feng Tezhu, I have some private matters to discuss with your boss, please go and wait outside, thank you."

Feng Zhe: "???" What's the situation?
Nangong Yuting stared at Nalanyin coldly, her thin lips were tightly pressed, and her voice became colder: "Nalanyin."

Nalanyin was not afraid at all, folded his arms around his chest, and said four words lightly: "About Quanjing."

She didn't believe it, but when it came to the net smash, he still didn't compromise!

Nangong Yuting said: "Feng Zhe, you go out first."

Feng Zhe was even more confused.

No, why did the boss agree!

With the door closed, only Nangong Yuting and Nalanyin were left in the office.

He said ruthlessly: "Speak."

Nalanyin tsk-tsk said: "Young Master Ting, you like to be smashed."

Nangong Yuting didn't speak.

Nalanyin ignored him and continued, "If I remember correctly, you are 12 years older than Jing Zao."

Nangong Yuting: "..." Age is his greatest pain.

After that, Nalanyin chattered a lot.

From the beginning to the end, Nangong Yuting didn't say a word.

Finally, Nalanyin released his big move: " will be smashed if you do this, you know?"

Nangong Yuting: "She doesn't need to know."

To be good to her is his own will.

Nalanyin was really surprised.

As Nangong Yuting, it's not good for him to like anyone, but he likes Quan Jing.

Not to mention the age difference between them, let's just talk about Quan Tianxiang's test, Nangong Yuting wants to get over it, it's hard!
Just thinking about that daughter, Nalanyin felt terrified for a while.

Nangong Yuting stood up with sharp eyes: "I hope you can keep this matter to yourself."

Nalanyin pretended to be stupid: "Which thing? You like to smash this thing?"

Nangong Yuting: "..." Why is this person so annoying.

Knowing that he was able to endure for so long because of Quan Jing, Nalanyin stopped teasing him: "Okay, I will help you keep it a secret. However, you still have a long way to go if you want to catch up with Jing Zai." Woolen cloth."

After all, Quan Jing is only now.

 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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