The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 149 Panda Head

Chapter 149 Panda Head

"Youth with You, No Regrets" crew.

Fei Xiang couldn't help being amazed when he saw that Su Ziyu was going to make a TV series everywhere on the Internet.

He observed that almost half of the people in the entertainment industry were queuing up for Su Ziyu Haixuan.

Regardless of the fame of the comic "Where I Met You", let alone Su Ziyu's name, who wouldn't want a piece of the pie?

Fei Xiang rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

When Mu Yunchen came back from filming a scene, he saw Fei Xiang standing there in a daze.

He picked up the small fan and fanned himself, drank some water, and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Fei Xiang came back to his senses, and patted himself on the head: "Yun Chen, let's ask Director Su for a role."

He thought, with Mu Yunchen's worth, Su Ziyu shouldn't refuse?

Mu Yunchen: "...not going."

The refusal without thinking was like pouring cold water on Fei Xiang.

He didn't understand: "Why?"

Mu Yunchen rolled his eyes meanly at him: "If you don't go, you don't go, why are there so many?"

Fei Xiang: "..." Okay, okay, you are awesome, you are a boss, so what do you say!

Looking up, I saw Mu Yunchen ordering Xiaoyu in a calm tone.

In an instant, Fei Xiang was so aggrieved.

He is an imposing manager, but he is not as good as a little assistant?

He sat angrily on a chair beside him, and continued to browse Weibo.

With this swipe, Fei Xiang noticed a new post just posted on Changxiang Music's official blog.

Enjoy Music V: [Tomorrow night at [-] o'clock, the mysterious celebrity will make his debut in variety shows, so stay tuned...Attachment: Program trailer video]

Fei Xiang watched the video from beginning to end, only to find that Mu Yunchen's face was stamped with a panda head in the later stage.

However, would Chen Jinsong underestimate the IQ of this group of fans?


After flipping through a few pages of comments, everyone was asking, is the person who hit the panda on the head Mu Yingdi?
However, the official blog acted as if he hadn't seen it, and ran away after posting the preview...

You know, when Quan Jing released a new song before, Mu Yunchen posted on the official blog.

If fans really want to check, there is no trace.

Thinking that it was Mu Yunchen's first time recording a variety show, Fei Xiang reminded him: "Yun Chen, the variety show you recorded before will be aired tomorrow night."

Mu Yunchen raised his eyes: "Huh? Tomorrow night?"

After thinking about it, yes, the No.11 episode has been recorded long ago, and it's time to broadcast it.

However, he is looking forward to the last issue...

Having had enough rest, Mu Yunchen went directly to find Wei Dongxu.

When he passed by, Wei Dongxu was on the phone with someone.

The rough voice penetrated into Mu Yunchen's ears from a long distance away: "...Old Zhao, I didn't say you, do you lack that little money? What you lack is courage like me."

Mu Yunchen: "..."

Suddenly seeing Mu Yunchen standing beside him, Wei Dongxu dismissed Zhao Xingang in a few words, and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Wei Dongxu said awkwardly: "Yun Chen, you are..."

A lukewarm voice fell into Wei Dongxu's ears: "Director Wei, they're still waiting for you to shout Ka."

Without doubting him, Wei Dongxu picked up the horn and yelled: "Ka——"

Everyone who is filming: "???" Director, we haven't finished yet...

The assistant next to Wei Dongxu glanced at Mu Yunchen, covered his mouth and snickered in a place where no one could see.

Wei Dongxu, who came to his senses belatedly, said, "..." He seemed to be calling it wrong?
Turning around, he stared at Mu Yunchen.

The other party looked innocent: "Oh, I'm sorry Director Wei, I read it wrong."

Wei Dongxu: "..."


other people:"……"

 The first three chapters will be released, and I am still reworking the following chapters~ Please subscribe!
(End of this chapter)

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