The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 134 Miss Sister is So Cool!

Chapter 134 Miss Sister is So Cool!
After watching Qin Jing leave, Yang Bin broke into a cold sweat and continued with the program: "Who is the next person to appear? She is our little fairy... Quan Jing, welcome Quan Jing to bring us "Growth"."

Yang Bin stepped aside.


The dry ice on the stage creates a hazy dreamlike phenomenon.

Suddenly, there was the sound of drumming in my ears.

thump -- thump -- thump --

on the jury.

The three of Mu Yunchen looked at each other in blank dismay.

No one knows what the hell Quan Jing is doing.

In the audience, the audience also looked puzzled.

In the next second, the sound of the waist drum was like ten thousand horses galloping past, and it was like a violent storm, crashing down, the sound was deafening.

The program group also invited a professional drummer?

Everyone thought so.

Gradually, the dry ice dissipated, and the scene of the stage fell into everyone's eyes.

Everyone was shocked to find that Quan Jing was sitting on a bulging stool.

Holding the drum stick, she beat the bass drum, snare drum, and tom with ease, and her feet kept moving.

Looking at this scene, I don't know who suddenly said: "Wow, Miss Sister is so cool!"

Indeed, Quan Jing was beating the drums on the stage, with a cool smile on the corner of his mouth, full of confidence.

There are many people who can play the piano, and there are also many people who can play the violin and cello, but to be honest, there are not many people who can play drums in the domestic music scene!

Not to mention, Quan Jing is still a girl, she is only 18 years old!
Before everyone was surprised, Quan Jing opened his voice.

The low voice, combined with the drum set, rang in my ears like thunder.

under the blue sky

bathed in sunshine
share with others
On the road of growth, all the pains and joys


When I grow up

Just discovered

On the road of growth, I am no longer confused

The singing voice ranges from soothing to high-pitched, and the lyrics express the hardships of growing up, as well as the joys and troubles of growing up, but more importantly, happiness and satisfaction.

After singing the whole song, Quan Jing was hearty, but also very tired.

It's been a long time since I played the drums like this. After a song ended, she felt that both hands were almost not hers anymore!

Now that she is not at home, she is still recording the show, Quan Jing calmed down a little, then stood up and walked to Yang Bin.

When she got closer, Yang Bin realized that the child's face was covered with sweat.

He thoughtfully took out a tissue and handed it to Quan Jing, and his words were a little distressed: "Is it tiring to play the drums alone?"

Quan Jing whispered "Thank you", wiped the sweat off his face, then shook his head with a smile: "No, I'm very happy."

As Quan Jing wiped his sweat, the sharp-eyed audience noticed that Quan Jing's bare face was also very resistant.

Unlike some female stars, who take off their makeup and die at the sight of light!
At the judges' table, Mu Yunchen noticed that Quan Jing's hand holding the tissue was trembling, and he couldn't help feeling worried.

Noticing Mu Yunchen's gaze, Quan Jing blinked and revealed a sweet smile.

Looking at Quan Jing's smiling face on the big screen, some viewers covered their hearts and shouted: "Wow~ how can a little fairy be so beautiful, my little heart can't bear it!"

Hearing the movement in the audience seats, Quan Jing was a little dazed.

However, her every move looks so beautiful.

Yang Bin also couldn't help teasing her: "Did the little fairy grow up eating cute?"

In other words, how can you be so cute?

Quan Jing tilted her head and replied playfully, "I grew up eating mangoes."

Others: "???" What does it have to do with mangoes?
Mu Yunchen: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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