The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 130 Original Music Girl

Chapter 130 Original Music Girl
Every time Yang Bin said a word, the audience in the audience shouted in unison, but they were puzzled in their hearts.

Who is this talking about?

Is there such a person in the entertainment industry?
At the judges' table, Mu Yunchen narrowed his eyes.

"...Let's welcome, 18-year-old original music girl, Quan Jing!"

After speaking, Pei Lingfei and Cai Jingyuan on the judging panel looked at each other in dismay.

On the stage of "Enjoy Music", they have met many singers and composers.

However, this is the first time I have met the 18-year-old original music girl!
It is undeniable that to be able to come to this stage, the singing ability of each contestant is beyond doubt.

They also expect that this girl named Quan Jing can bring miracles to this stage...


The lights dimmed.

Gradually, the curtain opened.

In the center of the stage, there is a piano.

On the piano chair, sat a girl.

The girl is wearing a white chiffon dress and all-match white shoes.

A light hits where the girl is...

The only half of the profile that was exposed surprised everyone!
my heart is like a tide
you, dreams
Prosperous three thousand years as in the past

my original intention

Looking back on the fleeting years, not forgetting the original intention

I'm still in place

A piano piece "Initial Heart", the melodious sound of the piano, started with a brisk rhythm, but ended in a heavy way, which made people worry.

Different from Qin Jing's sweetness, Quan Jing's voice has a hint of ethereal stubbornness, sweet and soft, yet tenacious.Listen carefully, there is also the vibrato after empathy!

I got goosebumps all over my body when I heard it.

In the audience seats, some people even couldn't help crying.

Some people also had a look of bewilderment and confusion on their faces.

What is their original intention?

Not far away, Chen Jinsong, who came back to his senses, patted the table, thinking carefully: "What a song "First Heart"!" It actually reminded him of the days when he first started his career as a director.

This Quan Jing, this girl, she... the younger generation is terrifying!

Quan Jing habitually closed the piano cover, stood up gracefully, and walked slowly towards Yang Bin.

It was just far away, and Yang Bin vaguely guessed that this girl is very beautiful and immortal.

When she gets closer...

Yang Bin: "!!!" Where did this little fairy come from?

She is so stunning, I am afraid that in the entertainment industry, there is no one who can match her!

On the big screen, Quan Jing's every move was noble like a princess.

The generous and decent smile, the curved eyebrows, and the shallow dimples.

When she smiled, it was like a cupid's arrow that shot into their hearts.

Everyone was so immersed in Quan Jing's beauty that they forgot their words...

Backstage, Ye Bai looked at the reactions of everyone on and off the stage, and showed a satisfied smile.

I have to say, Quan Jing's skin is really good!

He didn't do much makeup for her, so he put on powder.

Alas, what a hero is useless.

Sad, deplorable.

Withdrawing his gaze, he glanced at the assistant beside him: "Let's go."

On the stage, Yang Bin was stunned for about a minute, and finally came back to his senses.

Standing beside Quan Jing, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Reluctantly, he handed over a microphone: "Quan Jing?"

Quan Jing smiled slightly and turned to look at him sideways.

Those eyes seemed to be filled with thousands of stars.

After a while, just listen, "Brother Yang."

The soft and cute female voice not only reached Yang Bin's ears, but also fell into the ears of everyone present.

The voice control audience screamed inwardly.

So soft, so cute, so sweet!
Say "Brother Yang".

Yang Bin blushed.

His serious cue flow: "Ahem, Quan Jing, let me introduce myself to everyone."

Quan Jing looked at the audience obediently, with a sweeter smile: "Hi everyone, I am Quan Jing. This is the first time we meet, please take care of me."

 Aww, Qiao Qiao said that she was also attracted by Wuli's circle of beauty, please ask for a wave of votes!
(End of this chapter)

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