The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 148 1 Everything is life

Chapter 148 Everything is Fate
the other side.

Su Ziyu went to the Central Hospital alone.

He arrived at the intensive care unit with ease.

Through the window, looking at the person lying quietly on the hospital bed inside, Su Ziyu's face was serious.

After standing there for 10 minutes, he turned and walked towards the doctor's office.

A passing nurse greeted him, "Mr. Su is here."

"Mr. Su came to see Auntie again?"

"Mr. Su..."

Everyone, he returned a polite smile.

He can't impose his pain on others, that would be unfair to others.

What's more, these medical staff don't owe him anything.

Everything is fate.

Over the years, he traveled all over the country, made TV and movies, and kept saving money, just to cure his mother's illness.

However, even with so much money, it is still impossible to save a life.

He can only do his best to let his mother live a little longer, a little longer...

"Zi Yu?" A middle-aged male voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Su Ziyu turned his head and saw Zhao Yang, his mother's attending physician.

He smiled gently: "Uncle Zhao."

Zhao Yang stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder, and smiled brightly: "It's really you, Ziyu, I thought I was wrong. When did you come back?"

Su Ziyu: "Yesterday."

Like the younger generation talking with the younger generation, the two chatted a lot.

In the end, Su Ziyu still asked the question he wanted to know the most: "Uncle Zhao, how long will my mother..."

Zhao Yang stretched out a finger.

Su Ziyu looked serious: "One year?"

Zhao Yang shook his head.

Su Ziyu frowned fiercely: "One month?"

Zhao Yang sighed: "One week."

Over the years, the hospital has done everything it can, but it still cannot transfer people from the intensive care unit to the ward.

Unless the medical genius Bei Jinchuan takes action, otherwise... Once the oxygen cylinder is pulled out, Su Ziyu's mother may not survive tomorrow night.

Su Ziyu couldn't accept it: "Is there no other way? I have money, and I can buy the best medicine... I just hope that my mother can live longer..." He only has his mother now...

Su Ziyu, who was rumored to be so powerful, was just a poor man at the moment.

Su Ziyu leaned back against the wall, covered his face with his hands, trembling all over.

He is afraid.

Yes, if his mother left, he would really be left alone.

At that time, his world will be dark.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang for a while.

Su Ziyu took out his mobile phone and answered in a hoarse voice: "Hello?"

The person on the other end of the phone was taken aback for a moment, and said flatteringly, "Ziyu, Dad heard that you were back, so he asked someone..."

Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Su Ziyu sneered: "Dad? Heh, when you did that kind of thing back then, why didn't you think you were my dad?"

Su Wentao was speechless for a long time.

It's easy to talk about other things, but this is the only thing that he did wrong, and he can't refute it.

"Zi Yu..."

Of course, he just called, and Su Ziyu hung up the phone.

Zhao Yang didn't know anything about Su Ziyu's relationship with his father, thinking that Su's mother might not be able to survive, he subconsciously said: "Ziyu, while there is still time, let the rest of the family come and have a look."

Su Ziyu pursed his lips and said nothing.

In his opinion, he didn't want Su Wentao to come over.

However, Su Ziyu's eyes turned red when he thought that his mother was still talking about this heartless man before he was hospitalized.

After struggling again and again, Su Ziyu still sent a text message to Su Wentao.

(End of this chapter)

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