The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 152 LM Pure Water

Chapter 152 LM Pure Water

Quan Jing raised her eyes, she glanced at Quan Rin with her clear eyes, and said nothing.

Quan Rin was taken aback.

Subconsciously put the phone on the piano, grasped his ears with both hands and confessed: "Sister! I didn't mean to disturb you!"

The phone continued to ring, Quan Jing had no choice but to interrupt the rhythm and pick up the phone to answer.

On the other end of the phone, Han Dongqing briefly talked about the three endorsements.

She didn't even say anything specifically, Quan Jing said directly: "Sister Han, you can decide these small matters, I'm fine."

Han Dongqing: "???" Quan Jing, a silly child, does she know what she just said?
Fortunately, Han Dongqing is well-informed, and quickly reacted: "OK, then I will show you the arrangement, and you wait for my follow-up notice."

Quan Jing: "Okay."

hang up the phone.

Looking up, I saw Quan Rin standing there pitifully.

Quan Jing burst out laughing.

After dinner, come back from a walk.

Only then did Quan Jing notice that Han Dongqing had sent her a document.

She clicked in and saw that it was a commercial shooting process called LM Pure Water.

If she decides to shoot, on the 18th, she has to go to Lanmeng headquarters to sign the advertising contract...

While watching, a head leaned over: "Sister, what are you looking at?"

Quan Jing didn't hide it from him, and said while watching, "Look at the shooting process."

Quan Rin glanced down, and pointed at the phone screen: "Hey, L... Lan Meng's pure water? Sister, you want to speak for his pure water? His pure water is quite delicious."

Quan Jing tilted her head to look at him: "Have you ever drank?"

The water the Quan family drinks is airlifted from Finland, sweet and pure, even better than the pure water sold outside!
In addition, Quan Jing likes to drink mango juice, but I have never drank Lan Meng's pure water...

Quan Rin scratched his head, and laughed: "Well, Chu Mo gave me a taste before."

That guy bragged to him shamelessly all day long, saying how delicious the water from Lan Meng's house was, and he only took a sip of it!

To be honest, it is far worse than the water at home.

Quan Jing glanced at the price. A bottle of water less than 500ml, the cheapest one costs 20 yuan.

She blinked, quit WeChat, clicked on Baidu, and searched for "Lanmeng pure water".

In an instant, countless pages popped up.

After getting a good understanding, she replied "OK" to Han Dongqing.


Quan Jing looked up, and saw Quan Rin holding the phone to her.

Seeing her looking over, Quan Rin hastily hid the phone behind his back and smirked.

Can't let his sister delete the photo.

He still has to show off to Zhumo!
Fortunately, Quan Jing didn't say anything.

Sitting on the sofa beside him, Quan Rin found out the photo he just took...

On the sofa, the girl looked down at the phone, only the back of her head was exposed.

On the screen of the mobile phone, the words "LM pure water" can still be seen vaguely.

It's really not Quan Rin's blow, just his sister's face, casually patted, it's all beautiful!
It seems that a certain sister-in-law hasn't noticed that he just took the photo standing behind Quan Jing, and Quan Jing in the photo didn't even show a profile...

He was in a good mood to blur the background, and the editor sent it to Nangong Mo.

[Stupid silence, look! 】

Lingyun Group.

Nangong Mo's cell phone rang when he was waiting to get off work.

He looked up, seeing that Nangong Yuting didn't notice him, he quickly turned his phone to silent before looking down at the news.

Nangong Mo who saw the news: "???" This fat man, what did he tell him to watch?
Just as I was about to send a message against him, a picture was sent over...

(End of this chapter)

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