The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 128 Enjoying This Summer

Chapter 128 Enjoying This Summer
The opening dance is over.

"This program is run by... Welcome everyone to watch this episode of "Enjoy Music". I am the host Yang Bin." Yang Bin dictated a long section very quickly.

The audience in the audience applauded face-saving.

"Next, let's invite the judges' mentor Mu Yunchen, the king of film and television, Pei Lingfei, the queen of smoke, and Cai Jingyuan, the prince of love songs, to bring us "Enjoy This Summer"!"

As the names were called out, the audience screamed again and again.

Because it was the last recording of this season, the three instructors sang together for the first time.

Subwoofer, smoking voice, soulful singing voice...the three combined into one, singing the theme song with a different feeling.

The scene suddenly exploded!

After the trio finished their chorus, Yang Bin immediately stepped onto the stage: "I invite our three mentors to take their seats."

The three of Mu Yunchen returned to the judges' seat, and when they heard the call from the audience, they waved hello.

Yang Bin: "Have you heard enough?"

Audience: "No—"

Yang Bin: "Do you still want to continue listening?"

Audience: "Think!"

Yang Bin put away the microphone and showed a smile: "Okay, then, let's invite today's first contestant. He is a music wanderer from Taoyuan. He is 24 years old this year. He longs for a music dream. people heard his voice."

Gradually, the curtain was pulled open.

A boy in sportswear came out with a microphone.

He sang "Dream".

Just like his music dream, a heart of sincerity...

The whole song is unremarkable, but he has integrated his true feelings very well, as if letting people see his dream.

When the song ended, there was clapping applause from below.

Yang Bin came to the center of the stage: "Come on, let me introduce myself to everyone."

The boy held the microphone and smiled shyly: "Hi everyone, I'm Lu Yihai, from Taoyuan."

Lu Yihai didn't talk much, in fact, he was so nervous that he didn't know what to say.

It was the first time for him to stand on such a big stage, facing so many live audiences, even the group of people in front of the TV...

Yang Bin interacted with Lu Yihai for a few words, and well brought the topic to the judges' seat: "In the end, let's see what the judges decide about Lu Yihai's fate."

3, 2... 1!

Mu Yunchen has a red light, Pei Lingfei has a green light, and Cai Jingyuan has a green light.

There are three lights on the judging panel, the green light means pass, the yellow light means abstention, and the red light means no pass.

When a contestant comes to the stage, if two mentors give the green light, the contestant can continue to the next game, otherwise, they will miss the next game.

Fortunately, Lu Yihai saved his chance for the next match.

When he saw the result, Lu Yihai heaved a sigh of relief and bowed 90 degrees to thank: "Thank you three mentors."

Yang Bin patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Come on!"

Lu Yihai smiled at him, then waved his hand towards the auditorium below, and exited the stage.

Anyone who has watched "Enjoy Music" knows that in the first two games, the instructor only made decisions, not guidance.

Only in the third game will a little suggestion be made.

Now... it's just the beginning.

Yang Bin is very good at setting off the atmosphere: "Are you satisfied with the first appetizer?"

The audience shouted: "Satisfied!" Nonsense, if you are not satisfied, you must be satisfied!

However, Yang Bin whetted their appetite: "The next contestant, she debuted for ten years, with her sweet voice, has captured countless fans, she is..."

Having said that, Yang Bin pointed the microphone at the auditorium.

A unanimous voice sounded: "Qin Jing! Qin Jing! Qin Jing!"

There are many crystals holding Qin Jing's fan support cards underneath, and the shouts are getting louder and louder.

(End of this chapter)

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