The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 144 You Under the Starry Sky

Chapter 144 You Under the Starry Sky

Maybe it's because Kong Xiao is too annoying, or maybe it's because of Nangong Yuting's kindness?

At the end of the call, Kong Xiao finally got a definite message.

That is: JY-御, will release a new work at the end of the month!
He also asked about the name of the new work, which is called "You Under the Starry Sky".

call ended.

Nangong Yuting instructed Feng Zhe: "Tell Qiao Shuai, "Where Can't Me Meet You", no matter the protagonist or supporting role, please choose the most suitable candidate for me. And those scenes, costumes, and props, all for me to do." As good as it gets, restore the plot... Remember, money is not an issue."

Feng Zhe was shocked.

It was the first time he had seen the boss say so many words.

But... is the boss planning to make his own comics at his own expense?

Really rich and willful!
Like Feng Zhe, Qiao Shuai also had a look of astonishment when he received the call.

He asked again and again: "Young Master Ting really said that?"

Feng Zhe smiled wryly: "Yes, the boss attaches great importance to this TV series based on comics..."

It is inconvenient for Feng Zhe to tell more inside information.

But, what he told Qiao Shuai was enough.

this afternoon.

A topic has quietly become a trending search...

Tracing back to the source, it was a message from a newly registered official account.

TV series where I don't meet you: [#何地不集你#The radiance shines brightly, only you! @JY 时代, original #JY-御#]

An hour later, Weibo completely exploded!
Hot Search List [-]: #JY-御#New

Hot Search List [-]: #JY-御何哪里不见你#Hot

Hot search list three: #电视剧哪里不见你#Hot

Below, everyone is commenting, and they don't want to destroy the original work!
Some even appealed online to JY Times to respect the decision of fans of the original work when casting.

After graduation, An Yimo found a coffee shop near her home and worked part-time as a waiter.

In her spare time, she browses Weibo and reads comics.

this day.

When she was free, she read the manga first as usual.

After she finished reading, she clicked on Weibo again.

Seeing this, she couldn't help being stunned.

Especially... When she saw the hot search list, her eyes widened!
Is Mrs. Yu's comics going to be made into a TV series?

An Yimo clicked on the topic and saw a lot of comments.

Like other fans, she hopes that this comic can be put on the screen or even the big screen, but she is afraid of being ruined by the shooting.

After all, what is drawn and what is photographed are completely different feelings...

An Yimo, heartbroken and uncomfortable, clicked on WeChat and sent a series of messages to Quan Jing.

At that time, Quan Jing was recording a personal interview on Yuzu Channel.

10 minute later.

Recording ends.

The host smiled and offered to exchange WeChat, but Quan Jing refused because she didn't play much.

Looking at that small face, the host was really embarrassed to force it.

Quan Jing smiled, waved to the host, and left first.

Han Dongqing had something to do today, so she didn't come with her.

After leaving the Yuzutai headquarters with his bag on his back, and getting into a taxi, Quan Jing took out his phone and took a look.

Seeing that An Yimo sent her a bunch of messages, Quan Jing couldn't help being stunned.

After knowing what happened, Quan Jing typed a few words and replied.

The other party must have been waiting, and just as soon as Quan Jing's message was sent, a voice call came over.

Quan Jing blinked and answered: "Hello, Momo?"

An Yimo was a little excited: "Jingzi! Do you know who the director of "Where I Can't Meet You" is? It's Su Ziyu! Ahhh, I'm going crazy!"

Quan Jing looked bewildered: "Who is Su Ziyu?"

An Yimo was extremely excited: "..." She is Da Su, but Jing Zi doesn't know her? !
 The 27th of the circle will be charged on the shelves this Friday, thank you for your support during this time~
(End of this chapter)

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