The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 145 The True Warrior

Chapter 145 The True Warrior

Quan Jing rubbed his nose, pressed the hands-free button, and clicked on his mobile phone to search "Su Ziyu" on Baidu.

In an instant, Su Ziyu's personal information popped up on the phone.

Su Ziyu, 36 years old, a native of Nanshi, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama.His personal style is strong, and he has given the correct three views several times in the play, exposing the ugly side of reality!His debut work "The Blind Girl" was named the first among the "Top Ten TV Dramas of the Year", and his subsequent works "The End of the Hero" and "Three Kingdoms" have won countless domestic awards, and the scenery is infinite...

It was also because his journey was too smooth. When he was 32 years old, a car accident happened unexpectedly!
Everyone in the director circle thought that Su Ziyu would be devastated, but they didn't expect that the "Five Emperors", "Qin Huang" and so on after he resumed work are more classics than the other ones!
However, after "The Great War Is Coming", Su Ziyu switched careers to filming...

After two years, Su Ziyu made another TV series, which naturally set off a wave!
It is said that as soon as the news got out, people in the entertainment industry would be blown away without anyone else mentioning it!

Although Su Ziyu is only 36 years old, who would dare to underestimate his resume?
After watching all of this, Quan Jing was instantly in awe.

"Jingzi? Jingzi! I'm talking to you, did you hear me?" An Yimo's helpless voice penetrated into Quan Jing's ear.

She first turned off the speakerphone, and then replied with an apologetic face: "I'm sorry, Momo, I just went to popularize."

When An Yimo heard this, she was no longer depressed: "How is it? I, Director Su, are not very good!"

Quan Jing smiled lightly: "Excellent."

She wasn't being perfunctory, she really thought Su Ziyu was amazing.

A true warrior will not be knocked down by difficulties.

But he, in the face of adversity... survived a desperate situation, even better than before!

JY era.

Qiao Shuai persuaded earnestly: "Young Master Ye, it's...not that I won't give you this role, but..."

Xia Houye interrupted him eagerly, with a puzzled face: "Why? I really like the role of Nan Fei! Why don't you let me play? Who is the chief director of this show? You let him come out, and I will talk to him. "

Nan Fei is the heroine of "Where I Can't Meet You", a big boy with a cold outside and a warm heart.

When Xia Houye swiped his phone before, an advertisement popped up unintentionally, and he fell into the trap just by doing it casually!

Hearing that JY Times was going to start filming "Where I Can't Meet You", Xia Houye immediately approached Qiao Shuai and pointed out the role of Nan Fei.

However, Qiao Shuai refused to agree to it!
Xia Houye instantly felt wronged.

It's fine if he can't meet the great master, but he finally found out that this comic is going to be made into a TV series, but he can't play the male lead he likes...

Heart hurts.

The corner of Qiao Shuai's mouth twitched and he opened his mouth, but he still didn't say anything in the end.


The elevator door opened.

A figure came out.

Xia Houye subconsciously glanced at the elevator.

In the next second, his eyes widened: "Su Susu...Brother Ziyu! When did you come back?"

Su Ziyu glanced at him and smiled lightly: "Yesterday."

Qiao Shuai left Xia Houye aside, stepped forward and held out his hand: "Director Su, long time no see."

Su Ziyu shook his hand, narrowed his lychee eyes slightly, and smiled provocatively.

Xia Houye looked at Qiao Shuai, then at Su Ziyu, his eyes widened.

He pointed at Su Ziyu, full of astonishment: "Brother Ziyu, don't tell me, you are..." At this point, Xia Houye swallowed reflexively.

Emma, ​​why is it Brother Ziyu?
Su Ziyu tilted his head, squinted and smiled.

That meaning is self-evident...

(End of this chapter)

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