Chapter 133

Shen Xiyao is 28 years old this year.

He debuted for four years, and had been a trainee for three years before that.

When I was a trainee, the company didn't allow me to go home, but later I had too much work and no time...

After all, he has not been back to his hometown for seven years.

It's not surprising that he sang this song with great care and moved people.

Yang Bin sighed, and joked: "This song reminds me of my old mother at home. I don't care, the recording is over today, and I have to go home for everything I say."

An audience member answered: "Brother Yang, remember to take Aunt Yang with you, or you will have to kneel on the washboard when you get home."

In an instant, everyone burst into laughter.

Cai Jingyuan, who was on the judging panel, said at the right time: "Hey, Yang Bin is still afraid of his wife?"

Yang Bin's mouth twitched.

Can you still record the show well?

Thus, the sad atmosphere was dispelled by a sentence or two.

Chen Jinsong, watching all this in front of the camera, nodded secretly.

That's it!
After chatting for a while, Yang Bin immediately asked Qin Jing to come out second.

It's a pity that changing the soup does not change the medicine...

Her fans may be able to accept it, but for the judges, the whole song is not too shocking.

In other words, her song is still quite satisfactory.

This round, Qin Jing only got one vote.

Seeing the result, Qin Jing didn't say anything, and her fans didn't follow her.

"Our Jingjing sings so well, why is there only one vote?"

"Did the judges do it on purpose? Jingjing is recognized as a sweet queen!"

"What, I think this is all arranged in advance by the program team, in order to praise someone."

"That's right, it's not fair!"


There was a lot of discussion, and it was so noisy.

At the judges' table, Mu Yunchen's expression immediately darkened.

Pei Lingfei and Cai Jingyuan's expressions were also very ugly.

They actually said they did it on purpose!What good does it do them?
Mu Yunchen looked at the auditorium with cold eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Oh, fair?

As for the song "Crystal" that Qin Jing sang just now, the lyrics are plain and ordinary, and the singing is even more devoid of emotion.

To him, it was all perfunctory.

As for the so-called sweet queen...

He could only say that the person who gave her this title was deaf.

No wonder the music scene has been going downhill in recent years.

With such a singer, it's no wonder he doesn't fall!

Seeing that the scene was going to be out of control, Lonely suddenly said "Shut up, it's too noisy", those fans shut their mouths without daring to speak out.

Don't look at the ruffian brother who is usually very talkative, but his temper is also very violent.

Once you provoke him, no matter who you are, he will definitely make you feel ashamed.

Yang Bin was grateful for the lonely voice, and said at the right time: "No matter what the result is, I believe that Qin Jing is still the goddess in the hearts of the crystals, right?"

From the audience seats, sparse voices sounded: "Yes——"

On the stage, Qin Jing held the microphone tightly, but thanked the three judges and the audience with a smile: "Unfortunately, I did not advance to this round... I will continue to work hard and strive to write better song. Here, I would like to thank the crystals who came to support me today, thank you.”

Crackling applause continued.

Yang Bin even said a lot of words of praise for Qin Jing, and managed to appease the fans who came specially for Qin Jing.

Originally, there were some loners who liked Qin Jing, but this time, she decided to take off her fans.

He likes stars who can lead by example and are full of positive energy.

Obviously, Qin Jing is not in this category.

(End of this chapter)

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