Chapter 129 Angel
Qin Jing made her debut at the age of 17 and signed a contract with Xinghuang as soon as she debuted, and her resources after that were even softer.

Filming commercials, recording MVs, participating in variety shows, being invited to the opening song of award ceremonies, holding concerts...

It can be said that her journey has been smooth and smooth.

Ten years later, her voice is still as sweet as before.

The atmosphere in the audience seats was high, and Yang Bin did not forget to continue the cue process: "Next, let us enjoy Qin Jing's "Angel"."

you say i'm your angel
You say I am your light

be your eternal light
After singing the last line, Qin Jing bowed to the audience with a smile and thanked her.

Seeing this, the crystals said: "Ah, Jingjing is the best, and Crystal will always support you!"

How to say that Qin Jing is also a well-known second-tier singer, Yang Bin is not stingy with his praise: "It really is a sweet song, this song is so sweet, everyone thinks it?"

The audience in the audience: "Yes!"

Afterwards, Yang Bin led Qin Jing to the center of the stage: "Then, our sweet queen, let's say hello to everyone."

Qin Jing waved her arms and said sweetly, "Hello everyone, I'm Qin Jing. I'm very happy to sing this song to you. I love you."

At the end, she made a pen refill action in the air.

There was another scream from the audience.

After the interaction is over, the next step is for the instructor to make a decision.

This time, Cai Jingyuan praised aloud: "You sing very well." The green light passed.

Pei Lingfei didn't say anything, but just gave her a thumbs up and gave her a thumbs up.Green light, pass.

When it was Mu Yunchen's turn...

Yang Bin thought that he was also going to give the green light, and was about to congratulate Qin Jing, but saw Mu Yunchen's hand skipping the green light and slapping the red light.

Yang Bin: "..." It was so embarrassing, I almost said the wrong thing.

The audience in the audience were shocked when they saw Mu Yunchen's decision.

This... Is Mu Yingdi's request too high?

He is not satisfied with singing like this, he wants to go to heaven!
Chen Jinsong watched from behind the camera, the corners of his mouth twitching.

This guy is really... unselfish!
After all, Qin Jing has tens of millions of fans, so why can't he show some face?

Then, Chen Jinsong's voice came from the intercom next to Mu Yunchen's seat: "Yunchen, you..."

After saying a few words, Mu Yunchen directly turned off the walkie-talkie.

Chen Jinsong not far away: "???"

It took him a while to realize that the other party had switched off the intercom.

Shaking his head helplessly, motioned Yang Bin to continue.

On the stage, Yang Bin, who had received the order, coughed lightly, said with a smile, "Haha, this... the process was wonderful, but the ending was a bit unexpected. I still want to congratulate our Qin Jing here. Congratulations, you have successfully advanced to the next round. "

Qin Jing was not dissatisfied with the result at all. She bowed humbly to the judges' seat: "Thank you for your comments, I will continue to work hard."

When Qin Jing left the stage, Cai Jingyuan and Pei Lingfei subconsciously looked at Mu Yunchen.

The two said in unison: "What are you dissatisfied with?"

Mu Yunchen glanced at the two of them coldly, then looked away again, without speaking.

To others, the song "Angel" just now was really good, but to him, it was full of mistakes and omissions!

The connection between the main and sub-lyrics is not perfect, and the climax of the whole song is not well handled, which is the biggest failure of this song.

"This program consists of Cordyceps sinensis, Are you thirsty, and natural skin beauty... strong support for this program!" On stage, Yang Bin broadcast a large number of sponsor brands in time.

Only then did he continue to introduce: "Okay, the next contestant who is about to enter the stage, she has an angelic face and a devil's voice..."

(End of this chapter)

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