Chapter 146

in the office.

Xia Houye sat on the sofa sullenly, playing with his mobile phone.

If someone else, he might be able to handle it, but Su Ziyu...

Just as he was depressed, a shadow above his head blocked him.

He looked up and saw Su Ziyu's iconic smile: "Ah Ye, let's have a cup of coffee together?"

Xia Houye stood up: "Okay."

first floor.

Zero Coffee.

Xia Houye stirred the coffee in front of him, hesitant to speak.

Su Ziyu is six years older than him.

When he was still babbling, Su Ziyu was already in elementary school.

Su Ziyu has a gentle personality, patience, and intelligence. All the adults and children in the yard like him.

Since childhood, this group of children liked to follow Su Ziyu.

Later...the Su family moved out of the big house, and their interactions gradually decreased.

Later, when they learned that Su Ziyu was in a car accident, the brothers went to the hospital to visit him.

At that time, he told them patiently as he did in the mansion that he was fine and would pass.

Sometimes, Xia Houye even wondered, if their family hadn't moved out of the mansion back then, and Su Ziyu hadn't entered the entertainment industry as a director, would things have been different?

But in this world, there are so many ifs.

Thinking of this, Xia Houye couldn't help sighing.

Su Ziyu raised his eyes and glanced at him: "What's the matter? Did you encounter any troubles at work?"

Xia Houye shook his head, struggled for a long time, and finally asked his doubts: "Brother Ziyu, back then...why did you move away?"

Xia Houye has been unable to figure out this matter.

Su Ziyu paused the hand holding the spoon, and replied indifferently: "It's nothing, you know, I was preparing to study abroad at that time."

Xia Houye: "But this doesn't conflict with you living in a mansion?"

Su Ziyu didn't want to talk about this, so he changed the subject and said, "I heard from Qiao Shuai that you want to play the role of Nan Fei?"

Xia Houye frowned: "Brother Ziyu..."

However, Su Ziyu continued as if he didn't hear it, "The role of Nan Fei is not suitable for you, I can find another role for you..."

After all, it's been so long since I haven't seen each other.

The two sat in the coffee shop for a while, Xia Houye said that his agent had something to do with him, so he took a step ahead.

Looking at his back, Su Ziyu was stunned.

After a while, he got up and left.

Star Culture.

There was a knock on the door of the general manager's office.


Qi Feibai raised his head and saw Tang Rushi in a bright red dress walking towards him.

For a while, Qi Feibai had a headache.

What the hell is this woman trying to do?
In the next second, he changed his face and said with a smile, "If so, why are you here?"

Tang Rushi coquettishly said, "Young Master Qi, I read on the Internet that Director Su is going to make a TV series, so I think..."

Who knows, when she heard Su Ziyu mentioned, Qi Feibai's expression changed suddenly: "Who did you just talk about?"

Tang Ru didn't understand, so he said, "Su Zi Yu Su Dao..."

Although Qi Feibai likes to play, he won't touch some things that touch the bottom line.

It's like...the people who came out of the mansion.

His face darkened: "I don't care what you want to do, just one thing, don't provoke Su Ziyu."

Tang Ru opened his mouth and was about to say something, but he heard: "Go out."

Relying on being the "only favorite", Tang Ru called "Young Master Qi" sweetly.

Who knows, Qi Feibai's tone became even colder: "I told you to go out, didn't you hear me?"

 It will be on the shelves tomorrow, I hope those who have the ability can give a full order!The first order is very important to Qiao Qiao, begging for a wave of subscription~
(End of this chapter)

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