The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 153 Is there any more love!

Chapter 153 Is there any more love!

Nangong silently clicked on the picture.

The first thing I noticed were the words on the phone screen!
L, M, pure, net, water?

Nangongmo clicked on the original picture.

However, in the broken place he is staying in now, the internet speed is terrible.

He waited for a full minute before downloading the original picture.

Nangong Mo clicked on the picture and zoomed in.

Damn it, it's really LM pure water!
Nangong silently buried his head, typed a word, and replied.

[Fatty man, tell me the truth! 】

However, the internet speed is really bad!

He and Quan Rin are not on the same channel at all.

It was almost because his message had just been sent, and there was a series of extra messages here for no reason, all of which hadn't been refreshed just now.

Nangong Mo glanced at the time, 17:24.

In 6 minutes, he will be liberated!

He put away his mobile phone and touched the probe quietly.

Outside the glass, his uncle lowered his head to deal with the documents with a stern expression on his face.

He walked cats, squatted down, and slowly moved towards the door...

dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the door.

Nangong stood up reflexively.

"Aw—" Nangongmo covered his head and cried out.

Nangong Yuting looked over with a cold face, Mo Tong narrowed his eyes.

Being discovered, Nangong Mo simply opened the door and walked out.

It's almost time for get off work anyway.

He just sat on the sofa when Feng Zhe opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Nangong Mo, Feng Zhe nodded to him, and then stepped forward to report: "Boss, this is the advertisement endorsement that Ms. Quan Jing just accepted."

As he spoke, he handed over the iPad.

Nangong Yuting took a glance, then looked away.

When Feng Zhe mentioned Quan Jing, Nan Gongmo couldn't help asking, "Miss Quan Jing? What kind of commercial endorsement did she accept?"

Feng Zhe didn't hide it, and replied with a smile: "LM pure water."

Nangong Mo: "!!!"

The next second, he took out his phone and re-read the message Quan Rin sent him.

So, Quan Lin, this fat man, is he here to show off to him?
Nangong Mo subconsciously spit out the word "reliable".

Feng Zhe: "..."

Nangong Yuting called out coldly, "Amo."

Nangong Mo froze.

He came to the desk in a fawning manner, and handed the photo that Quan Rin had sent to his uncle to see: "Uncle, it's all about Quan Rin, he sent me a picture, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Nangong Yuting reached for his mobile phone.

The girl in the photo is wearing an orange T-shirt with a simple bun, holding a mobile phone and looking down at something.

The person who took the picture was obviously taking it from behind her, and the girl's face was not shown.

Nangong Yuting silently sent the photo to his WeChat, and then deleted Nangongmo's record here.

When Nangong Mo took back his phone, he saw a blank chat window: "..." Hey, uncle, do you want to do this!

Ignoring him, Nangong Yuting directly told Feng Zhe: "Say hello to Lanmeng's headquarters later."

Feng Zhe responded, "Yes, boss."

As soon as 05:30 arrives, Nangongmo is ready to run away!
However, just a second before he was about to step out of the office door, Nangong Yuting stopped him: "Amo, come with me tonight to meet someone."

Nangong turned around bitterly: "Uncle, can I not go..."

Nangong Yuting brutally refused: "I can't."

Feng Zhe, who was watching from the side, couldn't help laughing.

Thus, Nangong Mo, who had nothing to love in life, began to harass Quan Rin frantically.

Three minutes later, the other party sent him an emoticon package.

【Mom's retarded gif】

Nangong Mo: "..." Is there any love left!
(End of this chapter)

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